Wednesday, December 10, 2008

"Best Baseball Team in the History of All Baseball Teams?!"

So some one at work's husband is a big Yankees fan.
She told me he is all excited that they signed someone. Normally I would just tell her how terrible the Yankkes are and they are evil. Instead I simply said, ask him who the world champs are.

Kind of like Jays post on the crew blog last month. I find myself still a fan, but not really caring.

Of course everyone knows I am:
Sixers (could care less)

So, at least I still have the anticpation of my #1 team winning in it all.

But as far as the PHils go, it makes me not want to even give anyone a hard time. I mean what is to get upset about? We did it. We won.

People are talking about who to sign.
I am like who cares we are the world champs!?!?
How could we get better. We are better than the entire world. If we dont win the word series this year we are just like every other baseball team that doesnt win back to back. Perfectly normal. I dont think I would even be that angry when we get eliminated.

I will be like, well we won last year. So big deal. That is my championship! I was at a good age for it. Still young enough to party all weekend and old enough to call it mine and have it mean more with all the seasons leading up to it.

I could care less about Chase being hurt to start the season. Dont care what pitchers we sign. I will be watching games again of course and plan on attending quite a few. Dont get me wrong I am still a fan. But, if things go wrong I will not be able to get mad. Its hard to explain. BUy them all out ? who cares ? we won already. I just dont see how I can even get mad all season long at this team. Happy when they win, but if they lose. Eh, whatever. Which is different than living and dying I did the last several seasons. I knew they would win the world series pretty early into the postseason last year.

I dont care if the Yankees sign Superman, who cares the Phils won!

Now lets get a Stanley Cup!


Anonymous said...

The Mets got JJ Putz. The Yankees got CC Sabathia. Philadelphia is doomed.

Jason said...

The Yankees signed the first player in history to play baseball while weighing over 350 pounds. CC had an ERA over 5 last year in the AL. Everyone forgets how bad he was with the Indians.

JJ Putz? Really? The Phillies should be sweating JJ Putz? The guy who pitched a total of 23 games lst year. Setting up the closer who cannot pitch more than one inning, and can't pitch more than one day in a row.

I still do not fear the Mets, they cannot win until they can get the bone out of their throat.

keith said...

we have lidge who never loses and are the world champs.