Thursday, December 25, 2008
"The gift"
Some time around the first week of the year. I took a second look at one of our traditional Christmas decorations; it was a complete and total eyesore. It was a gift some old lady gave my mother 10 years ago for Christmas and I guess she felt obligated to put it on the tree each year. It was a gaudy looking knitted cat. It was one the most hideous things I have ever laid my eyes on.They say its thought that counts well it’s the thought that angers me when I see it every year.
That same Christmas like every year an epidemic spread through the grade school. This year it was in the form of Sega, the newest video game system. Over greasy square pizza, pale yellow peas, and flavorless mashed potatoes shaped like an ice cream scoop, I would hear all the kids discuss the latest video games. I would try my best to stay absent from the conversation. I wouldn’t know what to say when they would ask me if I had gotten past the castle board yet.
One day went I went home I sat my father down and tried to tell him how I would benefit from having a Sega game system of my very own. I told him it would give me better hand eye coordination and against the popular notion it made kids zombies, I told him it acutally made them think and make quick decisions. He went on and on about how when he was a kid he would just use his imagination to have fun, and how kids today are spoiled . I think that conversation is had all over America in every family at one point and time.
I used to think that my parents and all the other parents would go to secret meetings at night or when all their kids were in school and discuss stuff like this. I pictured a man with a gavel leading the meeting and hammering home the idea of telling children why they are spoiled and to shove vegetables down their throats. One time I actually searched my mother’s purse for a pamphlet when they got home late the night before. That Christmas I was hoping for a miracle. I rushed down the steps that morning and studied each mystery. I did the shake test, the weight test and the hold them up to the sunlight test. As I tore, open each one my chances of getting the coveted Sega was getting slimmer and slimmer.
All kinds of flashes were going off from my mother’s camera capturing images of me, and my reactions to each present.Later that day my family and I went to my aunt and uncle’s for dinner. I was in a miserable mood the whole time. The only bright spot was that my cousin Robby who was about my age was there. And guess what he got for Christmas? Of course the very same Sega system. He told me he got it weeks before Christmas even came. Robby and I were always highly competitive. So while the sweet smell of the pending ham dinner dissipated through the air we settled down in front of the television. With all those weeks of practice, he had on me he humiliated me. I think he set a record for goals scored in a hockey game, shot my plane down about a dozen times, and beat me all over the wrestling ring. I went home feeling worse than I did when I realized I wasn’t getting the Sega.
On the ride home my father tried to reach out to me. But I just pushed him away. The image of my wrestler I was controlling laying on the floor after about 30 seconds was burning in my mind. I sat in fit of rage in the back seat as my parents were in the front. My father turned the radio down. He told me that maybe one day I would get one. But I didn’t hear it. I wanted to tell him how Robby’s parents weren’t any richer than we, that I was the only kid that didn’t have a Sega. But all that came out at the top of my tiny lungs was I HATE YOU! And instead of saying anything after that. I just repeated I HATE YOU! Because he was driving of course he had his back to me. But we passed a street light that light up the rear view window and I glimpse of his face. Suddenly I didn’t want to yell anymore. I did not apologize either, in fact no one said anything. The car just hummed along the rest of the ride.
About two months later I got a Sega for my birthday. It funny the minute I unwrapped the gift and realized what it was, I almost had to fake excitement. Sure I spend many a night in the glow of my television going to far off lands and winning championships, but I could never take those words back. At least in a video game you are blessed with more than one life. At the time I meant the words that came out of my mouth. I hated my father as much as I hate that stupid knit cat now. One time after coming home from a fishing trip with my father after many years of those words keeping me up at night, it figured it was time to apologize. However my mouth froze, I never did. I like to think that my father knew what I was thinking. Like I said they say it’s the thought that counts.I put the rest of the ornaments in a box, and I carried them basement. I placed them in a closet we hardly used. It was full of dust and mildew. I rested the box right on top of the Sega.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
The various verisions have really gotten out of hand with movies.
Before the reason for extended versisons of films were because the movie was beloved and the director cut stuff for time. Many people really took notice of this because deleted scenes in many movies would surface when they started airing on the networks. Back than people used a device called VCR to record stuff off tv. Many people (my family included) would tape movies that way. So,we had movies taped off of tv. They would be edited for content but many times they would Actually ADD scenes rather than delete them like they do now.
Films such as Back to the Future, Jaws, and the Naked Gun were shown with various of extra scenes. The Naked Gun had an insane amount of deleted stuff put back in, in order to bump up the running time shortened by scenes removed that wouldnt clear the network standards.
Now, they have Unrrated verisions which people always thing are dirtier. They aren't automatically. All it really means is the dudes that sit down and give a movie a rating G, PG, PG-13 or R before it goes to theaters, didnt watch a recut verision of the film. Sometimes it has stuff that would have bumped it up the ratings later. Other times it might just be an extended shot, some extra G rated stuff that was simply not in the presented cut of the film.
Now we also have movies on DVD with totally different endings than people that paid the $10 to see them in theaters. In fact I saw two verisions of 28 days later, that when I saw the sequel I couldnt remember what the REAL ENDING was. Sometimes these verisions have cool stuff that was cut (the older movies people love are hot sellers cause its new footage for beloved filmS) but sometimes its totally different ending. I saw so-so comedy with Zack Braff called The Ex (once titled FAsttrack) that had the one charcter a fraud in one verision and the other one legitmately handicapped.
There is a big difference though for a movie you already saw and never saw. Was the underrated verision of Stepbrothers any better? I have no idea I went with the original verision that I had also never seen. I figured that is the verision everyone saw. But now I hear the extended verision of the exteremly funny Forgetting Sarah Marshal was even Funnier, when I opted for theater verision.
What verision do most people go with when the netflix or are old fashion and rent the movie from a store given the opiton on a film you NEVER saw?
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
"Best Baseball Team in the History of All Baseball Teams?!"
She told me he is all excited that they signed someone. Normally I would just tell her how terrible the Yankkes are and they are evil. Instead I simply said, ask him who the world champs are.
Kind of like Jays post on the crew blog last month. I find myself still a fan, but not really caring.
