“Lame the Vote”
It is election day so I felt obligated to make voting a topic today. I guess that makes me a sheep, but not one of those gay ones with the different brain. Not that there is anything wrong with that.
In my social problems class we realized that 8 people were actually voting and about 27 said they were not. That’s is why my friends that we will always have a two party system and things may never change. Certainly there are enough people in this country to support a third party and silence the bitching that is done by everyman American.
Some students sat and scratched their head in bewilderment with a not so look bright look on their face. Others were jaded saying since the voting system is not based on the popular vote there is no point to vote. Of course that is not the case in the Senate Election. For those of my loyal viewers that are not aware the president is not up for re-election for another two years. That was thrown in for Chris Arter who likely already stopped reading this entry because he cares about as much about politics as I do cars. I just hope he doesn’t kill himself before leaving his current school.
What was I talking about ? Uh….Oh yeah. This one girl said she just likes to hit the little buttons. She is adorable and it was really cute when she said it. One guy in the back actually was voting republican. Because, they are all about making money! Another person claims he jumps the democratic ship because of their recent behavior. He mentioned how they the recently broke the law by entering a last minute candidate (see Feeling Minnesota). However Technically since the court ruled that it was cool. It was legal. Wrong sleazy and under handed, but legal. So me and that dude were wrong.
Either that means the Flyers are giving someone a smack down again or its time to read a little READER MAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is an email from Andrew “Puma” Vogel from Stratford. Drew writes.
When you say that the Democratic party overturned laws to get Lautenberg into the race, that is simply not true. The law said that you CAN change candidates at any time at least 51 days out from the election. That is not the same thing as a law saying that you CANNOT change candidates after that deadline. Some states (New York) have laws that say that. Other states (New Jersey) do not.
Even leaving that aside for a moment, the New Jersey Supreme Court is the highest authority for interpretting New Jersey law. The highest authority, period. As long as it doesn't conflict with the U.S. Constitution, anything they decide to do is legal, by definition. To say that Lautenberg only got on the ticket by breaking the law is just incorrect; no less incorrect than saying that 2+2=5. There is simply no room for argument on the matter. The New Jersey statute was ambiguous, the Supreme Court interpreted it to answer the question, and that's the end of the story. By all means, vote for Forrester. By all means, consider the switch unfair. But to call it illegal is factually incorrect.
I hate the US Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore, but I've never said it was illegal. It was perfectly legal. It was an abomination of transparent legal reasoning designed to appoint Bush to the presidency at any price, but it was legal.
Okay. There you go. Tucker can be wrong.
However most people in our generation grew up hearing tales of Watergate, and corrupt politician after politician. Many people would rather just stick it to these fellows by not going anywhere. People think votes don’t make any difference. I can understand why. Perhaps these people could get together and support a third alternate party (The green party is getting no where fast). However most these people are to apathetic or lazy. MTV can beg to rock the vote all they want. People our age and at this point just most people generally could give a rats ass. More people are likely to vote for the next American Idole than some rich guy running for office.
I cast my vote a few hours ago. But voting republican in a state like this is pointless. I have more of a chance convincing people I am not in love with Jenna than the democrats losing this state. The same blue haired old ladies were there. Not a soul under 60 in sight. As of now Tucker’s world exit polls show that the democrats have won control of the house. Some would say I wasted 5 minutes of my life. At the very least I earned myself the right to bitch about the way things are, which is more than I can say for people who don’t vote at all.
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