Sunday, December 31, 2006
Really you could point to ABC who was dead last for awhile, and brought shows like Lost and Desperate Housewives out 3 years ago. They became almost instant hits, and the other networks took note. Fox also had success with shows like 24. Many other networks figured maybe good story telling, good casts and oringinal ideas is what they would need to bring back network tv.
Recently many tv critics actually declared our times right now, a new golden age of telivison. Which is pretty damn exciting. Really there is something for everyone without even having to go to cable channels anymore.
This year, however for me would be the year that tv really changed. For years were told about the convergance of TV and the internet and viewers being more in control of what they watch and when. I was started to doubt that day would come, but by a few weeks into the 2006-07 season it was clear the time had arrived, and telvision would never be the same.
CBS offers almost all of the shows on demand for free, and if you can't find it there simply go to the CBS website the next day and watch your show for free. That way for me, it allowed me to start watching the "The Office" (NBC offers it on Demand for $2 per show though) and I would watch Survior Friday when I got home from work on Demand. Also, it allowed me to watch HIMYM again if I wanted to because CBS leaves it up for a week. FOX also jumped on board with the online demand fad. NBC actually has deleted scenes each week for "The Office"
Even cancelled, shows lived on after they were pulled from the lineup. I never watched the show, but the big budget triller "Smith" is on CBS including quite a few shows that never made it to air. They were also nice enough to put text on there for where the story was going, for espisodes that were never shot.
Now, people talk about the show, but you really have to be careful, because many people don't watch them when they air. You might have to wait a few days in order to ask someone if they though "The Office" was funny last night. Most people don't watch the show live anymore it seems, and eventually the line is going to be more blurred and blurred and people will get around to shows like they get around to movies. Although, I am old school and like to watch them the original air night. It is nice to know if I have something that actually requires me to leave the apartment, that I don't have worry about VCRs or be sad that I dont have a DVR. Because, the show is waiting for me the next day.
It doesn't matter to me since I really don't think anyone watches the shows I watch, so I have to go on IMDB and talk to strangers about the shows that I watch. While all the cool kids are talking about dinosaurs on Lost, or that mean doctor guy on House.
Saturday, December 30, 2006
"Yup, Saddam's Dead"

It was a historic day, Dec. 29th 2006. Although, I guess the date can be debated, but that it what day it was in America when Saddam got hanged by Iraq.
I have to say it was pretty crazy all the trials and BS we went through, and we hand him over to Iraq, who are just like: "Um, yeah we are going to kill him"
Seems like a pretty big waste of time sort of if you think about it. Anyway, He was horrible person and was the cause of so much suffering and death that I guess you could say he had it coming.
Seems like it happened pretty quick and some people didn't even know. When Rick and I were have our Friday night ritual conversation about "Whats going on tonight" I asked him if he was fired up for the Saddam hanging, and he had no idea what I was talking about.
Might go down for our age group as one of those "Where were you moments" I can always say I was at Dukes when it happened. Later this weekend I plan to post "Where were you moments" for me and my age personally that I think are what would be considered important moments of "our" times. But, I am too tired to do that now.
Anyway, one thing we learned about Saddam when he was in our custody, was he loved Doritos. He just loved those snacks. Kind of funny, this guy who was full of such evil and horrible ideas, and killed thousands of people, just loved the cheesy snacks.
You have to think that he was sitting there one day cursing our America, and "The Great Satan Bush" when he opened a fresh delicious bag of Doritios. Than he tried to fight back the enjoyment of it. But, as you know you can't eat just one. So, he went for another. I bet he had to fight back a smile of the American invention. Trying to remind himself how much he hated America. But at the end of the day, he may have had all these bad thoughts about us, but thought to himself, these Doritios are pretty damn good! Yeah, I might want to kill all Americans and kill people I don't like, but I just can't stop eating these buggers.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
"Eagles Fly Into Playoffs"

Call it the reverse Tucker's World Jinx. Since I posted that the Eagles season was over and everyone should throw dirt on them, they have not lost a game. Not only that, they gave all the fans in the Philadelphia area a last second Christmas present by making the playoffs.
Back up Garcia has calmed the Birds a bit and thing have really come together. In addition to Garcia's solid playing, the team realized playing defense is a pretty good idea.
It is kind of hard to comment on the game since the NFL just had to have a game during Christmas and I didn't get to pay too much attention to all the plays. However, the time the Cowboys were a yard or two away from a touch down, and Eagles stood strong and prevented them from scoring just makes you realize this team is capable of what we thought.
So 3 weeks ago, people were saying, "There is always next year"
Now everyone is fired up and caught up in Eagles fever. One guy called up 610 earlier this morining, and was say dropping the "S-word" over and over again. People are putting their heart into this team, and hanging their hopes in the turn it around story of the year. What could possibly go wrong?
Monday, December 25, 2006
"Merry Christmas"

