I recall listening to this song about 10 times on the way to Drews in New Brunsick one year. Also, that whatever year it was, after I had missed the ball drop the year before. I was paranoid somehow I would miss it again. My friends got joy out of me fear and wanted to thwart me seeing it again that year too by picking me up and putting me on Drew's porch so I could not watch the ball drop.
This is a live performance of U2's New Years Day. Friggin' awesome U2 rocks. This is from some random concert in the windy city. Can't be New Years for me unless I hear this song and watch "The Hudsucker Proxy".
Sunday, December 30, 2007
"I will be with Dreeeeeew Again"
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
"The Gift"
Some time around the first week of the year. I took a second look at one of our traditional Christmas decorations; it was a complete and total eyesore. It was a gift some old lady gave my mother 10 years ago for Christmas and I guess she felt obligated to put it on the tree each year. It was a gaudy looking knitted cat. It was one the most hideous things I have ever laid my eyes on.They say its thought that counts well it’s the thought that angers me when I see it every year.
That same Christmas like every year an epidemic spread through the grade school. This year it was in the form of Sega, the newest video game system. Over greasy square pizza, pale yellow peas, and flavorless mashed potatoes shaped like an ice cream scoop, I would hear all the kids discuss the latest video games. I would try my best to stay absent from the conversation. I wouldn’t know what to say when they would ask me if I had gotten past the castle board yet.
One day went I went home I sat my father down and tried to tell him how I would benefit from having a Sega game system of my very own. I told him it would give me better hand eye coordination and against the popular notion it made kids zombies, I told him it acutally made them think and make quick decisions. He went on and on about how when he was a kid he would just use his imagination to have fun, and how kids today are spoiled
. I think that conversation is had all over America in every family at one point and time. I used to think that my parents and all the other parents would go to secret meetings at night or when all their kids were in school and discuss stuff like this. I pictured a man with a gavel leading the meeting and hammering home the idea of telling children why they are spoiled and to shove vegetables down their throats. One time I actually searched my mother’s purse for a pamphlet when they got home late the night before. That Christmas I was hoping for a miracle.
I rushed down the steps that morning and studied each mystery. I did the shake test, the weight test and the hold them up to the sunlight test. As I tore, open each one my chances of getting the coveted Sega was getting slimmer and slimmer. All kinds of flashes were going off from my mother’s camera capturing images of me, and my reactions to each present.Later that day my family and I went to my aunt and uncle’s for dinner. I was in a miserable mood the whole time.
The only bright spot was that my cousin Robby who was about my age was there. And guess what he got for Christmas? Of course the very same Sega system. He told me he got it weeks before Christmas even came. Robby and I were always highly competitive. So while the sweet smell of the pending ham dinner dissipated through the air we settled down in front of the television. With all those weeks of practice, he had on me he humiliated me. I think he set a record for goals scored in a hockey game, shot my plane down about a dozen times, and beat me all over the wrestling ring.
I went home feeling worse than I did when I realized I wasn’t getting the Sega. On the ride home my father tried to reach out to me. But I just pushed him away. The image of my wrestler I was controlling laying on the floor after about 30 seconds was burning in my mind. I sat in fit of rage in the back seat as my parents were in the front. My father turned the radio down. He told me that maybe one day I would get one. But I didn’t hear it. I wanted to tell him how Robby’s parents weren’t any richer than we, that I was the only kid that didn’t have a Sega. But all that came out at the top of my tiny lungs was I HATE YOU! And instead of saying anything after that. I just repeated I HATE YOU!
Because he was driving of course he had his back to me. But we passed a street light that light up the rear view window and I glimpse of his face. Suddenly I didn’t want to yell anymore. I did not apologize either, in fact no one said anything. The car just hummed along the rest of the ride.About two months later I got a Sega for my birthday. It funny the minute I unwrapped the gift and realized what it was, I almost had to fake excitement. Sure I spend many a night in the glow of my television going to far off lands and winning championships, but I could never take those words back. At least in a video game you are blessed with more than one life. At the time I meant the words that came out of my mouth. I hated my father as much as I hate that stupid knit cat now.
One time after coming home from a fishing trip with my father after many years of those words keeping me up at night, it figured it was time to apologize. However my mouth froze, I never did. I like to think that my father knew what I was thinking. Like I said they say it’s the thought that counts.I put the rest of the ornaments in a box, and I carried them basement. I placed them in a closet we hardly used. It was full of dust and mildew. I rested the box right on top of the Sega.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
"My Scrubs Christmas"
Well SCrubs may have been cancelled before they final show was shot due to the writers strike. But, we still have the memories.
A few years ago, I am not sure how this came about but the cast did voices for a Charlie Brown Christmas.
The conversations are in the character of Scrubs (JD is Charlie Brown etc), but to the actual Charlie Brown Christmas.
A good laugh, even if you are not a big Scrubs fan. A must watch for all Scrubs fans.
Friday, December 21, 2007
"Patrick Swayze Christmas"
Please enjoy the heart warming song "Let's have a Patrick Swayze Christmas" sung by Joel Robinson, Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
"Chances of Departure 100%"
What sucks is this means the best weatherman by far Rob Guarino has lost his job. For years I have read his webpage on the FOX PHILADELPHIA website. He is right way more than you would ever expect a weatherman to be. If you are weather nerd like me it usually a good read.
