A while ago I was asked why I consider myself a Moderate (I call myself one on my blog title) and what exactly I considered a moderate.
Well I thought about it and thought about it, and for the first time I realized why Drew was so pissed about being called a liberal. Well I wouldn't consider myself a liberal since I voted for Bush in 2000 among countless other reasons. Also I don't want to call myself a conservative, since that has a negative stigmata it seems. People don't want to hear what I have to say and think I want everyone dead but white heterosexual males. It gets even worse when they find out I actually believe in GOd, because they start telling me what a cook Pat Robertson is.
It usually doesn't help much to tell them I think he is off his rocker, because if people hear me say I am a conservative they automatically figure the have me pegged for every political issue across the board. Which is just idiotic. So. That Is really the reason. I mean most people will figure since I am generally for gay rights that I would be liberal not conservative. I am not going to go down the list.
A good example of why I would never want to fall under the blanket statement of liberal is the aftermath of Ronald Reagan's death this past weekend.
Well while I am out since is the first time I am addressing the issue I should at least make my thoughts public. Well the Gipper was the first President that was in the White House while I was on this green Earth. I clearly was more interested in the autobots than I was the Gipper's presidential reign during the 1980's so all I have to work from his articles and people that were old enough to care what was going on.
Like him or not, Reagan did manage to bring this country together on a lot of things, and certainly calmed down what was fairly wild two decades for this country and in some ways brought US back proud nation. He played a large role in the fall of the Berlin Wall, and you could argue handled the Cold War quite flawlessly.
Well the liberals who are usually filled with much hate and hell bend on ripping people like Ronald took the time after the President finally passed away (a blessing actually for the long suffering man)took a chance to well, um rip him full of hate. Now okay I am not saying just cause a guy dies you should pretend like you like the man. I am not saying people that wrote article nitpicking his presidency are anti-American. Although I would like to say I have seen one too many of those articles this past week.
However, there are people out there that are taking farther than the political what really happened with Iran debate that are just being plain nasty. It is just the typical mindset the countless hypocrites that proudly call themselves democrats.
Of course I am not saying that every democrat is a terrible person. But check this photo out. If you can't read it, it says Reagan In Hell with flames around his head. What the hell? How utterly awful.
What infuriates me to know end it that these jackasses with this hateful disgusting sign are the same people that would likely want to run me out of town for being nonchalant about if the Shoe Bomber was bruised a little more than needed.
How can these people be the same people who think I am a monster for saying the Shoe Bomber deserved an extra shot to the gut.
I'm not going to lump people like Drew into this horrific group of people. I imagine that these people are just so filled with hatred for their own pathetic lives with out an once of rational thought that this is the best they could come up with.
There are several awful things being said about him in letters to papers that are just name calling him all kinds of names. Why are liberals such hypocrites when it comes to loving thy neighbor? So it's basically love murders, terrorists, and rapists, but hate everyone who has different political ideas than you. Hate them with all of your heart for not thinking the way we tell you everyone should think.
So here is the logic from people like these jackasses.
Don't dare laugh after the Shoe Bomber getting a little roughed up after trying to litter the earth with parts of innocent lives But the Commander in Chief of our country for 8 years should burn in hell for all of time.
There is evil in the World, like your Hitler, or your Osama, but Reagan was neither.
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Did somebody beat up the Shoe Bomber? I've tried googling this but I can't find any info? What's the story?
I agree with how horrible people are treating his death. But I know that Republicans (i am one) can be just as bad as democrats. Leave the guy alone, he is in the grave. If anyone had problems it should have come out before he died...like during his presidency.
I think they did rough up the shoe bomber Drew, or maybe I just thought they should have.
I know I'm just a crazy liberal, but I happen to subscribe to the peculiar notion that people who commit crimes ought to be prosecuted and punished. It is a crime to beat people, even prisoners, except under certain circumstances (self-defense, for instance). If someone did beat up the Shoe Bomber, just because they thought he deserved it, that person should be prosecuted.
I know that no one has much sympathy for terrorists (and they shouldn't), or even for innocent Iraqi civilians held in US custody within Iraq, but incidents like these only serve to convince our enemies that they are right. Terrorists believe that we are evil and corrupt. Behaving that way doesn't help anyone. In fact, it hurts us all.
I don't expect anyone to get personally upset at the fact that Americans are torturing innocent Iraqis for no reason, or that the Bush White House has bent over backwards to constuct dubious legal justifications to support it. But as a practical matter, it's important to see how much this hurts what we're trying to accomplish. This hurts the war on terror, and it hurts the reconstruction in Iraq. If only for purely pragmatic and self-interested reasons, every American should be outraged at wat has been done in our name. It will only serve to convince more and more disaffected Middle Eastern Muslims that jihad is the only answer.
I got in a debate on your blog I think awhile back. I mentioned that I didn't really care about if he was roughed up or not. Your liberal friends were horrified.
I said something to the fact that I would be glad if he was roughed up while he we was detained. They thought I was a monster.
Are you surprised? You shouldn't be.
Anyway, to actually address the point of your post, despite that photo of a bunch of idiot protesters, I haven't seen anything from my side of the aisle that I'm ashamed of in the wake of Reagan's death. You're always going to have idiot protesters. And people writing stupid letters to the editor. If that's all you've got to complain about, I think it proves that Democrats behaved with real class throughout the whole thing.
What I have seen is a bunch of articles striving to set the record-straight on Reagan, and not to let his fans completely gloss his record. I have seen far more lying in support of Reagan, not only by his supporters, but by supposedly objective (and supposedly liberal) newspapers like the NYT and the WP, than I have seen gratuitous Reagan-bashing. If liberals write articles pointing out that Reagan wasn't in fact, the most popular President ever, or that he didn't in fact, preside over the longest economic expansion in American history, that's to be expected.
While I have seen articles criticising Reagan for ignoring AIDS, playing both sides of the Iran/Iraq war, propping up murderous right-wing dictators in central America, and so forth, I haven't seen any articles that "attacked" or strayed in any way over the line.
I think you're just being over-sensitive here, Keith.
I think you should just reference the duscussion about this on Terminus. I might just save time.
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