So, after the huge crowd left the Eagles Stadium they were put into a huge panic because they said the whole building started to sway. Some fans thought it was an earthquake and began to panic and push and shove to fight for their lives.
Lincoln Financial has basically shrugged it off. Saying, nah don't worry about it. I am sure thousands of people thinking they were going to be burried to death in the rubble of our stadium after it started shaking didn't see nuttin.
If there is one thing I have learned that Governments and Companies never lie. So, I am sure there is nothing to this at all. Fans should just forget this non-sense and buy tickets to the next birds game as the stadium fills to near illegal (if not illegal) capacity.
Forget this non-sense about this building swaying! Check out the link to 6ABC (WPVI)
The RAMP was swaying, not the whole building. My boss was actually on it and said it made you feel a little drunker than he actually was.
people were calling into 610 saying they thought they were going to die, and the ground and walls were shaking. Did they overload the stadium?
No, they were sold out, and had their employees there but whether or not it was at maximum capacity or over I can't say. But my boss didn't say it was a frightful experience. He said it was a little strange but I don't think he feared for his life. Another rep that works here was in the building at the time and didn't even know that it happened. I think the people that called into 610 are full of crap. I notice that some of the people that call in just like to hear themselves talk.
I agree about the 610 people. Even more so the strict hardcore just Eagles fans are usually dumb as bricks that call there.
My co-worker went, and said he didnt go on the ramp. His roomate however did. He told him people were falling to the ground because it was shaking so much and one women was just breaking down crying.
A woman cryed, really? A female overreacts to a situation by crying and becoming completely useless. Has this ever happened before? This is as rare as an Eagles fan calling into 610 and overreacting. These are two groups of people that cannot handle themselves, they all need aides walking with them to hug them and reassure them that all is going to be OK.
Sounds like Bush set this up too! Just like when he set off the bombs in the WTC.
Its all about the oil!
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