Just a quick message to all my readers. Just wanted to wish everyone reading this a Merry Christmas. Even to those that read this blog that I may have no idea about. Thanks for all the comments this year, and hopefully Santa was good to you this morning. Feel free to post about family Christmas traditions crazy or other wise.
"The Gift"
Some time around the first week of the year. I took a second look at one of our traditional Christmas decorations; it was a complete and total eyesore. It was a gift some old lady gave my mother 10 years ago for Christmas and I guess she felt obligated to put it on the tree each year. It was a gaudy looking knitted cat. It was one the most hideous things I have ever laid my eyes on.
They say its thought that counts well it’s the thought that angers me when I see it every year. That same Christmas like every year an epidemic spread through the grade school. This year it was in the form of Sega, the newest video game system. Over greasy square pizza, pale yellow peas, and flavorless mashed potatoes shaped like an ice cream scoop, I would hear all the kids discuss the latest video games. I would try my best to stay absent from the conversation. I wouldn’t know what to say when they would ask me if I had gotten past the castle board yet.
One day went I went home I sat my father down and tried to tell him how I would benefit from having a Sega game system of my very own. I told him it would give me better hand eye coordination and against the popular notion it made kids zombies, I told him it acutally made them think and make quick decisions. He went on and on about how when he was a kid he would just use his imagination to have fun, and how kids today are spoiled. I think that conversation is had all over America in every family at one point and time. I used to think that my parents and all the other parents would go to secret meetings at night or when all their kids were in school and discuss stuff like this. I pictured a man with a gavel leading the meeting and hammering home the idea of telling children why they are spoiled and to shove vegetables down their throats. One time I actually searched my mother’s purse for a pamphlet when they got home late the night before.
That Christmas I was hoping for a miracle. I rushed down the steps that morning and studied each mystery. I did the shake test, the weight test and the hold them up to the sunlight test. As I tore, open each one my chances of getting the coveted Sega was getting slimmer and slimmer. All kinds of flashes were going off from my mother’s camera capturing images of me, and my reactions to each present.
Later that day my family and I went to my aunt and uncle’s for dinner. I was in a miserable mood the whole time. The only bright spot was that my cousin Robby who was about my age was there. And guess what he got for Christmas? Of course the very same Sega system. He told me he got it weeks before Christmas even came. Robby and I were always highly competitive. So while the sweet smell of the pending ham dinner dissipated through the air we settled down in front of the television. With all those weeks of practice, he had on me he humiliated me. I think he set a record for goals scored in a hockey game, shot my plane down about a dozen times, and beat me all over the wrestling ring.
I went home feeling worse than I did when I realized I wasn’t getting the Sega. On the ride home my father tried to reach out to me. But I just pushed him away. The image of my wrestler I was controlling laying on the floor after about 30 seconds was burning in my mind. I sat in fit of rage in the back seat as my parents were in the front. My father turned the radio down. He told me that maybe one day I would get one. But I didn’t hear it. I wanted to tell him how Robby’s parents weren’t any richer than we, that I was the only kid that didn’t have a Sega. But all that came out at the top of my tiny lungs was I HATE YOU! And instead of saying anything after that. I just repeated I HATE YOU! Because he was driving of course he had his back to me. But we passed a street light that light up the rear view window and I glimpse of his face. Suddenly I didn’t want to yell anymore. I did not apologize either, in fact no one said anything. The car just hummed along the rest of the ride.
About two months later I got a Sega for my birthday. It funny the minute I unwrapped the gift and realized what it was, I almost had to fake excitement. Sure I spend many a night in the glow of my television going to far off lands and winning championships, but I could never take those words back. At least in a video game you are blessed with more than one life. At the time I meant the words that came out of my mouth. I hated my father as much as I hate that stupid knit cat now.
One time after coming home from a fishing trip with my father after many years of those words keeping me up at night, it figured it was time to apologize. However my mouth froze, I never did. I like to think that my father knew what I was thinking. Like I said they say it’s the thought that counts.I put the rest of the ornaments in a box, and I carried them basement. I placed them in a closet we hardly used. It was full of dust and mildew. I rested the box right on top of the Sega.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
"Our Story So Far"
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
"Transformers: Trailer"
Honestly, it looks like a random action movie. It looks nothing like the transformers I know and love. I really think many nerds my age that will see this movie will be let down. Kids like my nephew will love it. PLus they seem like they are way to focused on the humans. Lame.
Friday, December 15, 2006
"Coyote Ugly"