I hope he gets another job in the area. But, I think his opitions are slim. There is MYPHL 17, but the news show they have no one watches, maybe CN 8? Aside from that unless a weatherman punchs a cop in the face. Than I doubt there will be an openings anywhere else, and he might end up landing a job with some other station.
When I heard BOlarias was coming to FOX, I knew Rob was screwed. This was his last week on the air, but he has his own webpage. He breaks it down pretty good on why we won't see any major storms this year. It's all about El Nino (he also tells how its different from El NiNa). So, if you want to know weather that is pretty on the money check that site out.
If you have some sort of crush on a womanizer with some cool hair, than tune into the FOX ten o'clock news.
WTXF Fox 29 can suck it. I hope Johnny boy makes an ass of himself again with a non-storm prediction. Maybe the next time buys panties for some dude's girl he will get his lights knocked out.
Monday, December 17, 2007
"Awesome Bears Playing Hockey in the Ocean"

Friday, December 14, 2007
Carol of the bells claymation special
In 1987 the California Rasins were taking the world by storm. They even got their own Christmas Special. Such and underrated Christmas special. The show was just basically music videos linked together by two dinosaurs who hosted the show. IT was actually really well done.
The rasins come at out later to close the show. This was my fav. and by far the most funny of the bunch. If people want I will post more.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
"Richie Richard$"

My record is 2-1 this season.
Secondly, Micheal Richards (giddy up!)will be playing with the Flyers till I am 40. Or at least that is what his contract says. Richards the future captain of the team signed a 12 year extention. Thats just insane. I am happy to keep a center to build around like that. But, I must say I didnt see it coming so soon. The money is something insane like 69 million over 12 years.
I really hope they keep this core team together. The Flyers in the past has seemed to given up on young talent to quick. Partrick Sharp, Jon Sim, Justin Williams, and Vinny PRospal were all players we got crap for in return.
Now the Flyers have to break this win/lose streak that is driving me up freaking wall.
Also, I offically HATE sid Crosby. I mean what like weasel. Takes out Biron than is too much of a chicken to return to the ice. PLease. I hope Eager nails him next time we play. Although, I bet he refuses to go out there if Eager is on the ice.
Monday, December 10, 2007
"Legendary Letter"

"So they Marched All Night Long"
Aside from myself, and people I know who take an interest in the enterainment business, people are either unware or apathetic about a strike at all. I talked to some co-workers about it recently. Another person after I told him that Leno, Letterman and Conan were in reruns for a month, brought up that he thought late night tv was dead anyway. He said as long as The DAily Show and Colbert report were still new, he hadn't even noticed the shows had gone dark for over a month. To be honest, my concern about the strike would be down about 2 or 3 notches if it wasn't about to ruin the final Season (and many ways the series) of SCrubs.
Very few network shows have any new scripts left before the strike, so many shows have shut down production. THe shows that do have episodes left were intended as shows like 24 or Lost that start mid-season anyway. But the problem is they have only a few. I had heard 24's upcoming season was so bad they had to rewrite it. Lost will only have 8 shows. Aside from a few other mid-season replacements, come 2008, it will be reruns and reality.
After two weeks of talking, talks broke off last friday bettween studios and writers. During thanksgiving weekend the writers took off and didnt picket, and studio big wigs arent used to working during the holidays. So, I figure that we might be looking at the 2nd week of January before the two sides even go back to talking about anything.
The writers are taking a stand, but sadly they are screwing lots of people who will never benefit from the strike during the holiday season. Makeup people, camera crews, wardrobe people, and various others are all losing their jobs.
The crappy thing is, people love reality tv, and will eat up many of the new shows launching after the holidays. Which means if the strike is ever settled many of the shows will be canned anyway to make room for the new over night reality show hits. Leaving some writers with no job to return to.
Not sure if its the fact that there are still a few new shows of popular programs left or if people are distracted with their own problems right now. But its been 6 weeks, and for the most part America aside from Hollywierd has moved on with their lives. We live in a society where we entertain each other anyway with MYSPACE and YOUTUBE. Maybe we are not on the edge of a new media but different pop-culture all together. Recent studies have shown that pretty much all of the young europeans prefer the Internet to TV anyway.
One wonders if people will make time again to see what Republican is getting slammed on REal Time, too see Leno's headlines, or spend time with the zany office workers. Bettween when now and when the strike gets settled is plenty of time for people to pick up new routines to get them their their mundane work weeks.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
"Deck the Hall and Oates"
This is for you Mosco Buddy! Im posting Hall and Oates (no not old videos of Adam Oates and Brett Hull the other Hall and OAtes!). This is them doing Jingle Bell Rock just in time for the holidays. Such a goofy, goofy video. I wonder if one of the boxes has a sweater with snow flakes on it or not.
"No one is Actually Reading this Blog Headline"

"Cookie Monster vs Kappy"

At the skate zone the things got heated during practice. All around nice guy Sami Kapanen and 2nd line center Danny Briere ended up fighting each other. NOw, its not uncommon for this to happen once in awhile, but it usually happens in the pre-season. What is so odd about it, is that its likely a fight bettween two of the smallest guys on the team and two guys you would never expect that from. I think Kappy has been in something like two fights since we got him. Danny is not a fighter, an occassonial dirty player with the butt of the stick in the gut, but not a drop the glvoes guy.
