Tuesday, September 28, 2004

"Tucker to TERMINUS"

Well it's fairly clear that my friend and author of TERMINUS dislikes President Bush. So, I can only imagine that he is voting for John Kerry. In fact, most people that I bump into on the street seem to be ready to make Kerry our next president.

So, Drew has been kind enough to list everyday for the last several years of why Bush sucks, and why he is the worse president ever. Thats great that Drew dedicates lots and lots of time to spreading the word to give Dubbya the boot. Of course I am not nearly as liberal as Drew so I don't always agree with him.

however, looking all through TERMINUS I see a common theme among Kerry supporters. All reasons why we shouldn't vote for Bush, and little or no reasons why we should vote for Kerry. Now don't you think you should have a decent reason to vote for the man?

I am not trying to start a fight or anything here. It's just I would imagine that if Drew reads so much about such things that he should have a list of reasons why Kerry is going to be a good leader.

So, I am asking DREW to have a John Kerry Week on TERMINUS. Of course, the idea of asking someone else to have a theme for his blog for an entire week is sort of strange, but he seems to be bored over there. Sure, he will have plenty so say about the debate but since Drew blogs like twice a day I would like to think he could find time to tell our readers why we should vote for him.

So, Drew please let us know why John Kerry would make a good president. Honestly, when I ask most people when the vote for Kerry, they just start quoting Michael Moore, and the majority of them can't tell me one single thing they like about Kerry. No one can tell me what they like about his Senate record (that's a hard once since he never talks about it really) or why he would be a good leader and what he would actually do to make US, a better America.

So, Drew Why not make the Week of Oct 4th the week of John Kerry. I would love to see it. You clearly love the man. That will give you ample time to prepare your notes and iron out JOHN KERRY WEEK! If you choice to take me up on the offer.

I plan to cover the debates on here, but the write up on the first one might be a tad late. I have Dan K's wedding this weekend and actually have rehearsal when the debate is on..So I need to tape it and watch it later. I look forward to having people comment on the debates, and I will break down who I think won. I will also comment on who wore a cooler tie.

****note to readers anyone who uses this blog as their official source of election shouldn't vote**.


Anonymous said...

One of the best reasons to vote for Kerry is tat he is not Bush. Bush has so seriously fucked up that I (and anybody) could justify a vote for their shoes over Bush. You do not have to love Kerry to vote for him.


Unknown said...

I don't love John Kerry. I also don't need any reason to vote for him. The Bush Presidency has been a disaster, and for the good of America, we have to get rid of him. The primary process gave us John Kerry, so we vote for John Kerry. As a New Jersey resident, I had no oppotunity to influence the primary process, but John Kerry was never my first choice.

But I do think John Kerry will make an excellent president, and I like your idea for John Kerry week. So I'll do it. I'll try to have one substantive, issues-based pro-Kerry post per day starting Monday, Oct. 4.

keith said...

I am glad you are taking me up on this offer or challenge if you will.

I just find it outlandish (not saying you do) that people say BUSH SUCKS...we can't have a guy like this leading our contry. I have an idea let us vote for this other guy who doesn't like Bush either. Lets not educate or care what he has to say or can do for our country and just automatically assume he will be a good president.

Anonymous said...

We are assuming he is going to be better because it is next to impossible to be as bad or worse than Bush.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thank you! I always wanted to write in my site something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog?