Monday, December 06, 2004

"Hockey Doomsday"

The two hockey sides will sit down and talk this Thursday. It's fairly clear thought the plan hasn't been released to the press that the NHLPA's new plan still doesn't include a salary cap. The owners said just last week that no luxury cap is good enough. Even still the two sides are going to sit down together for the first time since the lockout started. Does anyone think any good will come from this or it just a bunch of people stilling around? Why did the owners accept the invite if they know there is no salary cap? Will one side bend? Will the owners make a counter offer? Only time will tell I guess. Its clear if nothing is really agreeded upon the 2004-05 season will likely be offically canceled

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They have all but acknowledged that tere will be no hockey until January 2006, at least. Nothing is going to happen because only one side (the players) are actually compromising. This is the end of hockey. Better get the loser season going.