Monday, January 17, 2005

"Gay Bombs"

Well as if you didn't have enough to worry about regarding terrorists, now you have to worry about becoming Gay at the hand of Osama, that is if we don't make the Iraqis homosexuals first.

Here is an article about the US kicking around the idea of using a chemical weapon that would make everyone gay.

Now we aren't the only one that wants the enemy to become just a bunch of dudes getting it on with one another. Just check this out, Osama wants to make you and everyone you care about gay.

Now, Drew had an interesting theory that the town of Collingswood may have been the vicitm of hush-hush government experiment. Hmm.. Maybe McGreedy just got too close to the the truth and they made him gay.

As a service to my readers I have decided to start a Gay Color Warning Chart.

Code Red= Every Thing is Fine the gays are gays, the straights are striaghts.
code Blue= Everyone is a "little" gay. There just shades of gay, accept it. Not that there is anything wrong with that
code orange= Hey, just because guys snuggle together and hold hands doesnt make them Gay!
Thats acceptable.
Code yellow: Just a bunch of guys "expermenting" perfectly natural.
Code Pink: The whole world has become gay. Nothing but Gay Orgies untill the robots rise up and wipe us off this planet. No turning back nothing will get done just a bunch of dudes humping all day long. Well I guess the women inherit the planet.

Before I get slammed for being homophobe, just relax its a joke.

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