Well at least they seem to care still. Hopefully, there is no bad blood and they can move on. The flyers will go on the road now and play the Wild than the lanche. After that they come home for 3 games. They need to start winning games in a row. The win/lose streak needs to end if the team wants to go anywhere. Now would be a good time to start that.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Soundwave: The True Hollywood Story"
One second your are starring in the biggest movie of 1986. The next second your agent won't return your calls.
It's a long road to the bottom for Soundwave, and during this behind the scenes special he does drop more F-bombs than he ever did on the original tv-series.
Enjoy the 2nd ever video on Tucker's world. Drew, if you and the guys haven't seen it yet. Its a must view at the next get together at your place.
Video Killed the Blooger Star
You might have noticed some things have changed on the blog. Tucker's World is no longer green. For two reasons.
1. It was kind of like eating a turkey burger. It just didn't feel right.
2. What the point in fighting a cause? The man is just going to win in the end anyway. Besides, I think this problem will just solve itself like most global issues like, AIDS, and the Kosovos.
Now its time for a history lesson my friends.
In 1776 our country was born. Then for awhile nothing happened. In 1969, a man landed on the moon. In 1975 Jaws came out. In 1979, Tucker was born and this video was the first thing shown on MTV. Now MTV sucks and has nothing to do with music.
Now, I can post videos when I like instead of links. Which means if you are like me and read blogs at work. It will likely say "Access Denied" thats because the kill-joys in coproate don't want us watching videos. They are jerks.
Seriously though, I have a lot planned for this now. So,much more I can do. Enjoy the first video ever on Tucker's World. "Video Killed the Radio STar" by some guy that looks like my hippie Biology professor from Camden County College. He always wore sandals and once made us walk around in the woods looking for leafs. Most people think of the first video when they here this. Since I was either not born yet,or an infant I just think of Rex Manning day
Monday, November 26, 2007
"Bobble Briere"

The first game I went to this season, I was shocked how few people were at the game. In seasons past I had gone to pre-season games that were more crowded. The funny thing is many of the former season ticket holders were behind the nets. Which has resulted in a sea of red on either end of the ice.
The Bobble head night for me is just a cool bonus since I paid for the tickets a long time ago. So, I couldn't wait to get my bobble head. I brought my friend from work JOsh and promised him a Bobble. At first I had the fear that I was wrong with what night the give away was. There was no one giving the Bobbles at the door. Just a bunch of kids pounding away on drums. IF there is anything I hate more than kids, its kids playing really really loud drums. To make it more strange the people were trying to get us to sign up for credit cards using fake names for free t-shirts. Of course, I couldn't hear a damn word they were saying over the POUNDING of the drums.
Where the hell was my Bobble HEad?!?!?
Later, I found out that you get your BOOBLE at the end of the night. I have no idea what time they started giving them out. If you had to wait around and see if the Bruins would light the lamp 6 or 7 times and suffer to get your Bobble or not. Luckily, they didn't score that many, and of course I am die hard so I stayed to the end of the game. Which was good, because the third period was when the Flyers realized it wasn't a dream and they were indeed playing an NHL game. They must have been blinded by all the red they were seeing in the stands.
I guess its a good thing to have the Bobble at the end of the game for some reasons. I recall how annoying it was when my father and I went to Bobble COle Hammels night. Having to clutch them like a newborns all night long. Also, in order to make it easier for one person to take a leak or get a drink, one of us would be on "bobble duty" and guard Cole with our lives. I lived in fear all night that something would happen to my new friend.
However, what the Flyers didn't take into consideration was how it would effect people leaving the building. A Bobble Head Bottle neck was formed as people all stopped to get their mini Danny Brieres on the way out to the rainy Philadelphia night after our team sleep skated to a defeat. You couldn't move!
Josh and I took the advise of some dude and went to one of the other exits which required us to walk a quarter away around the WATCH OVER YOU CENTER. At this point we were not remotely near our car. So, we could fight the Bobble Head grabbers some more or we could walk around in the rain. I love the Flyers of course, but sometimes I think a monkey puts these promotions together.
I store Danny under my jacket to sheild him from the rain. HE will find a home with his new friends Bobble Fist Brasher (who is white for some reasons) and Generic Flyer Bobble guy from 2002. Generic Flyer guy suffered a broken neck once when my nephew was playing the slam the door into the computer desk over and over again for no reason game. He tobbled to the floor. Luckily, he can still Bobble with the best of them. Also, I am getting my nephew one of those annoying drums for Christmas, so no more Bobble Heads have to suffer.
Maybe the Flyers could have rolled back ticket prices this season to draw people in. YOu know knock a good 20 bucks off the tickets all around. I am wondering how much longer Derian Hatcher's checks bounce. But, I guess they will always have the die hards like me wandering around like a rat in a maze in order to get my Bobble head at the end. I clutched the Bobble Box close to my heart till we got in the warm car. A little wiser.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
"Shot From Hartnell and Not Too Late

Tuesday, November 20, 2007
"The Manshower"
Later, that day I figured I am screwed! I will never get such stuff. And Dudes will never get that, even when the get married or have kids.
What makes matters worse is the single dude is always left out in the cold. I mean Valentines Day is just a holiday that trembles all over our lifestyle. I really wish they would just call it "The February Holiday" so they do not offend us bachelors. I also, am going to try to fight seeing public displays for the holiday on feb14th.
We have to always sit at the "singles" table for formal events. Whats next separate schools?
Anyway my idea is very simple. It is to thrown for you by your dude friends (or bros) in honor of you being a stand up dude. In order to get this notice you must excell in a few or all of the following.