Coyotes Center Jeremy Roenick was signed over the summer for his 2nd stint with the team. JR hoped things would have gone better after his trainwreck LA season, where he fought with the coaches, and was let down production wise.
This year, JR's new role is that of a leader, but mostly a 4th line player. ALthough he does play on the 2nd powerplay unit the Coyotes who are just about as bad as the Flyers, and he has only had one goal and a handful of helpers.
Earier this week owner Wayne Gretzky told JR he had to sign, because JR was having backspasms. JR, said he was feeling good enough to play, and he wanted to play. The Great One said, nah you got to sit this one out.
JR at this point got pissed off and stormed out the office. He left the arena while the game was played and found sat down a nice resturant for dinner and a beer to watched the game on tv. JR claims he didn't do this, but apperently its a team no-no not to leave if you aren't playing. You are supposed to sit in the pressbox.
"What, do you give your support from the press box? Give support with pom-poms from the press box? ... There's nothing that a player that's not playing can do. If anything, they want players that are not playing away because it's a distraction." JR, said.
Wayne says he doesn't plan to bench him for a long period of time, provided he thinks JR is healthy enough to play. However, with other former Flyer Mike Ricci returning to the line up, JR's small role is even more worthless. At First Wayne was fairly mad though, and said that he needs to act like a man.
The Coyotes are so bad, their season is over already. JR's has claimed that its his last season in the NHL. Some people think there might be teams out there that might want him at the trade deadline, at the very least to fire up the players, faces offs, and in hopes he will get his groove back. But, most fans think his days are numbered.
JR could be the next in a sad trend of players being forced into retirement. Earlier this month the Pittsburgh Penguins waivered John Leclair. No one claimed him. Than he was told he had to report the AHL team. John had no desire to do that. So, finally the Penguins and John split ways rather than suspsend him for not reporting. They gave him a nice hunk of his salary, and said good luck with life.
Leclair said he doesn't want to retire, but at this point someone would have taken him. It doesn't look like he will have much of a choice. JR's rocky relationship with coaches and hot temper aren't going to help him getting traded to a contender come MArch. In fact he could be sat out again soon, and eventually waivered.
I feel bad for JR. He never won a cup, and thats all he wants. That and to be able to play this game for the rest of his life. He doesn't want to let go yet. At the same time its hard to watch how his famous wrist shot is just not there anymore. He struggles for ice time and just doesn't score anymore. A simliar situation happened to Luc Robatile last season with the LA Kings. He eventually got his 2nd wind and scored a bit more. Not like he used to but enough to not be wasting a roster spot. Hopefully, JR can turn his game around and wrap up his NHL days on a good note.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
"Peter Boyle, dead at 71"

Sad news, I am sure you all know by now but Philly born actor Peter Boyle passed away on Tuesday as result of heart disease.
Boyle, best known for playing Raymond's father on the long running hit sitcom "Everybody Loves Raymond" also has a long history of films. I first became aware of him as many people my age did, watching Young Frankenstein on Cable, although as an Adult I don't find the movie all that funny, I loved it when I was a kid.
Boyle also starred in the political movie The Candidate, and"The other Hunter S. Thompson movie" Where the Buffalo Roam. In addition to those he played in many more well known films such as Taxi Driver, Johnny Dangerously, Malcolm X, Monster's Ball and the Santa Clause trilogy.
One of his best roles for me however, was his guest appearance on "The X-files" as a troubled fourtune teller. He actually won and Emmy for that role, and if I ever made a list, that would be in my top ten best X-files of all time.
What I thought was rather classy, (I didn't see it) but I am told Ray came on during reruns of the syndicated sitcom and said a few kind words, as did some other cast members. I can't think of a time anyone ever did that for a show that had ended its run. Pretty nice.
Boyle was 71. Fans can get once last chance to see Peter in next year's Shadows of Atticus due out next spring.
"Christmas Cheer"
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
"Not As Seen on TV"

Often times I read the DVD reviews online of movies or tv series that I enjoy. A few weeks ago the first season of How I Met Your Mother was released. My first point is that I hate people comparing this show to Friends, to me it is a lot more like Undeclared (wish HIMYM would ditch the laugh track but I don't think CBS would let them) type of humor.
Anyway, much to my let down apperently they could not get the rights to a lot of the music used in the 1st season. Not to much of a big deal you might think,but the music is really a big part of the show, and carefully picked out by the writers. Heck the creators of the show are in a band. The show usually uses underated bands, cool covers, or bands that haven't made it big yet. They also use other bands not usually played on the radio like Supergrass.
Anyway, what this means is on the DVDs a lot of the songs from what I read were removed and replaced with generic music cues, because they could not retain the rights to the songs. Now this isn't anything new. In fact it's totally prevented some shows from ever reaching DVD, like the Wonder Years, full of popular rock music. So, I guess I should be happy about it getting to DVD at all.
What, I don't get is how some shows don't have this problem. Scrubs pumps the show full of popular music and has wall to wall emo type music that has a following. Yet, they never ran into this problem. Does it just depend on how much the people releasing the set want to shell out? I mean I am sure The Wonder Years has to be tough with the Rolling Stones songs in it all the time. But one of the songs HIMYM had to cut was a Nada Surf song that fit into the epsiode perfectly. I mean who would have though Nada Surf would give up such a fight or charge so much to hear about 30 seconds of their song to be heard?
If I ever get season one on DVD, I would like to try to introduce the show to some of my friends who dont watch. Which is pretty much anyone. I swear I am one of three people (my friend Rob (not arter) and my mother) that watch this show. Now, if I do introduce this show to anyone I will be doing so with part of the show's heart removed.
Anyone else been frustrated by their TV shows being edited or cockblocked from release? I am sure there are more out there. Also, can someone explain to my how when CBS re-ran the episode "The Slutty Pumpkin" from Season 1 for this past Halloween why they can still air it with the Nada Surf song, but the DVD set can't have it? Stupid laws..
Saturday, December 09, 2006
"Getting Strong Now..."

