Friday, October 01, 2004

About Last Night...

Well after the reherseal for DAn K's wedding a bunch of us went back to Jessica's aunts house for an after party. Much to my surprise I actually did get to see some of the debate. I got to see the first 30 mins, and roughly the last 30 mins of the debate last night.

First off this was the best house to be in to watch a debate at least.

1. Rick who registed just to help vote Bush out off office, so was obviously rooting for John Kerry.

2. Dan K who could thinks they are both duds, but tends to favor Bush for the most part. HOwever, he refuses to vote since he feels its all BS, and we are all just basically pawns. Of course the two of us shot of one liners and used our dry sense of humor to mock the debate. We were keeping track of flubs, for the two candidates but the game was eventaually tracked when Jessica got annoyed that Dan K was not mingling enough.

3. Bush, supporters. Very rarely do I actually surrond myself with Bush supporters(non-family members anway), most if not all my friends LOATH Bush. So, to meet people that hated Kerry and wanted to vote for Bush was a refreshing change. Nice to get a different angle on it. Some of them were young even! As far as I know they didnt want destroy the world, kill minorities, or suppress anyone's vote.

4. A group of a few, that didn't know what a Presidental debate actually was let alone that there was one that night. These people seemed utterly confused why we had an interest in going to the other room to watch any of it.

Of course it was party so we had to soicalize and stuff so I missed that start of it. I have to watch the middle portion.

I tell you one thing though when we went upstairs and people asked us how it was going it was fairly agreed that Bush had the upper hand fairly clearly. In fact I thought if Bush is just warming up he is going to mop the floor with him.

Then we return and it was like flipping back to a um baseball game to find that the Phillies who were leading by 8 runs are in danger of losing the ball game.

I have no idea what happened half way through that changed the tides. I would declare it a draw at this point given how well Bush did at the start of the debate, but I have to go back to the tape and come back on here and write my final thoughts.

Where did everyone else watch the debates?

come back and check it out.

ps Lima Beanz I miss you

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I think Bush didn't do as well because all of his answers started to sound exactly the same.