Beer Drinking
Knowlege of two sports
Awesome Video game playing skills
Love of the Transfomers
The ablitity to nudge your dude friend when a hot girl walks past
To be able to quote Major League or Caddyshack at will
My idea is for a Manshower. That does kind of sound sort of homoerotic so I am actually looking for a different name.
Anyway for now I will call it the Manshower. Basically every now and than the dudes get together and pick a dude to honor. They bring gifts and food.
Acceptable Food:
Pizza or hot dogs. But since Dudes are putting it together I doubt anyone will think to actually get plates.
Acceptable gifts:
Anything from the Hickory Farms collection
a Six pack (that the dude shall drink when the guests leave some other night)
A copy of Maxim Magazine
2 Phillies tickets
A movie on DVD where a lot of stuff is blown up.
gift cards for Lowes (so they can like build stuff)
Gutiar Hero
Everyone talks about where they were when the Phillies lost the world series in 1993.
Everyone busts the balls of the dude being honored.
A Picture is brought out of the dude who has a girlfriend who didn't let him come over for the manshower, and a candle is lit followed by a moment of silence.
The Manshower, I am going to make it a new thing.....
"Turkey Joke"
Because they use FOWL language.
Tell your friends....
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
"Ain't Got No Scrubs"

Friday, November 09, 2007
"The Habs and Hab Nots"
Those pesky Rangers are #2, and our own ORange and Black are #6.
Montreal is #3.
Here is the List
Thursday, November 08, 2007
"232 Candles"
"This Saturday is the 232nd Marine Corps Birthday. Jersey's American Pub has been gracious enough to let us have a B-day bash starting at 8pm.There is NO COVER and we will be having raffles, a silent auction, 50/50's and great drink specials all night. Yellow Fin will also be playing between 9 and 1. WE WILL BE DONATING MONEY FROM THE EVENTS TO THE INJURED MARINE SEMPER FI FUND!!!! This charity assists wounded Marines and their families during their trying times. Please come out and support this good cause. For more info, check out Jersey's on my top friends. "
The raffles sound pretty awesome actually. Apperently one of the people that shows up at the bar regularly work for the Philadelphia Flyers and has donated some stuff to win!. The stuff is LIKELY to include, Jerseys, signed sticks, pucks, and Phantoms Tickets! Another prize will be a mountain bike, some sort of chair (it sounded cool when Price said it but I forget!) and some other stuff.
There will be drink specials and live music. DOnt know much about Yellow Finn, but I have heard they are pretty good.
IF that isnt enough Carl will be there.
So, come up and have a drink, or if you dont drink thank some marines for all they have done for our country.
Feel free to ask questions on here about the even.
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
"All the Pretty Little Green Things"
Here are a list some other cool green things.
1. The Hartford Whalers old jerseys.
2. Kermit
3. Monopoly Houses
4. The Apple Jolly Ranchers
5. Pickles
6. Slimer
7. The really tight sweater an insanely hot girl was wearing earlier today in line at Wawa.
8. The Field at Citzen's Bank
9 Ed Greene
"Stratford Gets Wet"
Basically, they are just squandering a chance to lower taxes. I *THINK* they are going to have 3 liquor licences and they wont go to existing businesses. That chains, or a nice quiant resturant (Id prefer) can exist with a bar. There is plenty of room in a mostly empty shopping center! A great location right off the train!
Finally the good people have gotten off their horse and buggy, sent out the tellagraphs, and the people have spoken. Time to have a good 'ol time!
I highly doubt the town will turn into a bunch of drunks or anything. Just a great chance to woo new businesses
Monday, November 05, 2007
"Tucker's World Goes Green"
I figured I had to do something to jump on the band wagon so I didn't have to sit at the loser table at the next Bloggers convention. So, in order to brainstorm I took the day off of work and drove around and around. I came home finally after and was about to turn Tucker's World green! But, I did get sidetracked because I left the TV on when I wasn't home and they were running a movie that caught my interest on HBO. It took me awhile to change the format, because my computer locks up. That happens when I leave the computer on for a long time which I usually do. Now, it was time to start telling people how to live their lives.
Did I mention Al Gore will be on 30 rock this week?
#1 If you are watching the game over your friend's house, there is a good chance you are drinking beer. Make sure when you "break the seal" not to flush. Leave your piss till the end of the night. Just keep filling it up. One flush is better than countless after the seal is broken!
#2.Everyone wear green on Thursday!
#3. Carpooling is fine, but I think you need to step it up more than that. You should shower with your fellow car pooler. This will give you a chance to not only save water, but intimate time to discuss ways we can conserve. At the very least you can come up with the most fuel efficient way to go to work. Even if that means no left turns.
#4. If you live in an apartment complex. Drive around and try to figure out what neighbors leave their doors unlocked. If you find a door unlocked go into their place. Rummage through their personal belongings till you find their finical statements. Make sure that you mark them up to show them ways to save. Its important that when you do this, that you wear all black and put a hood over your head. We don't need people knowing who we are. This isn't about getting praise, its about saving the world for the children's children's children's so they can live in harmony with the spacemen that will land here in the not too distant future.
#5. Make a Dioramas. Maybe use the planet as the center piece. I think Styrofoam would work great to capture the planet earth.