Of course everyone knows I am:
Sixers (could care less)
So, at least I still have the anticpation of my #1 team winning in it all.
But as far as the PHils go, it makes me not want to even give anyone a hard time. I mean what is to get upset about? We did it. We won.
People are talking about who to sign.
I am like who cares we are the world champs!?!?
How could we get better. We are better than the entire world. If we dont win the word series this year we are just like every other baseball team that doesnt win back to back. Perfectly normal. I dont think I would even be that angry when we get eliminated.
I will be like, well we won last year. So big deal. That is my championship! I was at a good age for it. Still young enough to party all weekend and old enough to call it mine and have it mean more with all the seasons leading up to it.
I could care less about Chase being hurt to start the season. Dont care what pitchers we sign. I will be watching games again of course and plan on attending quite a few. Dont get me wrong I am still a fan. But, if things go wrong I will not be able to get mad. Its hard to explain. BUy them all out ? who cares ? we won already. I just dont see how I can even get mad all season long at this team. Happy when they win, but if they lose. Eh, whatever. Which is different than living and dying I did the last several seasons. I knew they would win the world series pretty early into the postseason last year.
I dont care if the Yankees sign Superman, who cares the Phils won!
Now lets get a Stanley Cup!
"Duke of Tampa"
We will have truely lost him to the sunshine state.
I plan on going down there in March to attend Spring TRaining for the WORLD CHAMPS---The Phillies.
While I am down there I plan to crack Duke on the Noggin and drag him back to the Garden State. That is the only way I am getting him back the colder weather.
I will leave a note to his future wife (or sender of Christmas cards) that Duke died on his way back to space.
Friday, December 05, 2008
"Best Wings in the History of All Wings?"
The Pizza Place about 5 minutes got voted Best Wings in South JErsey by the Courier Post the last few months. I finally got around to trying them recently.
I am aware that these places stuff the ballots, because the new defunct Chicken Coop always got best wings and they were terrible. That place was best known for selling hard drugs. At least that was what the folklore was.
So, I was holding back my expectations a bit. But at I least expected wings.
You see Wings to me if they are "dry" are simply fried chicken. Many pizza places give you this when you order wings. I thought it might be different in this case, since I found actual wings near my office from both a deli (actually pretty good) and a pizza place (fairly good), so I thought people would not vote on fried chicken to be the BEST. THE BEST.
They sucked me with their order of more wings than one person should eat (their smallest order was 15) but I figured if they were good I wouldnt care.
I got them home and opened them up with my mouth watering. IT was simply just fried chicken wings with a side of hot sauce that you put them in. The sauce was nothing more than tabassco sauce.
These are not chicken wings, or are simply wings for people who dont like wings. Less messy, but they are not wings. To make matters worse it wasnt even good fried chicken. What a waste of money.
I want to put some sort of law in to effect that makes them not call wings like this wings. Crispy wings, fried chicken wings, are left over stuff from people that actually ordered fried chicken.
If you need me I will be walking down the streets of Pine Hill with a sign put around me that says BAD CHICKEN!
I will also be yelling NO CHICKEN! NO CHICKEN!
Thursday, December 04, 2008
"Flu Shots Are Stupid"
I always refuse.
First off, the shot is just a guess what Flu Virsus will be all the rage this winter.
Second, it doesn't prevent you from getting a stomach virus. That is what I am always prone to.
Third, last year when people got the shot they got sick anyway. The Flu wiped out all but 6 or 7 of the over 20 people in my office. Kind of like that episode of Head of the Class when they all get sick. IT was nuts only 6 of us running the office, and most of us DID NOT get the shot.
This year we did it about a month ago. It made people sick for a few days. YOu know why? BECAUSE THEY GIVE YOU THE FLU! Thats what the shot is.
Your opitions are
A: Roll the dice and not get the flu hopefully
B: Get kind of sick or pretty sick when you ask the doctor to GIVE YOU THE FLU, than have an almost exact amount of risk of getting sick as anyone else.
Dont trust those jerks just casuse the have a doctors lab coat on ! They are GIVING YOU THE FLU!
Just run!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tuckers World to Be Bailed out!
Monday, November 03, 2008
It was pretty feaking awesome.
We were wise enough to take the train in before it got to nuts. I am told that some stations shutdown all together. We may have gotten there a bit early but it was worth it.
We actually walked from center city to the stadiums all the way down broad street. I dont think I ever even drove that long down broad street. Let alone walk it.
The meeting of other people was pretty nuts cause so many people were around.
We did however get a pretty good spot for the parade and Jay got some great pictures.
I am glad the drought was finally over.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Chase Utley World Champions Parade Speech
Chases famous lines will forever be part of the 2008 world series story!
Monday, October 27, 2008
"Almost there"
Even though I called the Series in 6.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"Phillies Luck Charm Stolen!"
On Saturday my friend Josh had to go into the office to get some work done. When he got there he was shocked to find that radio gone!
Monday morning he told us all and we tried to figure oh happened. To our horror we realized that the CD was still in there!
Here is the list of people that could have stolen the radio
someone who didnt like music being played
someone who was a met/sox(it was done friday night) or Rays fan
Someone who hates Rocky and is likely a communist (Rocky brought down communism in Rocky IV)
Someone who didnt realize the radio belonged to the boss of the entire branch.
Or course the obvious and yes I am blamming them again, cleaning ladies.
We are left with an empty CD case and remote (which oddly is needed to change songs on CDS) and heavy hearts.
TOmorrow there is no playing of Rocky. The Phillies are on their own I guess. If I find out who stole it, I will be looking for readers who want to be members of an angry mob.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
"Tuckers Back"
Monday, October 06, 2008
"Taylors Friday"
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Meet the Mets (New York Mets fight song)
This ones for you Jon Buddy.
Maybe the will change the words from socking the ball to sucking the ball.
What a loser team.
Friday, September 26, 2008
"Is Gary Bettman Running the Debates?"
Who set this up the NHL?
During the a Friday night? When people are at Highschool football games, on dates, getting hammered, watching baseball, sleeping, or at the movies.
