Thursday, December 11, 2008


So I netflixed Stepbrothers last night and as many movies these days I was given the choice bettween the verision in theaters or the "extended version".

The various verisions have really gotten out of hand with movies.

Before the reason for extended versisons of films were because the movie was beloved and the director cut stuff for time. Many people really took notice of this because deleted scenes in many movies would surface when they started airing on the networks. Back than people used a device called VCR to record stuff off tv. Many people (my family included) would tape movies that way. So,we had movies taped off of tv. They would be edited for content but many times they would Actually ADD scenes rather than delete them like they do now.

Films such as Back to the Future, Jaws, and the Naked Gun were shown with various of extra scenes. The Naked Gun had an insane amount of deleted stuff put back in, in order to bump up the running time shortened by scenes removed that wouldnt clear the network standards.

Now, they have Unrrated verisions which people always thing are dirtier. They aren't automatically. All it really means is the dudes that sit down and give a movie a rating G, PG, PG-13 or R before it goes to theaters, didnt watch a recut verision of the film. Sometimes it has stuff that would have bumped it up the ratings later. Other times it might just be an extended shot, some extra G rated stuff that was simply not in the presented cut of the film.

Now we also have movies on DVD with totally different endings than people that paid the $10 to see them in theaters. In fact I saw two verisions of 28 days later, that when I saw the sequel I couldnt remember what the REAL ENDING was. Sometimes these verisions have cool stuff that was cut (the older movies people love are hot sellers cause its new footage for beloved filmS) but sometimes its totally different ending. I saw so-so comedy with Zack Braff called The Ex (once titled FAsttrack) that had the one charcter a fraud in one verision and the other one legitmately handicapped.

There is a big difference though for a movie you already saw and never saw. Was the underrated verision of Stepbrothers any better? I have no idea I went with the original verision that I had also never seen. I figured that is the verision everyone saw. But now I hear the extended verision of the exteremly funny Forgetting Sarah Marshal was even Funnier, when I opted for theater verision.

What verision do most people go with when the netflix or are old fashion and rent the movie from a store given the opiton on a film you NEVER saw?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would like for THEM to release an un-rated verson of Sears Outlet The Movie.