#6. Get green lightbulbs and replace EVERYBULB with them. I mean, light posts outside, the ones indoors, nightlights. Than at 8:30pm on Thursday when Al Gore is on 30 rock. Everyone at once turn on your lights. All of them! Come together as one world for one cause. What an amazing site it will be everyone with their green lights on at the same time.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
"Gone Jamie Gone, Gone Gone!"
Duke and I go way back to when we were kids. Our parents were quite involved in our local church, and thats how we met. I can remember one time with Duke and I driving to a miniature golf outing (Our whacky pastor, Pastor Jack thought it would be cool to drive all the way out to Lancaster to play mini golf. He was right!) we were in the back of my parents station wagon and facing backwards in the Ford Tarus. The whole time we talked about transformers. I was doing my dead on Starscream voice (which was ruined when I hit puberty and just being total nerds while the other guys were talking to the one cute female in the car. Duke used to wear these glasses with this black band on the back to keep them from falling off his face. Kind of like the the basketball players used to wear.
Many years later, Duke got contacts, but pretty much we still talked about dorky stuff and didnt in favor or talking to people who don't have a penis. Now he has moved away, because he is a jerk.
Many, years of memories. Including being there for his "lowest point of his life" which happened when he had party that no one showed up to. He was really drunk and saying it was "The lowest point of his life" and we left him there.
He also worked for a shady painting selling company which provided many laughs and still does. He was the first person locally to have his own place and took over for the headquarters from "My parents basement". Jay and Jenna made a baby there, Duke got his balls cupped (and god know what else) and his apartment really brought many people together.
Many other memories include my times down the shore with Duke, drunken nights at his other apartment, Duke's hot but mildly crazy girlfriend from South Philly and playing and a NHL video game on my computer every Friday for a year.
Jamie was famous for his "Jamie 180" when he would be really passionate about something, and than months later take the polar opposite view on it. So, maybe he will say he DOESNT HATE new Jersey in a year and move back. BUt, honestly, I think we have seen the last of Duke as a South Jersey resident.
We will all miss Duke, and hope he doesn't get eaten by a gator. I want everyone to comment on their most memorable Duke moment. It is OKAY to cry when typing it. But, I am not going to say that it isn't very gay.
I have to hit the Publish Post comment,because I have something in my eye.....
"For a Service Problem Press 1"
I have a rough day in the last two hours of work. When a truck that has really expensive Blueberries on it decides to take 8 hours to get from DC to Vineland, NJ. So, I stop by maybe fav. watering hole and get some grub and a few beers. I make sure I am in home in time for the new How I Met Your Mother (and all the other shows I watch Monday). I settle down back in my apartment in hopes to whach HIMYM and forget about my crappy day.
I cant do that. My cable is out. So, is my internet. I call up to see what can be done and the robot voice tells me it will be a long wait. But, it would be better if I logged on the internet and reported the problem. Clearly, I can't do that. So I got to my parents to watch HIMYM and the rest of my Monday shows.
I returned home, still no cable or anything.
Day 2
I call in the morning. The dude on the phone assures me that he will send someone out to fix the problem!
They tell me the dude will be out around 5-9. I tell them that I wont get home till 530-6pm. So, please dont send him at 5pm.
At this point I think I know what the problem is. They have my apartment number WRONG for my service address, but right for my billing address. A year ago, they cut my cable feed because I came up as someone who doesnt pay( I do, they looked off the incorrect service address) so they cut my line.
I tired MANY times to make sure it wouldnt happen again. I always feared it would. Around 7pm, I doze off and finally wake up at 7:45 with my cell phone clutched in my hand. I call Comcast and they seem fairly Annoyed that I am calling, since its not 9pm yet. I call at 8:46 and the robot voice tells me my appointment is for Oct31 (the next day). I get a live person. They tell me the tech hit code 1, for the reason not to come out. Code 1- means Weather. It was chilly,but insanely clear out that night. I asked if they no longer come out if it rains now. She said, they wouldnt climb a pole, but I told her they should at least have told me they weren't coming and that who knows if they had to climb a pole. Also, that the weather was amazingly nice. The lady is FLA, and tells me she understands my frustration (I kept using the word asshole) and that she also is a "consumer".
Than Chris Arter comes over and we eat candy and watch a spooky movie and Its the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown on DVD. Im glad he came over, because my night was shot pretty much.
Day 3
Finally the guy comes out around quarter of 8. He is wearing Devil horns (for Halloween I assume, although I think most COmcast workers have them naturally). He told me that they basically disconnected my cable again,b ecause I didn't show up as a customer. He tought me some random tricks on my digital box.
After that I met price and rick for trivia night at Jersey's. Thankfully they took 20 bucks off my bill. But even still Comcast is evil and most of their workers or morons.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
"Its the End of the World As We Know It"
Monday, October 22, 2007
"One Grand Post Man"

Yeah that's right !
I had to actually double check a few times in my mind that its been over 5 YEARS that this blog has been going on. That makes me 23, and just about to embark on my last year of college. I have to say, I am quite a different person that I was back than.
So, much has happened into the last 5 years, and that's saying a lot since I think I lack some life experience since I rarely travel outside of this area.
There have been ups and downs, laughs, bad grammar, and I have pissed off at least 4 of my friends on here to the point that they weren't talking to me for a while. That is less than one per year which is seriously not that bad. Kind of strange though the odd vibe that a blog can give off. I think if I said some of those things in person people would just laugh it off. But the blog soap box gives you some kind of different power or tone I guess.
I have blogged about elections, hurricanes, relationships, death, Flyers, and featherless chickens.