WHat on earth are they thinking?
I have plenty of things I can do tonight. I could go to Chickies in Petes with a bunch of people or a party that will have the PHillies game on. SEriously, a Friday night??
ARe they out of touch that much?
I know its important and all too watch but lots of people have obligations on a Friday night.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Banks gave money to people that they shouldn't give money to. People that are a risk to loan money to and never had the means or intention to pay back the bank. In some causes the bank didnt have any money in the vault to give to these people they just wanted to jump on the housing boom bandwagon. Than the banks because they don't know how to run a business go belly up. The government goes in, the government trillions of dollars in debt mind you goes in and buys them out.
Can I get the government to pay my student loads? Since I dont feel like paying them.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
"I hate Nedved
He might be one of the most talentless players to ever sit out an entire NHL season for money. THankfully he never got what he wanted.
What a joke. It made me sick when we got this guy. I thought it was funny that we ended up sending him to the PHantoms during the lost season. Mr. puck hog had to ride the bus all the time and sit with all the AHLers. If only we could have paid him a lot less.
This guy is seriously just in it for the money, and has zero heart. The Rangers are just stupid. Shanny wants to come back and they are messing around with this moron? Seriously you want an old school guys, SIgn up Shanny. He has heart and talent. I think he could still play the game.
I guess I should be glad a team this stupid is in our divison. Does this guy have pictures of NHL GMs in embarassing situations or something?
I hate this guy.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
"Rick Reverse Curse"
It was mid-July and the phils were struggling big time. PAt the Bat cracked on and tied it up. I started clapping in the mostly empty bar. RIck turned back to me with a look of digust.
"WHat are you doing?!? The season is over!"
Over the rest of the season he told me time and time again they WONT make the playoffs.
We know how that ended.
AGain this summer Rick predicted sometime in July.
"No shot"
During this past Thursday's game. I was watching the game at my parents. I send Rick a text, pretty fired up in tone asking if he was watching the Phils.
HE fired back
"They are done"
I responded the current score thinking he didnt realize that they pulled into the lead in the game. He responded back.
"3 games back season is over"
They have not lost a game since. Now they are not only ahead of the Brewers who the swept but ahead of the Mets.
Its looking like they are going to sneak in yet again.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
"Hockey Moms"
First off as a soccer mom I guess you have to be an old enough that you are zipping your kid to sports all the time. What about the kids dont like sports? I dont know. I guess they would have to have kids like age 7 ? 8?
But is the sport that makes it different? Now according to a keep google, Hockey moms are "more intense" than soccer moms. What the heck does that mean they speed in their minivans? They stay up to 10:30 on Saturday nights not 10pm like the Soccer Mom counter parts?
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
"Party on!"

I did several image searches. I found a real cool one, but everyone was gone in the picture except Gags.
I did one for Jeff Carter and Mike Richards. This awesome picture came up of Richie and Carts living it up with some young ladies. NOt sure when it was taken. I actually think they might be goofing around. Looks like the cap is still on the bottle. Regardless its a cool picture.
Almost time to get back to the rink though boys.
"Old Man and the Rink"

The 46 yearold d-man signed one more year with the redwings.
He is closing in on the oldest dude ever to play the game.
Hextall broke his wrist once back in the mid 80s and now I think Hexy's son close to becoming a professional hockey player.
Fun Facts:
I was 3 maybe 4 the first time he played an NHL game
This is CHeilos 25th season in the NHL
Neither Crosby or Alex O were born yet when he started playing in the NHL
he is 28 years older than the youngest player in the NHL.
He is good friends with Dr. Cox
HE is his own resturant Chellis Chilli
Someone was stabbed and killed at his resturant a few years ago
CHeilos was a healthy scratch during all games of the finals last season
An intoxicated Cheilos droped the cup and banged it up pretty bad last spring, while handing it to someone at the bar at his resturant.
The other dude dropped it and it slammed on the floor.
He also drunkenly left the cup behind in a cab. (although that might have just been an interenet rumor)
Sunday, September 07, 2008
"People are Just Stupid"
The movie stars Ben Stiller who has voiced characters and cartoons and also did a movie called Night at the Musuem (actually not a bad movie) which was a family movie. THat is only one of the reasons I can imagine that two women brought their two 7 yearold kids to see the movie.
The other two are.
They are just awful parents.
or they were too selfish and drug kids to an R rated movie because no one would watch their little brats.
To be fair the kids were pretty well behaved. But, clearly bored and they kept getting up during the movie. But that is the parents fault. Not only did this movie have about 30 something F-bombs, people getting shot at, drug use, and various other foul words, it was NOT aimed at kids.
What is a 7 year old going to get out of a movie about guys making a movie? I highly doubt the 7 year old got the Apocalypse now reference either.
What is wrong with these people? Go take the kids to see space chimps or spend the money on tickets (almost 10 bucks for adults) on back to school clothes or something!
They ended up walking out of the movie. What did they expect?!? It was rated R. Plus there is this thing called the Internet where you can...I don't know see if its good to bring a 7 year old to or not.
Why are there so many stupid parents out there?
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
"Reasons the Flyers Getting Sundin Would be Stupid
* Sundin is awesome dont get me wrong, but he said just this afternoon that he is not sure if he wants to play at all anymore. Sounds like he can still play the game (based on his points from last season) but he might not have the heart to play.
* HE is 38, so what do we sign him for a year? Carter isn't close to his prime. I have to hope that Briere hasn't had his best season ever yet, since we signed him for 6 years!
*Getting rid of Carter after just signing him sends a message to all the young guys we already re-signed are are going to need to.
"Yeah you are the future unless a much older but awesome player comes along, than your out"
* Carter is close with Richards why make our franchise player disgruntled so quickly?
* If Hatch retires frees up cap room and we want an older forward, why not just sign SHanny? he might be cheaper.
* Um, we are a million over the cap now. I think we have to get rid of someone as it is.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
frank sinatra - summer wind
For me Summer really goes to the end of September. I mean its going to freaking 90 something the next few days. Its still a great time down the shore (the water is really warm and the fishing is still good).
