Tuesday, March 13, 2007

"Going the Distance...Going for Speeeeeeed!"

So, it spring again and people are talking about being in shape and living healthy and all that crap. Lots of my co-workers join a gym called riverwinds near my work, because of the town I work in we get discounted memberships. It is supposed to be awesome they have a pool with a slide, lots of places to run, a steam a room and tons of weights to work out with. But, I realized since its in the other direction of my apartment, I would never go. SO, I would not join and not throw money down the toliet.

What could I do? Well my apartment is has a small gym, which has just what I need a bike, a treadmill, because I just want to run and feel like I am more active than I currently am. I know most people like to lift weights and thats the cool thing to do, but the thing with weights is that they are really heavy. Running is also nice and cheap, and I get to be outdoors during most of the year if I commit to it.

Problem is with my gym is the only open in while the office is open. The office closes at 6pm sharp each night. I am lucky if I get home at 5:30, but its usually closer to 6pm. So, there goes that. Now they have been telling me since November that they are getting cameras in there and it will eventually be open late, but I am starting to think that they are just messing with me. Since, you know it is Spring time.

A few Saturdays ago, I was able to get into the Gym and actually did some running. I actually felt great the next day like I did something good for my body for once, instead of trying to drown my organs with beer. Now that we haven extra hour and thanks to global warming with 70 degree weather in March, it was perfect time to start running this SUnday! Well not really, because Saturday I went to a Beerfestival, but more on that later. To be honest a few summers ago, I did run 3 times a week for about two months or so more. I started to see results finally.

I went to run at a the tire park (although there are no tires there anymore making people who didn't live here before 1999 look at me like I am Space Alien when I refer to it as that) and thought to myself. 3 times around the park Keith...er Tucker. Okay, I ran like 50 % of the time and walk the other 50%. Yeah, just starting out right?

Yesterday, I took the day off. Tonight, though I truely had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. I was invited by the guys at work to go to a happy hour, followed by Rick who was going to the Tank for dinner and a few brews, than by Price who was going to the Stone Grill with a friend I hadnt seen in years, than by Ed who was hitting up Harpers with "HeadCase". I turned all four chances down in order to run.

Oh, yeah I was going to do this!

I started running, and thought to myself a few things.

1. What the hell am I going to do with my car keys? I can't leave them in my car right? In my pants they just weigh me down and annoy me. If I clinch them in my hand, I look less like I am jogging and more like I am fleeing a crime scene.

2. Why are my pants I bought for running years ago big on me now? After years of not running? Maybe bending elbows is a much better way to stay in shape.

3. Damn that cute Italian Girl in front of me has a nice butt.

4. I wonder what drink special is at Harpers tonight!

5. God I am out of shape

6. Of course I kept playing rocky music in my head and a few choice quotes.

So yeah, again I had to stop a few times because of being totally out of breath and wishing I was basically dead. All the while the cutie italian girl was zipping around the park again and again. At this point I started to question the whole "get in shape thing" is this really time better spend than sitting at happy hour? or on my couch watching tv?

I had to dig deep to get around 3 times(I don't even want to know what short distance that actually is), and the third try was more walking and looking around than actually running. But, me blowing off happy hour was a step in the right direction right?

Than again I would have to do this 3 times a week to see any kinds of results and that really takes dedication. Would it be better to just wait till after the 1st heart attack? I mean if anything I am skinny for my height, I am certainly not heavy.

Damn my legs hurt.

Okay readers! How long does everyone give me before I throw in the towel?


Anonymous said...

So if you jog every other day, you will be jogging on Saturday. Isn't that St. Patrick's Day?

Jenna said...

You didn't throw in the towel yet?