Saturday, August 14, 2004

"Straight Eye Not for the Queer Guy"

It's amazing how two people can watch the same event (in my case tape delayed) and come away with different views. My good friend Drew who I often disagree with unless it comes to hot wings on his blog TERMINUS has chimed in on Jim McGreevey resignation.

He claimed that he was highly moved by the speech the the soon to be former governor gave earlier this week. I certainly wasn't and saw it as fairly phony. Now lets get this out of the way even though I have the tendency to lean right more than my fellow New Jerseyans I am all for the rights of gays and wouldn't have a problem with a homosexual running the state I live in. Bush's is stance on gays (among other things) could likely cost him my vote. Hell, it would have been okay with me if Jimbo showed up to photo opts with a dude and played "Its Raining Men!" as his campaign song. Also for the record my fav. Queer Eye for the Straight Guy cast member is Jai, with Carson and Ted tied for a close 2nd.

(shaking head)

Sorry about that, just been waiting for a time to post about Queer Eye.

Anyway, the thing of it is I do think it was tough for the guy to make the speech, but I don't know how courageous I could say it is. Fireman who lost their lives on 9/11 are courageous. It turns out that pretty much most the inter circles and all the major papers knew he was gay, so it is only a bombshell to some. I was about 80 % sure he was gay. However, I feel as though he is using his sexuality to shield him and the democrats from bullets. The bottom line is he put his lover (allegedly) in a highly important and paying job for the state for homeland security. A state where some the 9/11 terrorists lived mind you.

If you want to be open minded about it and hold homo-sexuality to the equal light than imagine if he wasn't gay. What if assigned a smokin' hottie he found over seas who couldn't even HAVE CLEARANCE to hold the job (allegedly) just because he was bonking her. Drew even said to me the day off, that he thought it was strange (or something to that effect forgive me I didn't record out conversation) that *this* is what brought the man down. There were all kinds of corruption going with his cronies and I highly doubt he was clean. I can only imagine there is more stuff to come or perhaps that will remained buried.

There is nothing brave using your sexuality as a bullet proof vest to cover up for the fact that you placed a lover (who you cheating on your wife with) in an important high profile job. Not to mention the fact that it is dumb, so dumb that even people from his party were scratching their heads.

The more I think about the more I think we should have a special election. The move to resign in November was a great political move, but not a good move for the state that he supposedly loves. So, now we get to be babysat for over a year, and have an election next year anyway. Why, not get it over with? Silly.

For me there isn't anything moving about a man who had his back against the wall and finally had to come clean. Yeah it sucks for him if he really couldn't figure out if he was gay or not for a long time, but still it isn't like its 1950. The speech came across as phony to me. He draped himself being gay while he wants anyone who fire back at him to look like they are picking on gays. He did it, because his ass got caught. I doubt Drew will be moved be Bush's defeat speech in a few months either. He bascially had to do this because he got caught, and for whatever reason (I guess they broke up?) his lover was going to go public anyway. What puzzles is me is how can all the newspapers (North & South Jersey, Philly, New York) not have connected the dots on this one? It's fairly obvious they all knew he was gay before he said it. Didn't anyone investigate who this random guy was assigned for the position?

Look out for Charlie everyone!
"HOOPER, You Idiot! Starboard ain't ya watchin' it?"-- Quint


Jenna said...

Keith, Jai is the lamest of the queer eye guys. Thom is the best seeing as he does the most, and Carson and Ted follow close behind.

Anonymous said...

Some great info here! horseman