Wednesday, January 14, 2009


He must have came to lurk around the vacant shopping center, filled with skate boarders and shady looking characters lurking in the night.


Anonymous said...

He was caught not to long from where my mom works at Stratford nursing. Congressional Democrats have blasted the Republicans for not doing more to have prevented this. $1B in bailout money is now being set aside for Stratford to creat the biggest, best most technologically superior animal control force in the world.

keith said...

Where are they going to get the 1B? The Tax payers are going to have to foot 1.5 million for a party in DC next week. I guess we are really scaling down during the "Crisis"

Jason said...

As compared to the $42.3 million spent by Bush. Yeah, I would say that $1.5 million is scaling back.

But since both of you are idiots I will make your argument for you. Obama's inauguration might cost $43 million. Of course that does not account for the cost of Bush forcing Obama to spend two weeks in a hotel as opposed to Blair House so the EX-PM of Austrailia could come visit.

keith said...

I am sorry to say I was wrong Jay. I will admit it. I dont know where I got my stats from. It wont cost 1.5 million, its actually $150 million.

Some of that money will be sent by some hollywood liberals, but from what I read the over 45 million will be what the public will be on the hook for. Pocket change if you went to princeton and have a bunch of millionaires as friends I supposed. But on top of that total

the governors of Virginia and Maryland, and the mayor of Washington sent a letter to the federal government estimating that the inauguration was going to cost them a combined $75 million - $47 million for the District alone - for transportation and law enforcement.

Isnt this the guy that talked about how hard the times are? I guess you can argue people will get paid for their services so thats a good think. Bakers for giant cakes, people who design costumes for the parades etc...but isnt that sending a mixed message?

Americans are all losing jobs and companies are going out of business but if you are rich and powerful you can spend the for the biggest party in the history of America?

Nevermind the area is not equipped to handle the two million people plus that are expected to show up. We all so what a disaster the Philly clean up budget was after the Phillies, imagine that to the extreme.

So Bush's entire party cost that? is tht stat right?

I see you wasted no time in going to the liberal ways as calling two people idoits for questioning lord Obama.

Jason said...

No Keith I called you an idiot because it is an established fact that you have the IQ, intelligence and reading comprehension of someone with Down's Syndrome. Calling you an idiot had nothing to with party it had to do with science.

If some hot shot Hollywood liberals are footing most of the bill, what is the issue? Are you shocked that rules are different for the rich? Really? You cannot be that naive? You belong to the party of the rich. Rich people can do things that others cannot, oh and powerful people. The President is powerful, and usually rich, they can throw huge parties.

If McCain had won, this inauguration would cost exactly the same. Inaugurations are very expensive parties, regardless of party. Do you honestly think that Bush's cost exactly $42.5? You don't believe that he had some of his daddy's rich friends foot the bill for some stuff, or McCain wouldn't have done the same thing? Do you think that the governors of VA and MD did not have the same headaches for his parties? Do you think that there was less of a cleanup for him?

No area in the world is equipped to handle two million people in such a small area, but that is not going to stop people from going. Excuse people for being excited about a fresh new face in the office and getting out from under the thumb of the WORST President in recent history.

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter. After the Eagles win the superbowl, Mayor Nutter will tell everyone that Philadelphia can't have a parade because of the cost of protecting P.E. Obama. Ain't life a B.

Jenna said...

HOLY SHIT!!! There was a coyote in Stratford!

keith said...

I thought he was a change merchant though? not the same old thing that all the other ego stroking politicans are all about.

Jenna said...

It isn't stroking his ego. Do you really think that if John McCain would have won that his inaugural ceremony would be simple? Obviously there are more people in Washington than at any other normal inauguration but this is something that is an even more historical event because he is the first black president. But a McCain inauguration would have been just as pricey.