I have some fun weekends still planned down the shore for the next month before I back it in for the summer.
BUt for most people tomorrow its time to put away the grills and get out football jerseys.
I had a pretty awesome summer down the shore on the weekends hanging at a friends wildwood house or down the campground on the weekends. Went to lots of PHillies games.
Not much of a video here, but its Francis Albert singing one of his best.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
"Who in the Hell?"
Even the democrats have admitted that most the cable "news" outlets have dropped kicked any kind of unbiased media coverage and just fallen head over heels in love with Obama. Cards are against the war vet guy here.
So, what do the republicans do? They take away their only card they could play the next few months. The whole Obama don't know diddley and toss it in the trash. The select some lady who is unknown outside of Cicely, Alaska. Unknown, because she didnt do anything. She was Governor for what 2 years? I don't know what Governors do out there except try to appeal to the polar bear and moose voters but I know the ones in NJ don't do anything.
Sure shes mildly hot for a women in their 40s who squirted out a litter of rug rats, but if McCain gets sick or passes away it will be like a bad Gena Davis show in the white house.
Speaking of Gena Davis. Anyone remember Lori PEtty who played her sister in A League of Their Own? Well I caught part of Tank Girl on Encore this morning. Man I don't care how bad that movie was Lori Petty looked wicked hot in that. Its a shame that movie killed her career, well maybe she could be our next VP ?
Thursday, August 28, 2008
"Post Gaming"
Thursday nights game I went with the later. Which kind of sucked because I had been looking forward to the Phils Mets match up when I bought the tickets in April. Most other games I go to, I sit down and watch the entire game. Except for the game in April when I had to give into the group that had zero desire to watch the game. We were all intoxicated in the parking lot, made it into the stadium only to watch one inning before our fun leader led us into the over priced barin the bank.
We hung out at MccFaddens where my friend knew the bartender and she was really cute and cool. We got to see a Mets fan tossed out of the bar. This time last year I didnt leave my seat once during the MEt/Phils game and I think I jinxed them. When we went to the bar in the 8th inning the team fell apart. At this point it was hard to actually focus on the game anyway.
Later we went back to Clancy's in Westville ( or whatever town that is)where most of us had left our cars. My one drunken friend wanted to play Sleep with, kill, and marry with the bartender. We started with famous people than he asked about us adding have kids with because they were four of us. I must say I was happy to be in the sleep with list and honored to be in the same class as Mike Richards and Alicia LAne (how hot is that?). HOwever, I am pretty sure it might have had something to do with me being the least drunk.
Later I did find out that she is a huge Flyers fan which just makes her even hotter. THan we left (the older dude peaced out so it was the three of us) going down the street to the worst bar ever. The Pennant. Yeah, if you like to go to a bar with weirdo people, slutty girls and dudes looking to fight than this is the place for you.
Oddly enough if my one friend hadnt named dropped we wouldnt get in. He had a friend that worked there and he had to use his pull to get us in. Apperently the trashy hall in the wall during a night called WHITE TRASH WEDNESDAY doesnt allow people with Jerseys to walk into the bar. He had on a Ryan Howard jersey. I was wearing a 14.99 Phils t-shirt and he was wearing a $100 jersey. Whats the deal? Is that Gangsta colors or something? Clearly about 45 percent of the bar came from the game ( its right over the bridge and cheap on Weds) because everyone was decked out in Phillies shirts. It made no sense to me at all.
NOw I dont mind bars that are a bit fancier like in Center City where its understood if you dont wear a nice button down shirt you will look like a slob. BUt I mean, the PEnnant??!?! what the hell. After one of the biggest games of the year, and someone just wants to wear a jersey.
We all eventually got seperated and I just peaced out. Promising again to myself that I would never step foot in that awful place. A funny night with a few other things I shouldn't post on here going down.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Pavement - Cut Your Hair
I miss the 90's
What ever happened to these guys? Funny there is part of the song talking about new bands coming and going.
The video has a guy in an ape suit getting a hair cut and a dude sneezing out a kitty cat.
"Tucker Vs the Gulls"
One second I am enjoying my hot slice of pizza than I hear flapping of wings I took a few steps foward and shifted my pizza on a paper plate out of reach of a dangerously close sea gull. Than not 5 seconds later another sea gull (heck maybe the same one) swooped down on my and actually put his foot on my hand. I could feel the his little bird feet clamp down on the back of my skull!
THan he tried to get the pizza again and I got part of the paper plate and tore it up. I ate the pizza after running for cover, even though I feared I might have gotten the bird flu.
Supposedly someone down the shore killed a seagull for taking his food recently. I also heard he might be going to jail. I can honesty say I can't blame the dude. Those things are annoying and getting out of hand. If I had a rock with in arms reach I could easily be posting my first in prision Tucker's World right now.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
"Catching Waves"
The first day I went out I hit the beaches with my friend Justina (same one the previous post) and apperently its not like riding a bike.
First off we went to Whale Beach in Sea Isle, mainly because the waves are better there usually but also because people don't really go to that beach. Most people crowd the down town Sea Isle City beaches just off JFK, if you dont mind being a bit far from a bathroom or a place to eat than Whale Beach is pretty awesome. THey also dont hassle you at all for beach tags, and if you dont have them and have gone that far you might as well just drive an extra mile or two to Strathmere where they never ask for them.
The first day was a Monday after a stormy Sunday down the shore. Justina had the boogie boards so I figured why the hell not try it. The first day the waves were pretty crazy as result of the previous day of storms. I couldn't even stay on my board. Many times getting knocked off and not really riding at all.
There were many surfers and they were doing crazy things on their boards. Zipping up and down the wave, going parrell with the beach.
One time I had my back to the waves while watching this guy doing all kinds of moves on his board, even zig zagging around my capsized friend. While this happened a giant wave came up from behind me and knocked me right off my board. The safey wrist thing came undone and the board when zooming to the beach.
I darted after it yelling to Justina it was cool (they were actually her 9 yearold sisters boards so she was paranoid about us wrecking them) she at the time thought my running to the beach was shark related.
