Thursday, December 23, 2004

"Christmas Wishlist"

Here it the annual Tucker's World Wishlist for you last minute shoppers.

John Kerry: A Time Machine, so he can go back and win the election.

Gary Bettman: A Clue

The NHLPA headquarters: A flamming pile of dog crap.

T.O.: A new ankle.

Jay: A bag of lima beans, ever since he was a kid he has just loved those things. Just a bag filled with them just like the one he carried around when he was little.

Echelon Mall: A fresh start

Mosco: A stocking full of White Castle burgers

Drew: A Gun

Donald Rumsfeld: Free Public Relations classes.So,next time a soilder askes for better equipment his answer is better than simply telling him that he is likely to die in a firey ball of death in his tank when explodes anyway, so he shouldn't be too worried.

Donald Brasher: He was kicked out of a beer hockey league earlier this week for punching someone who was already laying on the ice. So, perhaps anger mangement classes could help.

Ben Stiller: A new agent that will tell him to turn down something once in awhile. I love Ben Stiller, but 8 movies this year was a bit much.

Fat Albert: Our 8 bucks for his new movie for Christmas Movie Christmas.


Anonymous said...

By Ed Greene

From FOB Sommerall outside Baji, Iraq....

I could have gone to that Rumsfeld press conference. I also know the soldier who asked that question!

keith said...

Why, I didn't realize that I had such connections here. Why didn't you go?

I take it RUMMY isn't that popular out there? Then again I heard after the infamous exchange the two shook hands and it wasn't as a big a deal as they made it to be.

He also said he liked him and hoped Bush wouldn't can him.

Merry Christmas Ed.

Anonymous said...

Damn, you Ben Stiller and your movie making ways, I think he is going to retire and start directing or producing. Needs to build up a warchest I think. Oh, and you aren't the only one who thinks 8 is enough.

Unknown said...

Ack! What do you want to give me a gun for?! I hate guns. Dreadful, horrible, evil things!!

keith said...

Drew, I would give you a gun so you could shoot people and have others do your bidding.

Anonymous said...

Hi, enjoyed your blog/site related to **Christmas** I'm going to add your