At the end of the month Rocky will take on Mason "The Line" Dixon. Rocky born and raised in Philadelphia it is up in the air if he is considered part of the Philly sports championship drought or not.
We all know that Rocky beat Apollo Creed and won the heavy weight championship in the 1970's, and also beat Clubber Lang in the 1982.
But here is where it gets blurry. Rocky did technically beat Drago in 1985 which would be after the 1983 cutoff for the Philly drought. However due to the fact that it was not approved by the boxer commission and played over in Russia many people don't count that as a true championship for the city of Philly. Granted, Rocky did manage to bring down communism and made one of the most memorable speeches since Martin Luther King Jr., but lets face it was not acknowledged by the very boxing commission that gave him his very belts earlier in his carrier turned their back on this one.
Yeah the people of Philly and America for that matter felt good about Rocky beating Drago because it was the height of the cold war, and after the death Apollo Creed in the ring with Drago it made it feel almost like there was casualties in that war. Rocky's victory over Drago made us all feel about our country and last face it when all those Russians started chanting Rocky, it was clear that he had done more in one night than Reagan had done in 8 years to end the coldwar.
However, I have to side with a rule is a rule, and say that although it was big moment in American History it doesn't truly count as a championship thus keeping our streak going back to 1983. The curse of William Penn was extremely unkind to Rocky.
Years later he strung a rising boxer star, and even stood ringside to Tommy "Machine" Gunn. At this point it is unclear what really went down, but we know from public records that Rocky had fallen on hard times the man who won our hearts when from living in a huge mansion with a robot to living in the ghetto part of Philly on the border of being homeless after losing all his money in a bad business decision on by his longtime friend and financial advisor. At any rate many people saw Tommy Gunn as Rocky's chance at redemption, but before things could come to fold Rocky and Tommy had a falling out. The strained relationship came to blows, literally on the streets outside a Philly bar. Tommy and Rocky never made it to the championship.
So, this December with Rocky (despite the people on 610 mocking him for his age) will go toe to toe with Mason "The Line" Dixon, who was only 8 when Rocky first fought Apollo Creed. But I heard he was in crazy shape and training like man hell bent on a mission. Against all odds yet again, the city desperate for championship is counting on him big time. Some people think its only team sports that count to end the streak. What does everyone else feel? If Rocky wins this fight, in your hearts and mind has the streak been ended? Can the man who when from rags to riches to rags again and once owned a robot lift the curse once and for all?
"Cold Cuts"
A remember as a kid I always remembered him as a chain smoker, and its undeniable that although he lived a reatlivley long life that smoking greatly lowered his quality of life the last 10 years of his life. Really, I think those are options for the smokers, an early grave or nothing but medical problems later in life. But, even still I have many friends who refuse to quit smoking despite every fact in the world about smoking basically states they are a dumbass to suck down cancer sticks.
It's strange sometimes an older relative, you only know him as when you were a kid on. Nothing really about their pass, before they were the person you knew as their uncle. Since my mother married later, most my cousins are older so he was pretty much always a father of adult kids since I could remember.
At the funeral today, I learned more about him than I ever knew. Hell, no one had ever told me he had fought in the Korean War. He was an amateur cartoonist, and over through his work the building of the Casinos in Atlantic City in the early 80's.
If any good came from it, it was a chance to see family I hadn't seen in ages. Including family from Ohio.
Afterwards, we went to a luncheon at the church. Which was nice. They had deli sandwitches and soup out for everyone. It was quite a long day (literally the funeral and the initial service were an hour away from each other) and it gave everyone a chance to talk some more before all parting ways.
I remember the picture of him when he was about 19 or so at the funeral. I just couldn't believe it was him. So, young and so full of hope. His whole life ahead of him. I never saw him that way until I saw that picture.
But not matter what you do in life, what choices you make, what paths you take one day it will be your turn. People will be sitting around eating cold cuts talking about your life. At that point you stay alive on earth only in memories.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
"Strings of War"
Sorry its a FOXNEWS link. Please don't burn my house down. I know some of you will refuse to go on this page, since its FOXNEWS, but I am sure you could goggle it and find another verision of the story.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
"Hangover Helpers"
How many times have you planed to do a lot with your Sunday? You know run errands. Clean your place. Buy food.
But how many times did you bite yourself in the ass Saturday night by getting really drunk the night before? That way you either have a lack of sleep or you simply are too hung over to do any of the tasks you needed to get done?
That's where my business comes in. I just hang out at bars and hand out my card to drunks or at last card. They call me, and pay me to do simply things like, pick up food, blockbuster videos, etc.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
"Running on Empty"
Read up on the end here.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
"Uncle Tucker 3: The Birth of Jackson"
So they have a 6 yearold, a 1 yearold and a newborn. Add their ages and divide it by 6 and I am guessing thats about as many hours of sleep they are going to get per night for, I don't know the next two years.
With 3 grandkids there is really no reason my parents to expect grandkids from me. I think I am offically off the hook.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
"Lets Go Flyers!"

