George Lucus is comparing the final installment of the Star Wars prequels to Titantic. He claims it will be a real tear jerker. Well I also hope that it includes a very, bloody volient death of
Jar Jar Binks. I can only hope that is the reason it's going to be rated PG-13.
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A bloody violent death for Jar-Jar Binks? Amen, brother!! That gets my vote.
Y'know what, though? As annoying as Jar-Jar is, I have to say that C3PO filled in quite nicely as the painfully annoying sidekick in AotC. I still cringe when I hear him say "this is such a drag", to say nothing of his other "witty" blather. Ugh, it's painful.
It's funny how Lucas says that this will be "more emotional" that the other prequels. George, they have nowhere to go but up, buddy. There's no emotion in either one! Even the supposed "love" story in AotC was paint by numbers.
Once this new dung heap is released and all the related dust has settled, Lucas really needs to hand off the franchise to someone else. He can still write the story, but let someone else have a crack at writing the screenplay and directing. Despite his insistent back-pedaling, we know he has more Star Wars stories floating around. Let someone else develop them, George! Put David Fincher in the director's chair. Or how about letting James Cameron work it over, huh? Maybe even the Wachowski brothers.
Sorry. I didn't mean to rant like that, but the original Star Wars was such a huge part of my youth that it pains me to see its creator foul it so.
Finally, check out "Why Darth Vader Is the Hands-Down Most Fearsome Movie Villain of All Time...Ever" ( It's just about at the bottom of the page. Very, very funny. [TL]
Thank for chiming in TL
Comments have been a ghost town lately.
Anyone else feel free to ponder if this flick will be good or not.
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