Here are some rants that have been ratting around in my brain lately
#1 Bernard B. Kerik
Okay, I admit it I had no clue who this guy was when he was first nominated to head the Department of Homeland Security. However, I saw his picture and saw how though he looks ; like a mean SOB, good choice. I read his bio which was mostly about his work during the horrible events of 9/11.
Come to find out he bangs girls on the side, hires illegal aliens, and I wouldn't want him cleaning my cats litter box let alone telling me what color terror we are at and when and where I might be blown up by a terrorist.
So, since all this stuff came out pretty quick I am guessing reporters were sitting on the story and figured it would sell more papers one day if he ever tried to go anywhere in government. My other thought is why do they do better background checks for the Sears Outlet then they do for this position? I am told that they do the background checks after the nomination. Maybe Bush saw the same pictures that I did and was like yeah he looks mean hire that man. He sure looks tough what with the shaved head and big mustache and all.
# 2 Liberals and Colin Powell
Why is that all the liberals gave Powell the benefit of the doubt when they loathed everyone in the Bush admistration from A-Z from almost day one. Yet they would always, say for the longest time, well I like Powell but the rest of them are bums!
Eventually, seemingly by association they finally said I give up on Powell. He is no good either good I am glad he is stepping down. Now if he looked like Donald RUmsfield he would have never been given that grace period. It's almost like they were like he is black, he can't be corrupt and evil. He is black! Lets give him a pass he is black.
# 3Liberals and Holidays
Listen if I want to walk down the street singing jingle bells or deck the halls it doesn't mean Christians are good you are evil. First off most christmas songs and decorations that are falling under fire this holiday season have nothing to do with the birth of Christ. The Grinch, Santa and Frosty weren't in the bible.
Right now on the crewblog there is a huge debate over if people should not be allowed to hang their holiday decorations up or not. Since this is a free country I am all for it. No matter how ugly some houses can be. I have never heard of parking problems or neighbors being mad because people litter on their lawn since the guy across the street has a Homer in a Santa suit.
Most decorations really don't say anything about religion and if you got into a jewish neigbhorhood your likely not to see any. The thing of it is christianity is the dominat religion in the US. Sorry, it's true. Actually many of the people who founded this country were of Christian faith deal with it. If you live in China and aren't a buddist you would have to put up with most people praying to buddiah. In Iraq Allah, etc. Heck I have friends from other religions that put up trees and stockings. I don't get all mad.
It will come and go in a few weeks and its all over. I don't understand why Atheists can't come up with their own holiday if they feel so left out. Why don't ahteists just celebrate festivus?
The thing that cracks me up is these are the same people stick up for the other less practiced religions in the country so they can pray to whoever. But when christians are expressing their freedom of religion all of the sudden are angry if people walk down the street singing christmas songs.
Listen im not gay I have no idea why a guy would want to hump another guy. I am aware that there are many gay pride parades in the city, but I dont give them a hard time because I don't follow their way of life. Hell I don't get all jealous because they all look like they are having fun dancing and singing and all.
#4 Blockbuster
Blockbuster's new policy. Good lord do I have sympathy for those employees. If you didn't hear by now in order to compete with Comcast on DEMAND, and Netflix they decided to get rid of late fees come 2005. Well that might be a good idea, but you are dealing with the general public who are likely to ignornant to read a paper, or watch the news.
Even if they do see it on tv, you know they wont understand and will put the the people at blockbuster through hell. The rule is they give you a 10 day grace period to get the movie back, if its not back 10 days after its um.."due" then they charge the whole damn thing to your account so you own the movie. If you bring it back in 30 days you get your money back.
I can picture this.
"Whadda ya meaaaaaaaaaaaan? I own Spiderman 2? Own it ? What do you meaaaaaaaaan?
"Sir, actually you can just get your money back if you get it in before your 30 days are up!"
"You better give me my money back or im going to through the DVD through the damn window!"
"No copies of Spiderman 2?"
"Eh, everyone decided to take advantage of the grace period now they own all our copies"
#5 Red lights
So, I hate red lights like most people. Now they always seem like they come at the wrong time. Or don't come when they should.
Awhile back my mouth was feeling a little funky after something I ate I guess. I was lucky enough to have a small bottle of mouth wash in my car. I figured good time swish and spit since that light is always red up ahead. Then simple I open the door real quick and spit. Sure it could look nasty to the dude behind me, but it's not any nastier than all those micro-organisms running around in my mouth having a good old time.
So of course the light was never green when I was running let or ever for that matter when I got to that intersection. This time it was green followed by another, and another. Now I could roll the window down but my luck would have a bunch of minty freshness coat the interior of my car as it comically blew back at me.