Okay we won two and a row. If we win tonight againstNashville. DO you know what that is called? A winning streak!
Okay we have Nashville who is one of the top teams in the NHL right now, but I think we can take them. I know we can beat the Ilsanders if we play a full 60 mins. Than we have the dreaded NJ Devils this Saturday. If we win those two previous games, we win Saturday. I think its now or never.
If we turn it into a 5 game unbeaten streak we are seriously right back in a playoff race. I am disgusted with the way they have played at times but look they are in a 4-2 strech. Not bad. I like John Steven's new system, and the players seem more upbeat lately.
It's still early, and I am not going to give up on this team. We are only (as I type this anyway) 11 points out of 1st place! We got two games in our own divison this week. Time to rally and dig deep season is on the line, but its not over!
I have a strong connection to this team, and I think they will win the next 3 games. I just feel it in my gut. Lets do it for all those wonderfully hot delta denta ice girls. Because we dont want them to be all sad and crying. That would be just to heartbreaking. Look at them all wearing their tight ass pants and their Flyers jerseys!
In fact in order to get Flyered up, lets all pick our fav. DELTA DENTAL ICE GIRL!. Jenna you can play along too. We won't judge.
I have picked Aimee aka AIMDAWG! Aimee so hot she didn't spell her name with a Y.
Sunday, November 26, 2006
"Upside Down Grill, Eh....?"
For the longest time it was Foreman Grill or nothing. However, I eventually branched out to throwing stuff in the oven. Of course this resulted in many times of choking down dry food or stuff that was just plain awful.
A few weeks back I was going to the local grocery store to pick up something quick and simple. In the process I found they had Swordfish steaks on sale. I am quite the seafood lover and it sounded like a perfect meal for that day to me. Since, my parents were out of town and out of cell phone range, I figured if I needed to look else where for help before I ruined the fish not knowing how to cook it.
So, I phoned a friend an dialed up Jay who told me I should put it in the broiler. Now I was always afraid to cook with the broiler for any reason. Mainly because I simply never understood the concept of one or how long to cook anything in there for.
Thats when Jay changed my life and told me it was an upside down grill. I stood in the store, and stroked my chin.
"upside down Grill, Eh?" I thought to myself.
This launched me into a vivid day dream. I was standing outside with an apron on with a Grill that was floating upside down. The burgers and dogs kept falling to the ground and the flames started hitting the grass below and ignited it. The entire back yard started to become engulfed in flames. At this point all my friends and family started knocking over lawn chairs and leaping into bushes or near by shubery.
"Who like their's well-done!?!?," I asked as the fire kept getting more and more out of control.
I finally snapped out of it(hopefully no one was watching I am sure I was laughing to myself) and picked up the fish.
So long story short I am throwing everything in the broiler now. Its truly now my new best friend. Its even a much easier clean up than the Foreman Grill.
"Strange Dr. Who Lover, or How I Stopped Worrying and Read the Blog"
I knew he couldn't stay away from blogging for long. I know some of my readers read this blog, but not the Crewblog, so I am going to provide a link to Drew's new blog. Altough its too late to take credit for the election turning in his favor, I am sure many other people than just my readers are going to be jazzed to see Drew back up and running. Even the Zombie Corpse of Scatman.
Drew, it will be I am going to guess about 48 hours before Dan K starts flamming your blog and starts launching personal attacks and slandering you and most of your readers.
Good luck with that.
Friday, November 24, 2006
"Super Silly"

The Super Duper Extreme Deluxe Ultimate collection coming out next Tuesday of the Chris Reeve Superman films, with a version of Superman II that I am told is almost a different film, both the less popular sequels are also being brought out.
Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987) had its budget cut at the last minute and flopped in front of test audiences. The movie went from 134mins to 87 mins. So, of course the movie didn't make much sense. The plot was about a nuclear man that Lex Luthor made to fight Superman. In the original cut of the film Lex had a failed attempted who got his ass beat by Sups. None of Nuclear Man #1 made it to the final cut of the film. So basically there is about close to 30 mins cut out of the movie. For additional info. on him click here.
All the extra footage has been missing for a long time, but supposedly they are including what deleted footage they "found" as a deleted scenes feature on the final of the Superman films.
The original nuclear man looked a lot different than the blonde haired guy you are familiar with (okay I bet no one watched this film in a long time) he looked like a gay 80s cluber. Very gay.
Anyway a scene has already made it to YOUTUBE. I really hope that the music hear just was in place till the real score was added considering the film was cut to pieces, but than again, why in gods name did they show at test screening with this scene in this condition? What was there an ice cream truck near by?
Anyway, this was one of the many scenes fans of the series have been waiting to see for a long time. But, my god, this was supposed to be one of the cooler ones. Sups throwing down with nuclear man 1. It's just awful! Why is Nuclear Man acting like a gay Charlie Chaplin ?
Anyway I can't wait to see all the extra scenes of both II and IV, but based on this scene here I am pretty sure I could do without a extended 134 cut of IV. Here it is folks.
Thursday, November 23, 2006
"Happy Thanksgiving"

No real time to write stuff I wanted to on here tonight, but I might have sometime later tonight.
Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
Feel free to mention on here what you are doing for Turkey Day, and I although I prefer the old school turkey, I know many people have alternate dinners. Just curious if anyone was doing that this year. Also, what is like the one side dish you always go for 2nds for?
I am a sucker for deviled eggs (although I don't know if that is a side dish) I also usually pile on the mashed potatoes.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
"Planes, Trains &Automobiles "
Monday, November 20, 2006
"Howard About That?"