Various times I think I came close to death. Several times I realized the water I was in was way too deep for me to stand. Including one time when it took me about 5mins to paddle to standable land. I thought for a second I would be the big story on action news. But I didn't get sucked out or ride any waves.
The 2nd day I realized that I was doing something wrong as my friend was riding them to the beach like it was nothing. I did manage to ride a few but not that far before flipping off. The 3rd day my friend Rick came day he got quite a few laughes at us. But! I started actually riding the much smalled waves that time. That Friday (when both my firends were gone) I went to the beach and rented a board, and FINALLY was riding them pretty well to the beach.
Again on Friday the waves were dangerous. However, since I had to rent the board downtown I boarded on the crowded beach making me have to naviage through people standing there randomly and not crashing into other boarders(sea isle has assigned board beaches so many others were out there).
This time the waves were worse than Monday, or better I guess. THey would litterally crash over my head when I was only up to my waist in the water. A few times I was knocked off my feet and drug to shore by the board, because I wasnt in position.
One time when I think I was pretty airborne, a few times I got all the way to the sand. One of the best rides became a bit akward when I realized I run someone over. I flipped myself over to see what I hit. It was small boy who was clearly knocked under water by me and my board. THe kid was shaking his head and getting to his feet slowly.
"Sorry little man"
I offered him.
Then another huge wave crashed and hit us both. I really felt bad, but I didnt see him. I felt even worse when I saw the brace on his knee.
I went back out an hour later or so, and the waves were just insane. Just one after the other. My friend Justina wants us to learn to surf , actual surf next year. I am told it usually takes an entire summer to able to even stand up. So you have to look like a buffon and almost die several times before its actually fun. I am also certain I would likely die or break something if I tried it. Maybe next summer I will feel more dangerous. However, for now I will stick to the belly down, face foward position and taking kids out left and right like there is no tomorrow.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
"Stealing Abe"

Anyway, I went out with my friend Justina Saturday night. We started out at a random bar in Somers point. I was pretty fired up, because I never went to those bars. We got there and I was ready to drink. We were meeting 3 of Justina's friends there. We waited in the parking lot of the one bar where one chick so we could all got to the actual bar we were going to spend the night at.
Justina and I waited while another girl in her car waited for the girl at the bar. Justina and I were parked in a way that appeared to block traffic in the parking lot as we waited. This went on for about what seemed like 10 Minutes and I just wanted to get a drink. It turned out she went out a different door and was on the other side of the bar waiting for us. So we all sat there waiting for each other in a parking lot. Odd misunderstanding, but nevertheless we were going to go a short distant down the road and drink!
We went to the next bar, and it was really cool. It had a nice deck bar. I was reaching for my money ready to get my first drink of my vacation. It wouldnt happen. One girl in the group freaked out. That she "didnt like the age of the crowd, it was too old.".
I scanned the bar and it looked like all 20 somethings to me. Certainly guys a lot younger than me. Granted EVERY shore bar you are going to get people their 40s and up drinking, because they are on vacation. Whatever, I didnt get my beer. Next thing I know we were going to drive to margate which is just south of AC and about 20 miles away. My friend Justina promised me she would drive me past Lucy the Elelphant (she did) to make up for the fact that it was a really odd situation.
When we got to the bar. The one girl lets call her Gina (because I dont remember her name) was ordering the drinks. At this point I was getting the brew shakes and wanted my beer. Gina got to the bar before anyone and started taking our orders. I ordered a miller lite and handeda 5 dollar bill to her. She started ordering the drinks and than refused to take my money.
Now I had just met Gina and certainly wasn't going to let her buy me a drink. I refused it once, than she insisted, I refused it 2nd time which is usually how it works. You refuse the offer twice and the offer is negiated. But at this point Gina's friend lets call her Lisa (dont remember her name either) was standing bettween me and Gina. During the 2nd decline Gina passed the 5 dollar bill back to me through her friend Lisa. Gina than faced the bar again to get more drinks, as she did this Lisa who had NOTHING to do with the money to beer transaction folded the 5-spot and put it in her pocket. Maybe in her mind that if the offer is refused the money is up for grabs to anyone?!? Tucker doesn't roll like that.
Now, at this point I am wondering what the hell am I supposed to do. Gina is going to think I was cheap and took the 5 bucks, and this girl randomly took my money. Not wanting to make a big deal about it I didnt say anything. I planned to tell Justina on the ride home so her friend wouldnt think I was cheap or a dickweed. I planned to tell her after she drove me by Lucy in order not to ruin it for the both of us.
However, she later at the bar told me she saw my 5 bucks get basically stolen from me. The odd thing was this bar had a much older crowd, was overly crowded and not at nice. The table next to us was filled with people that likely cashed their social security checks to go out drinking. So, I have no idea what the hell the issue was with the first nicer and closer bar.
LEsson for the day:
Girls are evil and nuts.
"Looks Who is Back!"
It all started during the Flyers playoff run after having people over all the time for games, I would just watch the post game, clean up and go to bed. Its pretty easy to fall off the blogging wagon. After that it was pure laziness. I spent pretty much every weekend down the shore this summer so that doesn't help matters much either.
I dont even know where to start to blog about all the stuff that people blog about. During my vacation (sadly ending tonight) Bernie Mac and BIgfoot both died. Russia declared war on Georgia; I think they wanted their peaches or something. I am glad my friend didnt move down there, now thats its a war zone.
So, I am back, check out tuckers world while you should be working or doing something productive for society in general.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
"The Internet Will Never Be the Same"
Monday, August 04, 2008
Rambo came back after a long layoff.
Rocky came back once after a long layoff
Is Tucker far behind?
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
2008 NHL Eliminated Teams
Everyone wants to watch kick ass playoff videos...but what about the teams that DONT make it. Here is a loving music video dedicated to them. Oh yeah, and good luck with the whole retirement think mr. trevor linden.
