Monday, June 14, 2004

"Same Old Outlet"

My friend and former co-worker Steve called me up a few weeks ago. When I returned his call I was coming home early from the office of my current job while he was out on a break.

He was actually out in the parking lot of my old job at the Sears Outlet. So since I pass it sometimes on my way home I stopped by. We talked for awhile, and it was strange being back in that parking lot. Thankfully I don't have to actually go into the building anymore and haven't since my last day I worked there.

Steve told me that all the part time employees at the Outlet Louise who had been there since the store opened 10 years ago, the long time employee and popular Rosa, Arnette who had just came back from sick leave, this kid Josh I worked with for over a year and everyone else considered part time had been laid off. Well not exactly laid off, but not given any hours.

You see its a dirty trick my old work did not really laying people off or firing them when they didn't want them around. THey just simply said they had no hours for them. So the people would eventually quit since they had no source of income, or get pissed and just get another job. This way the Outlet could attempt to side step giving any kind of payment package that people that get laid off usually are entitled too. Not to mention it making it really tough to get unemployment.

I guess it is legal, but it certainly is pretty low class a move.


Anonymous said...

By Ed Greene
I'm surprised that Mary didn't just move them to Receiving.

Unknown said...

I imagine it is perfectly legal, but I don't actually know. It shouldn't be legal, and it's just one of the other ways in which unions protect the rights and interests of workers. That would never happen at a unionized job. No way in hell.

keith said...

Acutally quite a few people in the back were moved to Sales from what I understand.

Anonymous said...

By Ed Greene

Oh that reminds me. Guess who I ran into at the Berlin Farmers' Market last month? Phil. He has a there booth now.

Jenna said...

Mary is leaving Sears...I got her a job at Lincoln as a receptionist. She starts on July 1. Only Marie knows though. She told me that the reason she had to "cut" hours is because of the overtime issue that occurred. Willie even told her to erase some of the overtime hours from payroll. She can't wait to leave.