I brought people who haven't talked to each other in years together some how, and have had some weirdos comment on here. I have had others lurk for years before I realized they actually read my blog.
There was all the blogs about Superman Returns leading up to it, and than I never actually talked about the movie after I saw it or reviewed. Nobody cared.
There was the time that I actually started letting comments in on the blog, which opened up a wave of insults, threats, and occasional spam.
Many blogs have risen and fell since Tucker's World started with great big bang. TERMINUS died and than came back as ZOMBIE TERMINUS (okay its TERMINUS 2, but research shows that one of my readers REALLY loves Zombies) .
We watched every Philly team suck together and blog about it. Okay, I don't blog about the Sixers or the Eagles, but it didn't stupid them from sucking for the past 1,000 posts.
Hmm..lets see if I can sum up all the readers lives in the past 5 years. I might have made some of this stuff up.
Drew: Became a lawyer and wanted to murder me a few times because of stuff I wrote here. He also moved to COllingswood but still tells me he is not gay (causing me much interpersonal turmoil when I made accepted him being gay). He breaded up than bearded down, than bearded up again. I think he watched an entire 365 days worth of Dr. Who in the past five years. He is also adopting "The Girl Who Loved Powerglide" for the big screen and selling the script to the suits in Hollywood.
He dated some hot chick from South Philly and all he got was her damn cat. Mr. Boots came into our lives amidst a shattered relationship. Once I left the door open at Dukes apartment and he escaped. Things happened so quickly and Mr. Boots was missing for about 30 minutes, Duke was about 15 minutes away from punching me. That is a total of two cats that weren't my own that I accidentally slipped passed me into the great outdoors, but I am happy to report neither died. Now he is moving to Florida, because he is a jerk.
She had a kid, quit the Sears outlet, found buried treasure, moved in with Jay, and had her own blog for awhile. Actually she had two blogs. One about whacky stuff and one about her kid.
Jay (aka Jason aka Lima Beanz)
He switched jobs a few times, and now molds the minds of the young. He has a kid. He also punched a zombie in the face once for money. Another time just for the sake of punching a Zombie in the face. He also once threatened to murder me or cripple me I forget.
5 years ago he was making weird jokes and wondering about the lives of the crew to make up for the fact that he hates his job. Now he makes weird jokes and wonders about the lives of the crew to make up for the fact that he hates his job.
I ruined his life.
Is a vet, and never has read my blog. When I mentioned it recently he said. "You seriously still have that thing"
Found out the meaning of life and wrote it down on a piece of paper, but it blew out the window of his UPS truck before he could remember it. It flew down 295 never to be seen again. However, there is a River rat that has started a cult following along the Delaware River. Of course Riverats can't read or talk so that doesn't even make any sense at all!
Hit someone with his car, but he was a Devils fan so we all just laughed about it.
CAme over to Duke's a lot and talked about tv shows I don't watch. He also paid Jay to punch a zombie in the face.
I still have no idea who this dude is!
Chris Arter
A South Jersey Music Legend. One day he will be in the south Jersey hall of fame next to the Garden STate Parkway trolls, and that creepy Asian dude that hands out stuffed animals at local bars.
Dan K.
Moved up to a higher tax bracket now he sits in a big house on a hill. Him and Jessica have 9 computers.
Got married, but his wife was eaten by a lake monster. Price did his best to save her, but what are you going to do?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
"Cookie Monster"
Thursday, October 11, 2007
"OK Computer"
Monday, October 08, 2007
"Counting Penguins"
Okay, no way it was 40 YEARS of hockey, because they started in fall of 1967, not 1966. SO this fall will be 40 years of Flyers hockey. Also, there were NEVER 40 seasons either. They did not play for the the 2005-2006 season. So, thats really LAME to consider that a "season" you didnt give us any hockey! By that logic the Sopranos would have had like 9 seasons, counting all the years new shows weren't aired as seasons. Maybe they would sell the season sets and some would just be blank discs?
Anyway, what is even more amusing is that the Penguins who again were in the same group of expansion teams in 1967, are doing a big deal for their home openers for it being 40 years of Penguins Hockey. Because it is!
Yeah, I now some people debated me on the who how many seasons were there thing. IF you don't believe me think how we realized the millennium is actually 2001, because start counting at 0. Same thing. When the Flyers started hockey in fall of October that had not been around for a year already, so fall of 1968 was one year later of them starting. Still don't believe me. Write every year from 1967 on a piece of paper (I actually had to do this to prove this very point once) and number each year. That comes out to 40 seasons, but you have to take one away because of the lock out. THe Flyers campaign from last season was clearly YEARS not seasons. Seasons is a stretch at best, but years was always a boldface lie. Its impossible for these two teams to have different 40 year benchmarchs in their history.
Oh yeah and 1985-1986 will always be the season that Pelle died.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
"Season Over"

Cold bats. Thats basically what did us in. The hot bats of Philly were just non-existant in the 3 game playoff series. I knew the Rookies had better pitching, but I figured we would just win by getting into a slugfest.
Of course there will be a lot of hatred toward the team the next 48 hours, and people will just be doing the Eagles chant till the next tim the Phillies enter the playoffs. But, I am still proud of the Phillies and what they did this year.
I think maybe somehow these guys were just overwhelemed by it all. Not to make excuses but honestly although I hoped I never thought we would win the World SEries. We just weren't good enough yet.