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Washington Capitals: The Hockey Song
I found this at the start of the season. Its basically a bunch of capitals fan singing a song about their team. Its very funny, and pretty fitting seeing as they take shots at Briere. Huet is their new #1 goalie, but it still works.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
"Spring is in the Air"
Its got from really not all that cold at all to hot
All that green stuff is on my car
The Flyers don't know who their # 1 goalie is
The Phillies lose their home opener
I have the urge to watch Ferris Bullers Day Off
I have the urge to not go to work and go to the beach instead
Sunday, March 30, 2008
"Floating Head Doctor"
Here are all the floating head doctor gags from Scrubs in one easy to view video clip.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Tuckers World New Feature: Badly Dubbed Headmasters"
Its time for a new feature on Tuckers world. FOr all you nerds you know, that the final episodes of the Transformers were. The Headmasters. It was a 3part finale.
Somehow, Japan kept the series alive. However, either they never saw the movie or any of the post movie shows, because many dead people were alive again for no reason.
Someone recently "professionally" to sell to nerds like us. However the voice actors are comically bad.
Oh, and I think something might have happened with the translations. Or they were just high. This first clip is Soundwave vs Blaster. Sounds awesome right?
Well for some reason Blaster is called "Billy". I wont ruin it for you but one of the two transformers turns all gray by the end of the battle. Which if you watch the the show you know its never good!
"Make Tracks"
Thats odd though. Do you think the guys just form friendships based on who has their locked next to them? Like Jeff Carter, still hadn't had a chance to meet Scott Hartnell or something?
Anyway, I came up with some other ideas John Stevens should try.
During a game, have the Sixers sitting in the locker room in there jerseys.
That way as each player reported to the locker room at the WATCH OVER YOU center, they would think they had the wrong night and the Sixers were supposed to play. Have all the Sixers say WHAAAA when the Flyers walk in. Also have Hip-Hop the Sixers mascot shrug each time someone walked in.
Since Mike Rathje refuses to retire and we still pay him millions of dollars to do nothing. HAVe him dress as a bear and try to tackle Riley Cote to the ice during a skating drill.
paint the bluelines red and the redlines blue.
Pretend Bonnie Lindros has bought the team. ALso, that she wants them to lose so they can move the team to FLorida when attendance drops to a certain level.
Bring back Andy Delmore
At the end of each game a player is "voted off". Each played writes a name down and casts a vote!
Everyone on the team will call Downie, Uppy, and Uppy, DOwnie
Bring back Andy Delmore
Coach Stevens will wheel a tv into the locker room after a game, and tell them they are watching Slap Shot. But he will put on Slap shot 2. AT the locker room door have. Bob "The Hound" Kelly and Dave "brownie" Brown stand there to kick the crap out of anyone who left. I bet Brown could kick the crap out of some of our players still actually. Even though his neice sucks at board games. Than again when you play against the dream team of Jay and myself, you have no shot.
Tell JIm Dowd, Foppa is coming back.
play the Hartford defeat song everytime Kappy steps on the ice.
Anyone else got some ideas?!?
NOte to readers: I could not think of a good title for this blog entry. So I picked a random Transformers epsiode title
"11 Days"
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The 88 - Hide Another Mistake video
Here is a video from another band that How I Met Your Mother introduced me to. I guess this would be the most popular song.
Kind of like Weezer meets Ben Folds if I had to pin down their sound.
All I know as this hour thing messes me up I have no desire to go to bed. Its almost midnight. Which is really only 11pm, so thats not so bad right?
Despite the fact it looks like its the 80s, they are a current band.
Monday, March 10, 2008
"Walk This Way"
# 1 is Cambridge where my friend lives. Its just right outside of Boston. Let me tell you its an awesome town. It's almost as cool as Boston. Just no reason to even have a car if you work near by. The trains take you right into bean town.
The rest of the list was pretty much weird. 3 Cities from Wisconsin. Really? I guess the few months where is isn't 5 degrees.
Also in the top TEN is Trenton, NJ... WHAt?!?!? I have been to Trenton a few times. But let me tell you, most of the town is a place you would want to RUN. Even my friend who grew up there said, yeah its nice to walk till night falls.
I would like to know how they came about this study. Did people actually just hoof it around cities of America? Or did they randomly poll people on the streets and ask them where they like to walk when it comes to a city? How do I get this job?
Here is the list. But Trenton? Really? Oh yeah Philly was #15. Okay Philly has its problems but what the hell are you going to do in Trenton? At least in Philly you can lick the liberty bell and get your picture taken with Ben Franklin.
What about STratford? YOu can get porn, chinese food, water ice, and hit up a diner if you dont get run over on the White Horse PIke.
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
"Famous Scientologists"
Monday, March 03, 2008
"Shadow of a Dowd"

Sunday, March 02, 2008
Hot/Crazy Scale
In honor of the return of HOw I Met Your Mother on St. Paddy's day. I am posting Barney's hot crazy scale theory. Don't have to be a fan to enjoy the video.
Thursday, February 28, 2008

"No Country For Old Men"
"They Say It's Your Birthday"

Monday, February 25, 2008
"It Ends Tonight"
I feel like the Flyers won a playoff series. It was merely a game. But thank god, they ended a 10 game skid.
In Rocky like fashion too. All hope was lost down 3-0. Than finally two goals to answer back.
The rest of the game we kept hanging on to each other. Finally Danny Briere stuck it to his old team. By winning a game and actually earning his paycheck in the shootout! Wow!
On top of that we got a 55 point scorer for Alexander Picard. Pic is was good player for the Phantoms, and deserves a shot at the NHL.
Vinny Prospal the former Flyer comes back. We need all the help we can get up front. Imagine Richie feeding him the puck when he returns.
Everyone has to hold the fort down till we get more players. We might not be done, the trade deadline is 3pm tomorrow.
I posted a video All American Rejects, "It ends tonight". Hopefully the darkness turns to goal lights. The lyrics are pretty in tone with what the team most be feeling.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
JR's top 10
Here is some great off ice JR moments. HIm acting on HACK, hugging Ed Snider, cussing out refs, singing to Tony Amonte, cussing out Hitch, and trash talking.
"Home Coming Night"

Damn...I miss JR and his antic. Miss the 110% he gave each day. They dont make them like him anymore. I really will cheer for San Jose once Philly's quest for the Cup ends. I am going to the game tomorrow, and I cant wait. Although, it will be sad to see him live likely for the last time. Thanks for getting us to the Eastern Conference finals with that OT goal JR! rock on!
