Saturday, October 02, 2004

brow"The Debate Post" Kerry Rebounds

Neither party knocked one out of the park last night. However, John Kerry certainly rebounded from his fake sun tan gone awry and his disastrous Good Morning America outing. Most talking heads are saying that Kerry flat out won. I didn't see that at all. However if I had to declare a winner, I would have only given Kerry an victory by a tiny margin. Kerry needed that bad though, in fact I tried to call Drew earlier that day to tell him if Kerry had were to loss the debate that I would have figured the wheels to offically have come off his campaign.

I am told Bush was out heavily campaigning in the roasting sun, and perhaps that sucked some of his energy as the debate wore on. Bush, did seem some what annoyed, and reminded me of Al Gore in 2000. Not nearly as bad, but he sighed heavily and mad frowns as John Kerry gabbed on. Whatever the reason Bush had the tendency to sigh before he made a point or do an impression of Pork Pig and stumble over his words. Both parties repeated themselves too many times (although I guess they might be trying to drill certain points home) and Bush was more guilty of that then his democrat counter part.

Well if anyone is still reading this blog (Price is away, and Ed is God knows where) this is likely your last stop on your list of sources for your political news and view. Not to mention the fact that if your home reading this on a Friday night lame enough, so instead of dissecting it anymore (although I will mention some things I didn't like) I would like to try to make heads or tails out of the two candidacy stance on Iraq. Seriously this is how I am taking their takes on what they think of Iraq.


Listen right after 9/11 I made it fairly clear that we were going to be in a long war that would involve many different battle grounds and challenges. Okay, so we didn't get Osama and people think that I veered off in Iraq, but I got a list of people who would most likely to catch us sleeping and Saddam's Iraq was on the top of the list. Our intelligence said Iraq had WMDs and since Saddam isn't the most honest guy in the world I assumed the intelligence was right so rolled the nice and sent the troops in. It turns out we were wrong, but at least now this guy who killed lots of people and didn't like us is gone now. We would rather fight the terrorists there so if they want to come out of the woodworks, better to blow them up in the desert then on the streets of America. So, now things are messy over there but we can't just leave. Seeing as where at this point it would be even worse to leave it a total mess and make us look dumb and apathetic to whether or not Iraq gets their act together. Yeah people are pissed at us right now, but we will fix the bad Iraqis will eventually give up.


Well Saddam was a bad guy, and although I looked at the same intelligence I would have slept on the whole invasion thing for awhile longer. Yeah I considered him a threat at the time,but I don't think I could have really made my mind up that soon. Just a wait and see policy. Now look its a mess and Bush rolled the dice and lost. If I knew what I know now how messy it would have been and that there weren't any winds I wouldn't have even bothered. Then again at the time I thought there were winds,but now I know that there aren't so obviously I wouldn't have gone to war. So, basically now its the wrong war at the wrong time, unless their were WMDs which may or may not have made a difference in my mind. I mean now that I think of it there are lots of other bad guys like Saddam that we leave alone. Of course now I want more troops in there to stop the WMDS from getting into the country throughout he borders. So, I am going to send them. However, if things settle down I can start to settle down we are going to have troops starting to leave Iraq by July. Well, if you want to know anymore I am afraid you are going to have to go to

What I didnt like:

Out of all the countries that have nuclear capabilities that Kerry listed how many of them are our friends? Like England..etc.

Kerry plugging his website

The fact that Bush acting silly when Kerry talked and got miffed easily. Also that fact that the last 30 mins seemed like he just wanted to get the hell out of there. Like, come on Mr. Questions Guy isn't it time to go home yet? Still with the questions? Lets something ...bring them to justices....Liberty....yada yada yada...

I dunno maybe he forgot to tape Joey or something.

Final Thought:
Both sides seem a little let down. Both Kerry and Bush fans think their man fumbled chances to nail the other speaker. I agree with that, the both missed chances to got for the gut. Doubt their teams will let them make the same mistake in round 2.

One question:

Who was right about the Iran question about when sanctions were put on Iran?

Tucker's Pick: John Kerry is the winner by a hair or two.


Unknown said...

This is Keith's take on John Kerry's message at Thursday's debate:

"Well Saddam was a bad guy, and although I looked at the same intelligence I would have slept on the whole invasion thing for awhile longer. Yeah I considered him a threat at the time,but I don't think I could have really made my mind up that soon. Just a wait and see policy."

Keith, were you watching Fox, because that isn't remotely what Kerry said. Kerry did say that he needed more time to think about it, he said that there were other options short of war that should have been attempted first. Like weapons inspections, for instance, which, if allowed to continue, might have proven that Saddam Hussein didn't actually threaten anyone.

Bush took us to war, at a cost of billions of dollars and thousands upon thousands of human lives , to prove that Hussein had no WMD. Hans Blix could have done the same job without the loss of a single human life, and if Kerry had been president, he would have had that chance.

Unknown said...

Oh, I forgot... don't ask me about the details, because I don't know, but I believe that Bush was right on the Iran thing. I don't know what it amounts to, but it's something.

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm not entirely up on this, so don't ask me for details, but I'm pretty sure that Bush was right on the Iran thing. But Kerry was right on the North Korea thing.

Anonymous said...

By Ed Greene:

"Oh my God! An Alligator! Run!"

I still read the blog, but now I have to pay for it. Will probally not see any of the debates.

keith said...

Dont ask me what is going on with the format article.

I haven't a clue.