Tuesday, April 01, 2003

“Blog Warriors”

When I started a Blog back in September, not only did I have to explain to be people who Tucker was, but also what a Blog actually was. Now they have popped up like weeds all over the internet. Many people use it as a soap box and many use it for political views. I am glad I will have files to go back to in the future of these times.

One of the most read blogs out there right now is one written by an Iraqi. Of course it could very easily be written by some fat guy in Iowa, but after hearing about it on the news this weekend I checked it out. It is a good read.

Here check this out if you aren’t already over whelmed by the war coverage. It gives you an idea of what the Iraqi people are thinking, or at least this particular one. Cut and Paste and check it out.


p.s. The North Korea Leader is Kim-JONG II

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