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
" I Am on the Way GUys!"

"Robot Jon"
I got a post this afternoon that I approved that appeared to be from "Jon". It said "check this out" and had a link. I clicked on the link and some sort of spam of anti-virus came shooting up. One of those deals where it said that my computer had been "infected" which basically crashed my computer. I doubt Mosco would have spelled his own name wrong, so I assume that was "Robot Jon".
In order to prevent my readers from "checking out the link" I deleted the post from "jon. He left an IM that said he signed up for a thing that tells him when I post. Apperently you can do that? So, I dont know if that was related to Robot Jon.
At any rate, I don't normally like to delete posts, and thats why I did. So, if some reason John wanted all have our computers tell us that it was infected by a virus I am sorry I deleted it. Also, I guess if you want to talk about how 9/11 didn't happened in response to my Peter Forsberg posts, I guess thats cool.
Looking forward to the new epsiodes of TWo and HAlf Men, Mr. Sheen and thanks for reading.
Monday, February 18, 2008
"Foppa Drama Peters OUt"

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
"Show Me the Way to Go Home"
That is why it was such a surprise when talking to my friend Ed on the way home today, that he basically casually refered to the death of Roy Scheider. I had no idea. Followed by Dan's email bewildered why there wasn't any post about it. I knew it wouldnt be a simple picture post...
Now anyone that knows me, knows my favorate movie off all time is Jaws. One of the main reasons for that was because of the performanc of Roy Scheider, of Cheif Martin Brody. I don't know if it was the fact it was first non-kiddie movie I was able to watch with out my parents watchful eye (although the first time I watched it with them, I had to cover my eyes a few time or I'd get in trouble). Or, perhaps Schedier's character has some simliar qualites to my father.
"Jaws" was the movie that started it all basically. The movie that sent me down a path of a life long obession with the movies. How they were made, learn actors other movies that were in movies I loved, and take note of different actor's techniques. Scheider, an actor whose performance made me intrested more in actors who are committed to having their characters come across as real people. The best actors, are the ones that make you forget they are acting, and in his prime Roy did that.
My Fav. Movies of Roy's
Scheider's most famous pre-Jaws movie, was "The French Connection" where he played Gene Hackeman's sidekick in the movie about the obessive persuit of a scumbag druglord. Scheider (a jersey boy like me) was perfect as the no-nosense partner, that in some regards kept his partner in check. Despite his roughness, you could tell (because it was played subtley by Schieder) that he would a brother like bond with Hackman's character.
It was the acting of Jaws, that made it much more than just a "monster movie". Cheif brody was flawed for a hero. He feared water, so it going out on a boat wasn't his idea of fun, he drank too much, was neortic as he was tough, and Scheider nailed each aspect of this. Examples include the way he played the scene as Quint and Hooper compare injuries. He lifts his shirt to expose what looks like an appendex scar. He wanted to fit in, and relate a story. He realizes it doesn't compare to their and simply drops the shirt back without saying a word. Other scenes, as his reaction to a grief stricken mother who lost her son in shark attack. Also, the often overlooked scene with his son at the dinner table, where Schedier offers no lines till the end, but right there you realize how important his kids are to him, and what kind of father he is. Few actors could have made that scene work so well, without seeming force. It makes the line on the boat with hooper later, about moving away to NYC to a place where their no murders in 20 years more meaningful.
Also, who could forget his line "Were are going to need a bigger boat"
Scheider, was the only one of the big three that returned to Jaws2. The movie was weak compared the original, but I still consider it to be good film. The main reason is the performance of Scheider. Some scenes are hard to watch, because he is so good. Everyone thinks he is suffering from some sort of post tramatic syndrome from the events of the first film, when he insists another shark is lurking about. AT one point they let him stand in a guard tower and overlook the waters to protect the people of the shore resort. He thinks, he sees a shark heading towards the bathers. He runs down, and onto the beach firing his gun and screaming. It turns out its just a school of bluefish, and if anything he put people in a panic and in harm. The reaction on his face says a lot, as people behind him are yelling thats its just bluefish. He has to turn and face the crowd and let him know "its okay you can go back" seeing the tough non-sense Brody have to accept he was wrong and may have just lost all crediblity borders on the heart breaking.
Following those scenes we see Brody (in a trade make Scheider rant scene) berat the city council that he still thinks he is right despite, being wrong in one instant. That many people are still in danger. But its too late, he is done for, and fired. Powerless to do anything this time, he gets hammered and returns home. He slumps drunkenly into his wife on the coach, and we see Schedier expose Brodys insecurities again. These scenes stayed longer with me than most of the shark sequences.
Despite his acclaim in "All the Jazz", that movie just was never my cup of tea. To each their own, but I know many people that adore that movie, and think that was his best role. Sadly, Roy was more of an actor ideal for the 70s movies than the 80's. Although, I really think 2010, is really overlooked, and stands up today (despite all the cold war stuff) as a descent Sci-Fi movie after all these years. Don't compare it to 2001, and just enjoy his performance in that. Through out the 80's he starred in "The Men's Club" (haven't seen it yet), but more famously, action movies like "Blue Thunder" (known as that movie he did with all the helicopters), and "52-pick up". A lowpoint came in the awful, Kirk Cameron drama "Listen to Me"
Sadly, it seemed Roy loved sunbathing which likely resulted in his skin cancer hurt his chances of movie rolls too. If you see behind the scenes of Jaws most of the time he is sun bathing. Even in one shot on the boat he randomly has his shirt off. His first scene of JAws 2, he almost looks ethnic he is so tan. I always wondered if thats what made him age poorly later in life. His skin tough, and leather looking likely prevented him from getting leading man roles in the later 80s.
Roy, went back to the water and on to the small screen in the short lived Sea-Quest. Their are rumors that he hated the silly direction the show went into in the 2nd season, and wasnt happy. He eventually left the show.