I did however say from the start of the season that we would make the playoffs. That we did, and its just one step closer to winning it all. Most these guys will be back next season and be able to take this experience away with them.
There will be many questions of the next 72 hours, some long faces, anger towards the hitters and Chase could become very hated in Philly. People wont even the 1-3 birds to get their minds, but that might be a good thing.
You can add one another 4 months at least to our championship drought in Philly.
It was a great ride with an all too famliar ending. But the fans will just have another scar and life will go on. The Phillies never quit and thumbed their nose at the slamming they got from the haters all season long. One wonders what could have happened had the Padres made it. One wonders what could have happened if we didn't yank our starter in game 2. Now it is the off season for the Phils and we have to go through an entire off season, pre-season and the never ending regular season just to get back to this spot.
But, such as life in the land of scars, and wondering about past events. Each fan will grow a little wiser, maybe more cynical. Dry your eyes with your rally towels Delware Valley and as Tony Soprano once said. "Focus on the good times"
Thursday, October 04, 2007
"New-BrierERA "

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
"Free Hugs"
Sunday, September 30, 2007

"If Not For Me For Them"

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
"Lowdown Downie Shame"
Now, anyone that knows me knows that I love hard hitting hockey. But, this guy Steve DOwnie is no Ben Eager. Downie I think is a total nutcase who loses his temper way to easily and something snaps in his head where he just goes nuts.
This week during a pre-season game DOwnie took a run at former Flyer and now Senator Dean McCammond and it was not even close to being legal. He didnt just leave his feet, he leaped from them. McCammond clunked his noggin on the boards and was out cold.
Now the Sens players are calling for Downie's head on a stick. Basically, saying they won't forget it, and they are gunning for him next time we play. HOwever, Downie MAY not even make the team. If he does its because the Flyers have 3 guys that were supposed to make the team that wont be able to play opening week. If Downie doesn't play there is a very good chance they will just try to take swipes at our star players.
Thanks a lot Downie! STarted a war with the Sens in the pre-season. Christ, we cant even make it to the season opener healthy and Downie does something stupid like this. What if it was one of our players getting their bell rung in the pre-season because some yahoo wanted to prove his worth to make the team? Thats why I hate pre-season. Also, does the NHL make him sit out games? IF so, how do you do that since he likely will be a PHantom?
Here is the YOUTUBE link if you didnt see it
"The Return of Tucker"
The hot weather will soon fade away making Tucker more resclusive and wanting to type to the world instead of go out and interact with it. Honestly, I think I can pull the whole more updates thing again! I found a library near where I work. I honestly like going there on my lunch, because I get away from ringing phones and its very peaceful. If I had a laptop like Drew I could blog while watching tv. I just got too wrapped in the PHils and wathcing Nothern Exposure off netflix. Not to mention that I am really addicted to YOUTUBE. I just sit for hours watching hockey videos, fanboy stuff, people making fools of themeselves, hot girls dancing etc..
But I am back! Time to fill you in on what has happened in Tucker's World during the Hiatus.
Rick blamed me and Price for for holding him back in life.
Duke is moving to Florida. Yes, the man who puts sun tan lotion on to go to WaWa, is going to the sunshine state for a year or more.
Drew got new glasses
I learned that tapping your foot in a public restroom means you are really gay and need hard core gay sex with strange men. Oddly, now Im paranoid. We have a radio in our bathroom at work, and now I make sure I never tap my foot to the music while taking a huge dump. I have stop everything I normally do while doing number 2, just in case people think I want some man love or something. I don't even stopped singing select songs from rent when I am wipping my ass which has not been easy.
Dan K is going to be a dad.
More stores in the "Voorhees Town CEnter" have closed
The phillies were out of the playoff picture, than back in, than out again, than they were in, last night out, tonight in. Unless the PAdres win, than still sort of in, or out.
That jerk from Iran meet with people or something. I dont know. I think he said something about not wanting nukes or something. I started to watch the story on the news, but than I realized E! was running a marathon of the Two COreys.
The Flyers have started their pre-season. 3 Players set to make the team are hurt already.Yup Ummy (finger), Uppy (wrist) and Lopul (should we call him Lopy?, did something to his hand too).
All the eagles fans were ready to slit their wrists after going 0-2. We are not 1-2 so I guess there will be less people leaping into the Delware River with weights tied to their feet.
Mosco is still a dick.
Did I mention Drew got new glasses?
Im back baby I am back! come back during the day for updates too if I can get on my lunch I will update!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
"Two Weeks Notice"
Monday, July 30, 2007
"dropping like fly balls"
Monday, July 23, 2007
"The Dead Will Rise this Fall"

I am not talking about that new show about a detective who also happens to be a VAMPIRE! (its really going to be show). I am talking about two of "my shows" that I watch on network tv. I don't have time for many shows, and I don't watch many of the real popular ones like Heroes or Lost.
So two of the shows I watch I are bringing back people from the dead. Which is always pretty ridiculous.
The first such show is Scrubs. (SEASON 6 Spoilers) Last season towards the end of the year Nurse Roberts was killed off. The big christen lady nurse died in car accident. I couldn't understand why they did this. But it was revealed later that series creator Bill Lawerence thought at the time that it was going to be the final season. So, they figured they needed something dramatic to happen. So, the killed her. BUt Lawerence said to the actress who played her that if NBC had a change of heart and brought the show back for another season, he would bring her back.