Not sure why it takes forever and a day for Baseball to come out with this but, earlier today Ryan Howard was named major league baseball's MVP. A great honor for Howard, who clearly earned it. His power hitting kept the Phillies season alive right till the end. He made the team fun to watch for the first time in years. How about that? Got some good news for our teams for a change.
What was it again 12 weeks till spring training?
I am sure Ryan Howard loves to read my blog, so by all means let him know how happy you are for him.
Don't worry I will block any offensive comments Micheal Richard's has in store for him.
"Forsberg Straight Ahead!"
The Flyers lost tonight again. Same old song & dance apathy, lazy play on the blueline.
One has to wonder how much longer the Flyers will wait till make a decision on captain Peter Forsberg. Forsberg will tell you he hasn't written this season off. However, the Flyers front office might be thinking other wise. In fact it might be time to deal the only player that could benefit the team's future. Peter himself.
The Flyers are at a crossroads at this point. Not a crossroads and fans wants to be at. Certainly not owners of a team trying to sell tickets. Anyway its broken down pretty good here. I would like to know who actually remembers all the early 90's players listed in the article. I certainly do. In fact Claude Bovin was my idol for like a year. Last in the Atlantic hanging out last in the entire NHL. Here is the article.
If things don't turn around by the end of December, I am all for the trade. They have to get something for him, before he just retires or signs with another team in the off season.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
"Down & Out in Philadelphia"

The Philadelphia Flyers were one game away from sweeping the Cali teams on the their 4 game road trip. This would also string together a modest 3 game winning streak, to bring it home against the Penguins on Monday. Instead the Flyers after taking one step foward by crushing the best team in the NHL the ducks, 7-4, followed up a come from behind win against the kings, took two steps back getting smoked by the Sharks Saturday night.
Flash forward roughly 12 hours or so. You have the the Eagles supestar McNabb go down with a knee injury two plays into the game. In an almost harmless looking play. Not only is he down for the season, but the team sucked today. I am no football expert by any means and in the pecking order it ranks # 3 on my sports list. So, I would like to hear from the more hardcore football fans. Do we have a prayer to rebound from this?
Doesn't look like it to me. Even without #5 for the rest of the season it would be an up hill battle to make the post season after losing today. It is looking pretty bleak for all of our teams right now. Although Rick told me spring training is a mere 12 weeks away. I think it's safe to assume that the Philadelphia Phillies are our best shot to end the drought in Philly.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
"Talking Turkey"
Anyway instead of bidding farwell to Friendly's today. I am going to provide my readers with Turkey facts! Yup, its me just basically cut and pasting text from another webpage. But, hey Tucker's World is free what do you want? Not to mention you should know a lot about this flightless creature before you carve the bastard up and eat him don't you think?
Turkey Facts
At one time, the turkey and the bald eagle were each considered as the national symbol of America. Benjamin Franklin was one of those who argued passionately on behalf of the turkey. Franklin felt the turkey, although "vain and silly", was a better choice than the bald eagle, whom he felt was "a coward".
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, more than 45 million turkeys are cooked and eaten in the U.S. at Thanksgiving—that's one sixth of all turkeys sold in the U.S. each year. American per capita consumption of turkeys has soared from 8.3 pounds in 1975 to 18.5 pounds last year.
Last year, 2.7 billion pounds of turkey was processed in the United States.
In 1995, retail sales of turkey reached approximately $4.4 billion. They are expected to reach $4.7 billion in 2000.
Age is a determining factor in taste. Old, large males are preferable to young toms (males) as tom meat is stringy. The opposite is true for females: old hens are tougher birds.
A turkey under sixteen weeks of age is called a fryer, while a young roaster is five to seven months old.
Turkeys are the only breed of poultry native to the Western Hemisphere.
Turkeys have great hearing, but no external ears. They can also see in color, and have excellent visual acuity and a wide field of vision (about 270 degrees), which makes sneaking up on them difficult. However, turkeys have a poor sense of smell (what's cooking?), but an excellent sense of taste.
Domesticated turkeys cannot fly. Wild turkeys, however, can fly for short distances at speeds up to 55 miles per hour. They can also reach speeds of 25 miles per hour on the ground.
Turkeys sometimes spend the night in trees.
Turkeys can have heart attacks: turkeys in fields near the Air Force test areas over which the sound barrier was broken were known to drop dead from the shock of passing jets
The ballroom dance known as the Turkey Trot was named for the short, jerky steps a turkey makes.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
"Rocky's Back!"

This is a still of Rocky Balboa which partly filmed in Philly mid winter last year.
The movie will punch it's way into theaters Dec22. Who will be there with me?
Try to pick the plot line for the 6th installment of the move series. One of them is seriously right.
1. Rocky Fights William Penn
2. Rocky learns that his video game counter part can beat the hottest fighter in the game, so he wants to see if he can do it in real life too.
3. Rocky is broke and tries to raise money so his wife can have an operation. If he doesn't raise the money she will die.
4. Rocky ends up having to fight his own son!
5. Rocky Fights Bobby Clarke
6. Rocky goes to space and fights ALIEN
7. Rocky plays in a senior league
8. Rocky actually dies in the first 5 mins of the film, and the rest of the movie he is only in flash backs. His son has to live in his fathers shadow.
9. Keith should have gone to bed a half an hour ago.
Monday, November 13, 2006
"The Life & Death of Optimus Prime"
Here is a good article on Peter Cullen who voiced Optimus Prime both in the cartoon and the up coming (likely to be awful) live action film The Transformers. Enjoy.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
"Swing 2 the Left"

