Sunday, February 02, 2003

“Happy Groundhog Day”

I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful Groundhog Day. If you are wondering the furry little weatherman saw his shadow which means that 6 more weeks of Winter will come upon us. Of course, he sees his shadow 90 percent of the time, but who am I to stand in the way of a furry rodent.

I think we as Americans underrate this holiday. Why not make a bigger deal of Feb. 2 . I think we should exchange gifts or something or at the very least take stock of our lives when we see that furry little trooper come out of his warm home into the cold winter air in order to predict our future. I tried telling people happy Groundhog Day, but they just looked at me like I was a freak. Like they didn’t even know that it was this weekend. What a shame.

Like when holidays are over, you are bound to feel empty and sad after reading this. I hope that you aren’t feeling too blue. Just think about that furry little creature all warm in his home and remember the Groundhog day that was. Don’t worry it will be a year again before you know it.

Well for you those of you that want to keep the holiday magic going check out these two links. (for you with a hearty appetite )
(for you “gamers” out there)

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