Thursday, March 18, 2004

"Phantom Storm Looming?"

FOX PHILADELPHIA's Rob Guarino seems to think that tonight the area might see some heavy snow. He expects the fast moving storm to have the potential strength of an inch per hour with peak times bettween 2-8 am.

Now I am not easily convinced of winter storms in March. Granted the fact that this area has seen some classic whoppers this time of year. However the fact that the storm is moving in toward the overnight hours when the temps will float just around 32 degrees it gives us chance to have snow fall and stick. With warmer but cold enough to snow weather this time of year you get heavy snow with bigger flakes. This is what they call "heart attack" snow because of the weight the snow has it when shoveling it.

The people that are actually calling for anything are pegging this snow fall to be around 2-4 inches. on AOL is totally ignoring the weather system, but they are also saying its 92 degrees in NYC as of 2:30. They are one of the worse sources for weather trust me.

The Accuweather Headlines website says that Philly and New York are going to get a "least a couple of inches" of snow.

I know that I said was done for the year calling the snowfall,but I have enough faith in this system to at least give it to the respect of a guess.

I am willing to to say in the South Jersey Camden County region that the 3 inches of snow could be possible. Might be a bitch for anyone that actually has to go anywhere tomorrow morning. There could be patches of heavy bands and we could likely be under that. I will post again before I go to bed so keep checking back loyal readers!

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