Monday, November 05, 2007

"Tucker's World Goes Green"

To follow in the footsteps of NBC, Tucker's World is going Green this week. I was touched when the studio put the lights out during the Eagles broadcast in order to prove that we need to conserve. I was even more excited to learn that movie star and former Vice President Al Gore will be on 30 rock this week! In fact all the Thursday Night comedy shows are going to be about Global Warming!

I figured I had to do something to jump on the band wagon so I didn't have to sit at the loser table at the next Bloggers convention. So, in order to brainstorm I took the day off of work and drove around and around. I came home finally after and was about to turn Tucker's World green! But, I did get sidetracked because I left the TV on when I wasn't home and they were running a movie that caught my interest on HBO. It took me awhile to change the format, because my computer locks up. That happens when I leave the computer on for a long time which I usually do. Now, it was time to start telling people how to live their lives.

Did I mention Al Gore will be on 30 rock this week?

#1 If you are watching the game over your friend's house, there is a good chance you are drinking beer. Make sure when you "break the seal" not to flush. Leave your piss till the end of the night. Just keep filling it up. One flush is better than countless after the seal is broken!

#2.Everyone wear green on Thursday!

#3. Carpooling is fine, but I think you need to step it up more than that. You should shower with your fellow car pooler. This will give you a chance to not only save water, but intimate time to discuss ways we can conserve. At the very least you can come up with the most fuel efficient way to go to work. Even if that means no left turns.

#4. If you live in an apartment complex. Drive around and try to figure out what neighbors leave their doors unlocked. If you find a door unlocked go into their place. Rummage through their personal belongings till you find their finical statements. Make sure that you mark them up to show them ways to save. Its important that when you do this, that you wear all black and put a hood over your head. We don't need people knowing who we are. This isn't about getting praise, its about saving the world for the children's children's children's so they can live in harmony with the spacemen that will land here in the not too distant future.

#5. Make a Dioramas. Maybe use the planet as the center piece. I think Styrofoam would work great to capture the planet earth.

#6. Get green lightbulbs and replace EVERYBULB with them. I mean, light posts outside, the ones indoors, nightlights. Than at 8:30pm on Thursday when Al Gore is on 30 rock. Everyone at once turn on your lights. All of them! Come together as one world for one cause. What an amazing site it will be everyone with their green lights on at the same time.

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