Monday, February 03, 2003

“Deconstructing TERMINUS”

Well it appears that a fellow web writer has taking issue with last weeks’ entry “Chewing Fat” and I actually got some other in person feedback from one of my readers. If you don’t know my liberal counterpart then click below to his link ( I think its working this time) and read for his two cents on the Burger issue.

First off as far as I know the claim was A. McDonald’s food has made people fat, after mass consumption. I can’t imagine anything could be widened to actually alter that basic claim. And yes the judge did toss this right out of the court. However like a bad Owen Wilson movie it is spawning sequels. We have claim that the super size concept has made people eat bigger portions at home. Now there is even a more bizarre claim that McDonalds like the big tobacco companies has put something in their food that makes their customers (mainly children?) addicted. Despite that restaurant, the fact the chain lost millions of dollars in 2002.

So that’s the issue unless a plantiff was going to tell him how some guy dressed as a burger grape slammed him to the ground and shoved Big Macs down his throat or the hamburgler stole all their fruits and vegetables I feel their claims are pretty cut and dry. I mean am no law expert but you cant bring something to the courts, than completely change the whole case mid-stream huh?

I am not sure what Drew is trying to claim here. Maybe it’s my “ignorance” but I have heard about this story since past July. Is Drew claiming they have more underneath the blanket statement that has become water cooler conversation for half of a year? If so didn’t they think they should clarify their claim when other laws to prevent such claims were starting to be pushed for. Are they just pranksters? I have seen lawyers on cable media outlets discuss this topic and they didn’t bring up this point. I really wish I kept an article I saw few months ago about dumb lawsuits. One was when a girl threw a beverage at her boyfriend, slipped on the ice that she spilled and successfully sued the restaurant. There are many lawsuits out there like this that tie up the court system. I still think the Coffee lawsuit was a load of crap. Maybe you should get famous on this one Drew call CNBC or something and turn the nation on it’s ear.

As for the shoe bomber the point I was trying to make was that money from AMERICANS who he hates are paying to keep him alive. I was pointing out the irony. Actually if you scroll back I never said it actually cost more to make put him up. I just said we pay to keep him alive with our money. GET YOUR FACTS STRAIGHT. You had me convinced all day long that I actually wrote those words. You are going to make a good lawyer Drew. Granted I would have said the other way around if I did spell it out.I still don't see how that is true, unless it comes from all the appeals to save the person's life before he meets the reaper..

As for the punches thrown to him he deserved as he was leaving the court room he was carrying on like a maniac. They needed several people to get detain him. And yes I hope a terrorist got a shot to the lips and maybe a punch in the gut on the way to his life incarceration. I’m sorry it that makes me a bad person. I would think it was hysterical is someone beat the shit out of him in prison. He is a freakin' terrorist.

The story of the shoe-bomber became that of a goofy one because of the absurdity of the story. I guess it is kind of funny trying picturing an inept terrorist trying again and again to ignite his sneaker. However its likely that the plane would have been destroyed and everyone on it killed. However it could have been another nightmarish tragedy. Just because he didn’t succeed its already a distant memory for most people. I am sure some of my readers never even heard of him. Lets just say the 2nd plane was over taken before hitting the 2nd tower of the WTC on Sept 11th. Would you honestly just want them in jail? Or would you want them to pay the ultimate price for their crimes? Would you want your money going to a roof over their head and food in their tummy, tum-tum? Does it make me a horrible person for us to think the right think as a collective society is put an end to his existence? I mean this incident certainly would not have been another 9/11 but it was would have been a total tragedy. Perhaps one that was never solved.

Before anyone makes the argument about me being a hypocrite since I am pro-life (A topic I hate talking about and refused to bring up the other week) please at least respect my logic that they are two totally different things. One is a mother choosing whether or not she wants to have child (exclude the rape argument and all for this point). The “Choice” as I see it is if the baby is ever born or not(or killed from some points of view). Before the fetus ever had a shot to get out of the womb, its fate is decided. I wish real life was BLACK AND WHITE, but there are more shades of gray in life than licks it takes to get the center of a tootsie pop (not 3 like the stupid cartoon OWL used to say,..stupid OWL…he had better get his facts straight). The crazy dude wanting destroy a bunch of people and a tiny living organism that doesnt know the concept of killing are totally unrelated.

Now Mr. Shoe Bomber had his chance in society and he blew it. I am not saying I should decide who lives and dies and people should be killed for crimes left and right. I do however think in such extreme cases as terrorist who admitally wants to destroy the country (no lack of evidence here at all) and tried to blow up an entire plane with everyone on it is extreme enough. I don’t see many more crimes above this one. So let me get this straight the message to terrorists over seas should be, either we will never catch you, catch you than release you out of fear of violating your civil rights, catch someone innocent guy, or catch you and prevent your crime than give you better living condition than you ever did at our expense. I just don’t see anything wrong with me pondering why society can’t deem him (or anyone) not longer fit to be alive in such extreme cases like this. Sorry if that makes me a bad guy. I wonder if the Shoe Bomber and the guy who drove a bomb into the World Trade Center in 1993 will be on the same prison basketball team.

How the heck do you get a life sentence plus a couple of a 100 years on top of that? Are we going to have to pay for his funeral too?

"On a Lighter Note"
So I was reading about Groundhog day some more today. Apperently he is off the mark 40- 72 percent of the time. Sadly I think this still makes him slightly more reliable than most of the local weatherman.

Also when the holiday started back in the first decdade of the 1900's they would not only make him predict the weather, but they would murder him. Ya they would murder him, cut him up cook him and gobble him up. They would make a big party about eating him. Today they just have the party and he chills.

Wait a second...I just wrote about murdering a groundhog and eating him. That poor little furry guy...thats not a LIGHTER note...thats not a LIGHTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER NOTE!

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