Bill was good on his word, and Scrubs will have 19 final shows this season and the actress will be coming back. Apparently the ultra christian goodie nurse roberts had an evil twin the whole time, that was never mentioned, or even showed up for her own twins funeral. She will be a druggie, a slut and a heavy drinker. Good thing there is only 19 shows left, right? I guess its cool he didn't go back on her word, but what a stupid story line.
Even more strange is CSI: Miami. Now I started watching this show going back to my outlet days when I would come home from work and my mom would have it on. I only watched it once in awhile the 1st season, and later got really into the show with my now ex-girlfriend. The first two seasons were really cool, gritty at times, but a little far fetched. I decided to go back actually and rent the first two seasons this summer off netflix. The character enjoyed the most on the show was the character known as Tim"Speed" Speedle. He was played by Rory Cochrane (the dude from Empire Records and Dazed and COnfused) I like his character on there because he was smart ass. He was the most realistic character too, didn't really like his job that much, and the actor was just better than the rest of the cast for the most part.
Well it appeared after season 2 that Cochrane couldnt take the 12 hour shoots, and being stuck on the west coast most of the year. He wanted out of his contract. If CBS did let him out that would mean he couldn't do tv for 3 seasons. The writers had a tough choice to make to write out a popular character. They went with killing him off. He and David Caruso's character got fired on in a jewelry store. Because, Speed was a bit lazy and apathetic he didn't clean his gun right(he almost died in season 1 for this reason I guess he didn't learn his lesson), and his gun didn't fire. He got shot and killed. Caruso character held him as he died in his arms. Later, the autopsy girl cut him up on her table. Cant get any more dead than that. It was hard for fans of the show to watch, but since he wanted out what else could you do? It made for a powerful season 3 opener. Anyway, I think his death made a bigger impact on the fans than if he would have been alive in season 5. It was unexpected and rocked the show's structure. He went to cool character tv heaven with Uncle Pussy, Deep Throat from the X-files, and Wheel Jack.
Season 3, went on to introduce a new character, and by season 4 the show started to trail off in a more and more over the top direction. They married the lead character off only to have his wife killed, in one of the most unbelievable romances in the history of TV. Last season had someone get eaten by a black bear (In Miami Really?!?), triplets killing twins, one character get shot in the head and report to work like nothing much happened in two weeks.
Anyway, I really started to think I was going to bail on the show all together. Sometimes it was a chore watching last season. But, I figured I would check out season 1 and see some I missed and revisit season 2 (I am currently watching and I guess I missed a few there too). There the show was still far fetched, yet fun and down to earth. Any Speed was still alive. I really enjoyed watching the earlier shows, while it was fun it was grounded still.
Now there is pretty big rumor that Speed will be back a few times in season 6. How on earth could this happen? He was cut up? Shot. Burried. Flashbacks? A Ghost? Faked his death? Wait, they already faked the main character's brothers death. Maybe a Zombie? Now I have to come back for season 6 to see how they do this. There is no way at all that it can not be totally ridicuolous.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
"Another 9/11?"
Monday, July 09, 2007
"Hope Skates"
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
"Ho-Hum Summer"
Monday, June 25, 2007
"Fathers & Sons"
Now anyone that knows me knows that I pretty much have zip desire to every have children. It's simply just not something that I want out of life, or see myself needing to fulfill my life. Not only that I have trouble wrapping my brain around why it seems like 99.9 percent of the people on this planet earth are hell bent on having kids. Is it to validate their own existence? Because they think its a sign of success? Obligation?!?
Not sure.
Anyway, my father and I were outside (another perfect day down there) talking. He was talking to me about how he wasn't feeling good (he had a touch of something) at first we though maybe it was just from working to hard at the campground that made him sore. But, at one point he just simply told me. "Maybe he is just getting old".
He told me about how quite a few of the people from his high school graduation class has passed away in the past year. Well my parents had married and had kids much later in life than people did back then. Although its a bit more normal for people to wait till they are well into their 30s to have kids,back than it was not that common. So, as a result my parents were always older than my friends parents.
So, I have spend time worrying about when my parents become "elderly" and start to decline. Not a happy thought, mind you but something you have to prepare yourself for I guess. My brother came down with his trio of kids (a 6 year old, a 2 year old and an almost 1 year old). So, of course as usual he had his hands full.
Since, my dad wasn't feeling too well. So, I started the campfire. Now, I have started many a campfire in my day, but usually my dad would just take it over. However, for the first ever really, he let me take over the fire for the whole night. Even when he joined us later when he was feeling better. It was that time that I looked over at my six year old nephew, and thought to myself, hey not terribly long ago that was me. He was just overwhelmed down there with the swimming lake, fire, and just running around. Yeah, not TOO long ago before rent checks, 6:30am alarms, and sitting at an office all day, each day was an adventure really. He was making memories down there, and my brother is having his whole family down there later that summer. I started going down there when I was in infant basically. So, I have long ties to the place.
For a brief moment, I think I got it. Eventually you lose your parents, but your kids you can pass on stuff that your parents gave to you. Even if it just a good memory. Eventually your memory of your parents will hopefully live on in your relationship with your own children.
Now, don't think your humble blogger has sold out or anything. Besides unless if any little Tucker is on the way it would be the result of some sort of horrible decision if not a flat a medical miracle.
It lasted a few days, than when I was at a store with my friend Cathy. The kid near us in line would not stop screaming. Which pretty much erased all that other stuff. Jeez, why do they have to scream so much?