The of the 90s Roy, was pushed by the new age action heroes into the straight to video bin. With movies like Plato's Run and entire dracula movies where he played a preist. He would occasionally resurface in small parts in theater released movies. He played a good, but real small role in "The Rainmaker" and early role for Matt Damon, and most recently "The Punisher". According to IMDB, he still has some movies yet to be released.
In JAws he utters the line, ..."but in Amity one man can make a difference..." in movies one actors role can make a difference. A difference that stuffs my shelves with movies, and embarked me on a journey of watching countless movies over the years. Some, many times over and again like JAws, the film I love above all others. Few things in life give me as much joy as sitting in the dark, gazing at my big screen with my DVD player spinning a new discovery for me or something from my collection to revisit again and again.
Thanks Roy! Hope found you way home, now im going to post this blog and shut the computer down.......because I am tired and I want to go to bed....
Saturday, February 09, 2008
"Roenick Rocks"

Tuesday, February 05, 2008
"Terminus Dead?"

I plan to stand outside his window with a boom box playing "In Your Eyes" till he starts blogging again. Drew, how could you ever leave us like this?
PEter Forsberg could be coming back to Philly, which would make Gags happy to have his man crush back.
Soon, we will know if you can take the Jersey out of the closet and put on your orange and black crocs.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Saturday, January 26, 2008
dr katz
Found this clip and have been laughing about it for about 10 mins now. I am netflixing Dr. Katz right now. The entire series is now out on DVD. I loved this show, I wish Comedy Central was still good. The late 90s-early zeros were a golden age in comedy on tv.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
"Our James Dean?"

The Joker's character is based on his first two appearances in the comic books, as well as his portrayal in the graphic novel "The Killing Joke." To prepare for the role, Heath Ledger lived alone in a hotel room for a month researching the character and developing his performance, which he claims is based upon Sid Vicious and the character of Alex in A Clockwork Orange (1971). Ledger found the role extremely difficult, and suffered insomnia as a result.
Friday, January 18, 2008
"4 Pete's Sake"
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
"Damnit Hatcher"
This is from Saturday's game if you missed it.
Okay first off this about as fast as I have seen Hatcher skate since we got him. Hatch apperently had a beef with Steen on the leafs. So, he goes to level him.
Steen sort of senses the large man gunning for him and sort of ducks.
On the other side of Steen is Joffrey Lupul. No, it could not have been Rote, or better yet Fitzpatrick it is the player who played the best hockey in December.
Luppy didn't see it coming and his helmet pops off and he cracks his melon on the ice. After that Hatch lands on him.
Luppy seemed to think he was on Mars after that and messed up his spin and has a "minor concussion" of course so did Gagne and he has missed about 25 straight games now.
Its very unlikely that Lupul
will return to pre-injury form. On top of that Kappy got his face messed up.
No Uppy
No Kappy
No Gator
No Gags
No Rathje because he flat out refuses to retire, and is still on our roster.
and No Luupy.
I am glad they won on Saturday though, they have to keep it up and hold the fort down till the others get back.
Sunday, January 06, 2008
"Game Over"
Many years later when Duke had the Central headquarters in Hi-nella that was all used as a meeting place, Jay knocked the dust of his old Nintendo and brought it over. He brought it over with many other games. I was excited to play those games, because I prefer them over the beat the hooker and smash up car games they would usually play.
I was so fired up that I went to gamestop and picked up RBI 3 and Superman. Superman, I picked up because I thought it was the arcade game I played in the town bowling alley many years ago. It wasn't. Actually, the game was pretty awful. It was huge effort to make SUperman fly. In fact I mostly ran around as Clark Kent which is kind of lame. PLus peoples punches hurt me which makes no sense being the man of steal and all.
RBI 3, on the other hand was awesome. I brought it over there and we had a blast playing it. Jay would get mad and toss it across the room, which was always funny. I loved it.
I figure since I didn't have the game system I would leave both games there for all to play. That that did I am pretty sure.
One day I realized they were gone. I had no idea what happened to them. This was upsetting because my girlfriend at the time gave me her Nintendo from back in the day. That game system I even brought with me when I moved out of my parents. It sad it my closet all this time here at my apartment. Waiting and hoping the games would return to the rightful owner.
I figure it was some sort of conspiracy against me. Mosco had just been in town and when he left it was around the time the games vanished. I accused him for taking them with him. Thinking the joke would end when I he game back in town again. Everyone after awhile kept saying it was not Mosco. So, I began to suspect Duke's cleaning lady. Yes, I realize the odds of her ONLY stealing my two games were pretty slim. NOt to mention, unlikely that a cleaning lady would have a use for two, twenty year old video games.
However, where the hell us could they go? Their whereabouts haunted me for years. I wanted to find the truth. Everyone said they had no idea what happened. Then eventually some hints were dropped that people did actually know the location of the games. As recently as this summer I had asked Duke about the games. He said he didn't know. But they likely were never coming back. I swore it was john. All these years. Teasing me. Having the games on the west coast, and perhaps knocking the ball out of the park when ever he pleased. Having his friends come over and have RBI 3 tournaments.
This past Christmas eve, my quest came to a close. At least I was told a version of the story what happened to RBI 3 and SUperman. When I did I was shocked, and felt almost empty knowing neither game would ever find their way back to my hands. Apparently, when Duke moved he nonchalantly tossed them in the trash. No care in the world. No remorse. No warning. No reason at all. Perhaps hatred toward everything pure and fair in the world was the reason? To remove a piece of my soul? To send me on endless quest?
It was revealed to me (likely cause duke moved to Flordia for ever and ever) that Duke had thrown them in the dumpster. Apparently, everyone knew this for years. Even former Flyer Dave Brown's niece knew before me, and I had just met that night. She was even laughing about it. So, there it is. You see Jenna's co-workers mother's/friends/cousin's former roomate was Dave Brown which some how makes him Uncle Brownie to her. RBI and Superman were taken from my life, as quickly as they arrived. My Nintendo sits in the closet with no use at all. I can only hope that karma comes back to haunt DUke one day and two things that he has end up in the garbage. PErhaps someone picked it out of the dump and are lofting homers into the cheering stands RBI 3 style.