The democrats have control of both the house and the senate now. After years of shouting from the peanut gallery its their turn to show the country what they can do. They will likely strong arm President Bush (Mr. Bush to you ABCnews viewers) and change the policy in Iraq.
I don't know if there is a special meeting some place for the liberals of America or not, but for the years while they were out of power crazy rumors would fly. For example about a month into the Iraq war every Dick and Harry on the street would tell me that we are going to war with Syria. Any day now! We are attacking them! It never happened. John Kerry had a "Plan" he never bothered to explain during his White House bid, nor after the fact to help his country.
I recall when Bush got reelected that many of my friends were so scared from all the talking points from the left, that they though that the day after election day everyone was being drafted. I know someone who actually was ready to go to Canada that week, and was almost having a panic attack the next day in fear the draft people were coming for him.
I am not knocking the democrats really I am not. But, lets face it one of the big issues they face is not only Iraq and terrorism in general. I want the troops home as much as the next guy, but is cutting and running the best option? Also, I fear they really do simplify the terrorism problem too much. Ignoring didn't work in the 90's, so I doubt it will work this time. They were always saying if they ran the show thing would be different. Well does that old saying go? Be careful what you wish for.
Just to ward off the lynching that will come upon me (I mean you FOXNEWS guy) I would like to say that I didn't vote this past election. Because, I am utterly feed up with politicians and both parties in general. I also didn't see a point, since my vote would not have matter in NJ anyway. Maybe that makes me a bad person, but again that's my right not to vote. Also, I do feel we need a change in this country, but considering the fact I didn't hear much from the left other than they think the right sucks I am pretty cynical.
Anyway here is a map to show the way America voted this past week.
"My Scrubs Fix"

Last fall I thought I would start watching Scrubs off netflix, because I had seen a few in my life and always thought it was pretty funny. However, I missed a ton and eventually felt like I couldn't watch the show anymore, since I was so far out of it.
Thanks to Netflix, I could watch the previous seasons. Even though season 5 started last spring, I didn't bother to watch it since I was only up to season 2 at the time and most of the time the Flyers played against the Scrubs airings. Anyway, I fell in love with show pretty quickly. It is pretty whacky and random in a good way. At the same time they have had some really emotional episodes and the cast has stayed the same during the entire run and always delivers solid performances. Some people think Season 4 and 5 were lousy, but I think they were just fine with me. The show has had some huge name guest stars along the way too.
Now Scrubs is coming back at the end of the month for the 6th (and rumored to be last) season. It will be on Thursday Nights after the Office (which I just started watching recently, through DVDS). Now I was in quite a hard place here. See, I would want to watch a season fresh with everyone else for the first time. However, season 5 was not on DVD! What was a Scrubs fan to do? Just always be a year behind? Thankfully I found this link which has every Scrubs show EVER! Whats great about is, you dont have to download or anything. Just click and enjoy!
In addition it has FAmily Guy and almost all the Adult Swim shows. Including my personal fav. THE BRAK SHOW!
So, I will most certainly be done by the time they start airing new shows. If it is the last season, It might be a good thing NBC has treated the show like crap the last two seasons. Last season they were filming, but refused to air them till mid-season. I would rather them have a shot to wrap it up, than have NBC just not put them on the fall lineup. Anyway, if it is the last season, I am glad I will be there to watch the airings first hand.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
"Back to the Shooting Board"
The team is desperate to get out of the mental funk. Everyone in the hockey world refers to them as "fragile". Meaning basically one thing goes wrong, and you might as well turn the lights off and chalk up another L.
Honestly, it everytime I think this team has hit rock bottom, they go farther into the depths of hell. I mean even Gagne and Forsberg are not above being blamed. Gags has 10 pts in 14 games and "Peter The Great" Has 9 in 13. But the #1 reason I think this team sucks, is the younger players who were expected to score are not. Mike Richards zero goals and 3 assists in 14 games. Umberger has just 3 goals in 13 games and helpers. Carter 4pts (only 1 goal) in 14 games. Awful. Add in the dreadful Kyle Caldar who has just two assists, and leads the league in dumb plays.
The board ploy didn't work. The awful Isles blanked Philly in Philly no less. Awful. The season is over and look for them to deal Gagne, Umberger, or Escehe by the end of the week.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
"The President Is Not Crying"

