Sunday, December 05, 2004

"Tucker to Readers:Eagles are '05 Superbowl Champs"

Okay, I am not an Eagles or football expert. However, I think its time to use up all the William Penn curse jokes before they don't make any sense. I have followed the Eagles a little closer this year. I still find football to be an overrated sport, but whatever. Now that the NHL is gone I really don't have a sport anymore. So, most my friends are Eagles fans so its only fair to let them use this post to talk about it.

The Eagles have only one Loss, and most their wins were done with out breaking a sweat. Todays smack down was one of the biggest spankings I have ever seen. Most the games are over by the start of the 2nd quarter when Philly is playing. Its like someone playing on rookie in one of the EA sports games.

Yeah, the Stealers beat their asses, but the Eagles didn't have their A game going. Lets face it they were not going to win EVERY game. HOwever, its likely they will from this point out. Unless they are slammed by the injury bug they should be able to make it to the Superbowl in their sleep. Their confidence is so high right now the teams just fall to their knees in fear.

Now the Redskins took awhile to be put out of their misery a few weeks ago, but the Eagles still had control of the game.

The Stealers I think will actually be up rooted by New England and the Eagles can take them. In fact I will predicit this far in advance that the Eagles will win the Superbowl over New England by two touchdowns.

It's about time we have all team for all 3 of the major sports (4 actually till this past September when the NHL went under) and its been forever and a day since we had a parade. Does anyone actually have and doubt about the Eagles? I will steal the concept of the 610 wip guys..whats your confidence level?


Anonymous said...

Keith, you are tempting the Greedmaster. He does not like that.


keith said...

I think we should MOCK the greedmaster. Think you will get off for the parade?

Anonymous said...

If there is ever a parade I will take off. I can imagine that half the businesses in the area will be closed by default, because all of their emplotyees will be calling out sick.


keith said...

Sear Outlet will be open. They will retag the Bigscreen TVs that have had there since 1999. So you can get half of the original price of a TV that is 4 years old. Which means you could get a widescreen for less which is newer.

Everyone will ask everyone who works there. What do you mean Red Tag?

Jenna said...

Keith, do you mean mock the greedmaster like we mocked the ghost train? Because remember what happened when we did that...NEVER tempt the greedmaster.