Friday, March 19, 2004

"Phantom Storm Was Just That"

I watched the news last night and every station was telling us how the road crews were ready for one of the biggest snowfalls of the year. Snow predications ran from 4-8 inches to 6-8 inches of snow. Like I said I don't buy into March storms but I pegged the storm at 3 inches. Since there was supposed to be an hour or two of heavy snow. I even thought that was a big number.

Well this morning was one of few I have to sleep in and I was wakened several times by snowplows charging down my street. However the one time I woke myself enough to peer out my window I saw that the grass had been barely covered. Maybe at best an inch and a half. However that didn't stop the damn trucks from scrapping the street 3 more times and even once two at the the same time. There was no snow to scrape!

Liza said when she was up there was about 4 inches on the ground. It certainly wasnt that bad where I live. It doesn't matter now since what little that fell is gone. Shame on the news anchors for trying to get the good people of the Delaware Valley into a frenzy yet again with their mistaken and overblown predictions.

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