Wednesday, October 06, 2004

"Yes, I Want to Help!"

I am usually not a sucker for this e-mails. However, this one moved me to tears.

Now I don't want to be one of those guys who rants on how people should use their money. I do however realize that most of my friends are now making better money then they did a year ago.
So please give of yourself. If it is just a little bit of your next paycheck, there is no way around this it is a noble cause. I am going to put the e-mail on here, if you want to print out the form I suggest you cut and past into word and then print it.

Since September 11, 2001, Americans and Canadians have come together asnever before in our generation. We have banded together to overcometremendous adversity. We have weathered direct attacks on our own soil,wars overseas, corporate/government scandal, layoffs, unemployment,stock price plunges, droughts, fires, mad cow, SARS, high gasolineprices, and a myriad of economic and physical disasters both great andsmall.But now, we must come together once again to overcome our greatestchallenge yet. HUNDREDS of Professional Hockey players in both of ournations are going to be locked out, and FORCED to live at well below theseven-figure salary level. And as if THAT weren't bad enough they couldbe deprived of their life-giving pay for several months, and possiblyeven longer, as a result of the upcoming lockout situation.

But YOU can help!For ONLY $20,835 a month, or $694.50-a-day (so say only $700-a-day ...that's less than the cost of a large screen projection TV) you can helpan NHL player remain economically solvent during his time of need. Thiscontributionby NO MEANS solves the problem as it barely covers the MINIMUM salary,but it's a START, and every LITTLE BIT like this will help!Although $700 may not seem like a lot of money to you, to a hockeyplayer it could mean the difference between spending the lockout golfingin Florida or on a Mediterranean cruise. For you, seven hundred dollarsis nothing more than a month's rent, half a mortgage payment, or a monthof medical insurance, but to a hockey player, $700 will PARTIALLYreplace his daily salary.

Think how hard it must be for these players.Your commitment of less than $700 a day will enable a player to buy thathome entertainment center, trade in the year-old Lexus for a newFerrari, or enjoy a weekend in Rio. And instead of being alone duringthis dangerously vulnerable time, they may even be able to enjoy thecompany of their much-loved supermodel girl friends instead of just"average women". I remind you: think how difficult this must be forthese poor tragic souls.How will YOU know THAT YOU'RE HELPING?Each month, you will receive a complete financial report on the playeryou sponsor. Detailed information about his stocks; bonds; 401(k) orRRSPs; real estate properties; and other investment holdings will bemailed DIRECTLY to YOUR home.

PLUS, by just signing up for thisprogram, you will receive an UNsigned photo of the player lounging duringthelockout on a beach somewhere in the Caribbean (for a signed photo,please include an additional $150). You can put the photo on yourrefrigerator to remind you of other peoples' suffering.How will HE know YOU'RE HELPING?Your NHL player will be told that he has a SPECIAL FRIEND who just wantsto help in a time of need. Although the player won't know YOUR name, hewill be able to make collect calls to your home via a special operatorin case additional funds are needed for his unforeseen expenses. It'seasy to help. Just complete the self-explanatory information below, andthe rest will be taken care of for you.

--------------------------------------------------------- YES, I WANT TO HELP!I would like to sponsor a locked out NHL player.My preference is (check applicable spaces below):[ ] Forward; [ ] Defenseman; [ ] Goaltender; or[ ] Entire team (Please call our 900-number to inquire about thedonation fora specific team - $10 per minute)Note: [ ] Jaromir Jagr (Higher cost: $32,000 per day)Please charge the account listed below $694.50 per day for the durationof the lockout. Please s end me a picture of the player I have sponsored,and for a LIMITED TIME ONLY you'll also receive the "Jaromir Jagr 2001IncomeStatement" .. AND .. my very own "Bob Goodenow (Executive Director ofthe NHLPA player's Union) pin" to wear proudly on my hat (include $80 forhat).Your Name: _______________________Telephone Number:_______________________Account Number: _______________________ Exp.Date:_______[ ] MasterCard; [ ] Visa; [ ] American Express; [ ] OtherSignature_______________________ALTERNATE card (WHEN the primary card exceeds its credit limit):Telephone Number:_______________________Account Number: _______________________ Exp.Date:_______[ ] MasterCard; [ ] Visa; [ ] American Express; [ ] OtherSignature_______________________REMEMBER: For LESS than $700 per day (that's LESS than a large-screentelevision), YOU can help a locked out hockey player.--


Anonymous said...

This is very amusing, I wonder how many die-hard fans actually considered it. *i'm looking at you, keith*

Jenna said...

THis is by far one of your greatest posts.

John said...

Jenna: because someone else wrote the whole thing.