It was as if I had some sort of magic powers the lights up ahead were just all changing green. Again and again I got almost home and it was nearly a 25 minute drive. Of course because I am me, I started thinking of the the health risks of having mouth wash in your mouth for this period of time. I started to weigh the pros and cons of consuming the contents in my mouth. So, if you are running late swish you will be there in record time.
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Fuck you, Keith. Do you think maybe liberals liked Colin Powell because, I don't know, he did a great job as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? No, of course not, they liked him because he was black. They same reason they liked Condi Rice. Oh wait! Liberals didn't like Condi Rice! I don't understand. Keith says that all liberals love all black people, but why not Condi Rice? Keith, I'm so confused!! Please help me, look into my brain and tell me why I liked Powell but never liked Rice!!
Oh, and I'll give you a bajillion Terminus points if you can find anyone on that CrewBlog thread who thinks that people shouldn't be allowed to hang Christmas decorations. You really dumbed that argument down in classic Keith-style. Try reading it.
I agree with your other rants, though.
Okay no one said that they flat out shouldnt be able to hang lights. However, it was implied that there should be a legal limit. So, I guess people could be in favor of "capping" decorations. I don't really know how you define who has gone over board. So, supporting the "cap" in the light (pun intended) would result in those home owners having to not hang up "some" of their decorations. So thoose decorations that would put them over, would be considered overboard SHOULDNT be put up.This is why Jenna ranted in the first place.
Come on use those lawyer skills and argue a side you don't believe in.
As for the rice thing. I met lots of people during the election at my old work who hated Bush, but thought Rice was the greatest thing since sliced bread. I don't recall singling you out in that. People really didn't turn on Powell IMHO till early this year.
Thanks for that overly friendly opening greeting to kick off that comment. Please calm down a bit.
Yeah, you're right. I apologize for that. I was more exasperated than angry. My dislike of Powell really got going in late 2002, and was cemented by early 2003. He never really believed in the Iraq War, but he supported it, to the point of presenting false information before the UN. That destroyed his credibility. The Powell Doctrine was created based on his approach to the first Gulf War: go in with overwhelming forces, as many allies as possible, and with a clear and limited objective. The Iraq War violated all three precepts. We never had enough troops to secure the peace, and still don't. The mission is open-ended, and the vast majority of the burden in troops and funds is being carried by the US. He put his reputation behind that war, and his reputation was one of the first casualties. I don't know why other liberals would like Rice, she's simply incompetent. "No one could have anticipated that terrorists would hijack airplanes and fly them into buildings." Oh really? Except that it had been anticipated, and it had even been tried before, unsuccessfully, and Rice must have known that.
I don't know for certain, but I think you'll find that it's not uncommon for local ordinances to limit Christmas decorations in various ways. My point was only that if a town decides that it wants to do that, that's okay by me. To be fair, we don't know exactly how the town in question limits Christmas decorations, or why. It's possible that they're doing it because someone in a position of authority hates Christmas, but I doubt it.
The Bernard Kerik stuff is even worse than you've indicated. It's looking more and more like the whole nanny thing was a cover story to explain why he dropped out. The White House probably hoped the other, more serious stuff, would never come out. It's baffling to me how they could miss all that, or if they didn't miss it, why they nominate him to such a high profile position. Somebody in the Bush Administration screwed up badly on that call. But if I know Bush, no one will get fired. No one ever gets fired for screwing up, only for disloyalty.
Again, I'm sorry I went overboard with my last post. That was uncalled for.
No hard feelings here Drew.
I guess (you would know better than me) they couldn't do a background check on Kerik without letting him know. Like a law office couldnt just here about you and say lets hire him,but lets do a background check first. They would have to call him up say you interested? You are great? Well if you don't mind we need to do a background check.
Like I said though, the papers acted as if they had this infromation just sitting in microsoft word cut and pasted it and went to town. Now I am sure this info. could have been found easily if someone just did their homework. Maybe they just thought America's Mayor would never steer them wrong. Do you think it hurt him for his bid in '08?
Yeah they people at my (former)work is mainly who Im talking about. I guess it was just admirable to them for a minority to get so high in government. I don't know. Then again I sat next to someone who loved Bush, but hated his entire posse.
As for Powell look for him one day to write a scathing book on Bush, and say that he felt pushed into supporting the war. He may wait for four years out of respect, but I could see him doing that.
I would love to se Powell write that book, but I doubt he will. Fingers crossed, though. I think he opposed the war, but realized it was going to happen in spite of him, and did his best to get the UN involved. And I respect that, because if he could have gotten the Sec. Council on board, it would have been a big help. Unfortunately, he staked his reputation on the gamble and lost.
And as we all know, gambling and losing sucks. But it's kinda funny when it happens to someone else.
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