Tuesday, December 10, 2002

"Pick your future before it picks you” -----------------------Dr. Jason Seaver

Well for some reason or another I am excused from my Movies final with a B +, so that leaves one day of classes and two finals ending a week from Thursday. So continues the FINAL DAYS OF COLLEGE on Tucker's World.

“Commuters and Residents”

I transferred to Rowan when I was already 21 and past the point where I desired to share a dorm with a random dude and live the college life. Oddly enough, most the friends I made (with exception of two that I can think of) on campus were commuters.
Kinda, bizarre like we give off some sort of vibe. We gather in little clusters on campus and interact.

Commuter friends are unique in the sense that you can know people pretty well over the course of a school year, but rarely do you break the barrier of each other’s social worlds. For the most part everyone just says have a good weekend and you part ways. Sure someexchange numbers on occasion but rarely does anyone call each other.

Heck even some residents go home on the weekends since Thursday night and Friday night are the only big party nights on campus. Rowan has gotten the label suitcase college, because the campus empties out for the most part on the weekend. Granted most the North Jerseysans remain, but it is not like the campus on Dead Man on Campus. Perhaps I am not worthy enough to live in the same exicting social scene of the great Leigh Payner.

Its funny though I did over the years develop a six sense on how to spot a commuter and resident with in minutes of talking to or observing them.


Usually they are pretty well dressed, especially the girls.

Most of them dart out of the classroom as fast as they can so they can get the hell out of there.

None of them know where the Rat is, or what is it or how to get there. However they are aware of it’s existence.
I have a little of a week to find the Rat.

Most of them have CCC stickers on their cars.

Most of them see residents as immature, annoying or stuck up.

Most of them live at home still and haven’t lived away from home.

The hot girls all have long-term boyfriends for the most part, at least that’s what they tell Keith.er I mean Tucker.

All of them suffer from Road Rage.

They know someone who has gotten suckered into selling knives after finding a intriguing flyer on their

They use the phrase “Sorry for the mess, I live out of my car”


Usually have some sort of Drama going on when they gather in groups they make vocal for a everyone sitting in the class.

They all dress like bums, some shuffle to class in P.Js.

They all own shirts or some sort of clothing with the Rowan name on it and many of them proudly display decals on their cars. How anyone can justify paying 50 bucks or more for Rowan Sweatshirt is beyond this blogger.

They actually follow the sports teams

They cut class more often

Very few of them work, so they spend 60 percent of the day sleeping.

“Action conquers fear”---------- Peter N. Zarlenga


“Parking Spot Shark”

If there is one thing students learn even if they fail all their classes they learn how to aggressively get a parking spot. You have to show no fear because there are literally hundreds of less parking spaces than there are commuters on campus at various times during the day.

Even if you allow yourself an extra 15 minutes you are likely to be zipping around the parking lot looking for a vacant space anyway. In some parking lots anxious drivers will pile up causing gridlock and stalk students as they walk to their car. Sometimes when I just need to go to my car for something I will pretend that I am leaving so they sit there like and idiot with their turn signal on. They hate that,… I like to torture them.

I almost perished several times looking for a resting spot for the tempo. Just mere weeks ago I came my penis’s length of having a head on collusion. Hot brunette chicks in bright red cars are the most deadly drivers out there. If they are smoking a cigarette or on a cell phone your chances of meeting the reaper are even better. One time I had a stand off with what appeared to be an unconvential student (liberal word for old student) . We stopped our cars face to face even though she reached the spot first. I veered the tempo into the spot and cut the bitch off. I can still see the appalled look on her face. You must show no fear.

I have seen it all from people giving up parking on yellow lines that serve no purpose, parking on grass, ignorantly blocking other cars in their spaces, and even jumping a curb to make it into the employee lot. I even saw someone back out and crunch the jeep next to it. They tore off a tail light and dented the back of the jeep. The driver nonchalantly drove away. I was too shocked to do anything about it.

The longer you go with out finding a spot….the angrier you become. You keep passing the same damn cars circling around the lots trying to beat you to the chase. Soon you start to accelerate and make pedestrians yield to you. It is all part of the game. The most frustrating scenarios are getting stuck behind a stand-off and mistaking a short car for an empty spot. This would sometimes result in my whacking the steering wheel violently.

Rowan is nice enough to charge us 20 dollars for the privilege of dangling a blue tag from our car despite the fact we don’t always have a spot waiting for us. Ryan told me how he beat the system by not registering his car and letting tickets pile up. Many have tried. All have failed to beat the system and stick it to the man. They can not be stopped. I guess that is why the call him Trouble.

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