For the first time since 1994 the Democrats have control of the house. They still need 3 to control the Senate.
What his means as far as I can gather (I am no expert by any means) that the democrats will pretty much control the money for the country. If they want to cut funding for Iraq or over through Bush taxe cuts they can. Although they said they won't cut funding for Iraq.
There could be very likely an investigation lead by the now in power democrats about the war in Iraq and the intelligence and decisions that lead up to the war. Also, perhaps contracts given to companies helping out in Iraq could come under fire.
President Bush (Mr. Bush for you ABC NEWs viewers) suffered perhaps the biggest 2nd term meltdown in the history of American politics. I am really not surprised about the way things are turning out tonight. Considering even people that voted for Bush or supported Bush in 2004 have turned their back on him. Many people were just jumping the ship. The democrats will likely even lean on the moderates to have them "toe the line". Basically though not many laws will be passed, just two sides fighting with each other. Gridlock.
It's hard to really gage sometimes on the pulse of the country since New Jersey is about as liberal as you can get. Most people tell me they think Bush is worst than Hitler, and Saddam combined. However, talking to some people that moved here from other parts of the country they almost sheepishly reply they like Bush. Likey out of fear their cars will be flipped by angry democrats "Chanting worse than Hitler" still stinging from the Kerry disaster.
But the election results spoke volumnes really. States that haven't gone to democrats for ages, went to democrats. Republicans that have won (or have been porjected to win at this point) did it by the skin of their teeth.
People are generally pissed about the war in Iraq and you have to think even some people that might have done a good job, lost their election because of ties to Bush. People that were even popular in their states.
Sure Bush can still veto some stuff. But let's face it he is defeated man, and has seemed burned out over the last year.
Winds of change of blown from sea to shining sea. There are a lot of nicknames for President Bush out there, and I think you can officailly add Lame Duck to ths list. Thoughts?
Also, my hat is off to Count Chocucla for winning the Tucker's World Election.
"Projected Winner.."

The winner of the Tucker's World election is,,, Count Chocula! Wait ?!? What?!?! That doesn't make any sense at all!!!!
Well anyway thanks for everyone voted, even all those dead people that voted, and all the homeless people that the democrats paid to vote for the count.
Let's see if we can listen in on the Count's speech!
"Well Fang, You all very much"
::: Applause:::
"I look forward to sinking my teeth into getting America back on course!"
::: Applause:::
"This election was a real blood bath, BLAH!"
::: Applause::
"It was real neck and neck for awhile there"
"Watching the results and waiting was driving me batty"
"There was a lot at stake for this election!"
Monday, November 06, 2006
"Vote Megatron"

"Vote Zombie Corpse Of Scatman "

As all of you know I love the beloved late Scatman Crothers (The Shining, Transformers: The Movie, The Shootist) and in fact I was just going to post a really cool picture of Scatman for this one. He always looked cool. But when I did a google image search one of the first images that came up was "Zombie Corpse of Scatman". I have no idea what this is all about. But he looks like he really wants your vote, and I guess all the pro-human eating flesh voters will be casting their votes for this guy.
"Vote Dr. Cox"
"Vote Kermit"
"Vote Gore"
Thursday, November 02, 2006
"Superman II: Redo"

Check this out. It is cool that the film is being redited. However, considering the fact that some important scenes that the original director Richard Donner planned were never shot I figured there would be issues. Anyway for fans of the series like me, it will be big deal.
Superman IV is still rumored to have the long sought missing scenes in a special features section. I would love to see that, and I am sure someone will edit all together and put it online some place. I honestly think that it will only have the scenes from the syndication verision which were just about 1.5 mins of bad effects footage. I would love to see lost scenes with HAckman and Reeve though. It could also maybe have a new Superman battle scene.
I really want to buy these movies, but than I will have two sets of the Superman movies. Maybe I will rent it first to see if its worth it. I don't expect much to be done with the first one (they did a ton the first release) or Superman III.
Monday, October 30, 2006
"In Search Of The Jersey Devil"
If you follow the link I will provide for you, you will be able to check out the story in two parts. Some of it wasn't even aired on channel 6 (you can tell its a rough cut of a news story), so hopefully your work lets you watch videos, unlike mine.
Anyway the first part is Matt searching for the birthplace of the Jersey Devil. The 2nd part is Matt basically saying what he thinks the whole Devil thing is about.
I don't agree with his theory. Although I don't think there was an actual devil, and I do think the time in the early 1900's when a ton of sightings were taking South Jersey by storm something was there. Just not what Matt thinks it was. But certainly in that day and age people would not have just all made up stuff to get on tv, so something most have been in the area during that time.
There are other links with the story including an official Jersey Devil Hunters site. I havent had time to check all of them out.
What does everyone think of the Jersey Devil?
" I Was Working In The Lab Late One Night..."
It was a graveyard smash! He did the mash. It caught on in a flash! He did the mash. He did the monster mash.
From my laboratory in the castle east. To the master bedroom where the vampires feast .The ghouls all came from their humble abodes .To get a jolt from my electrodes.
They did the mash. They did the monster mash .The monster mash! It was a graveyard smash! They did the mash!It caught on in a flash!They did the mash.
They did the monster mash. The zombies were having fun. The party had just begun. The guests included Wolf Man Dracula and his son. The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds. Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds .The coffin-bangers were about to arrive With their vocal group, "The Crypt-Kicker Five"
They played the mash!They played the monster mash. The monster mash. It was a graveyard smash! They played the mash. It caught on in a flash! They played the mash! They played the monster mash!
Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring Seems he was troubled by just one thing
He opened the lid and shook his fist And said,
"Whatever happened to my Transylvania twist?"
It's now the mash It's now the monster mash! The monster mash! And it's a graveyard smash! It's now the mash! It's caught on in a flash !It's now the mash! It's now the monster mash! Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band And my monster mash is the hit of the land!
For you, the living, this mash was meant too. When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you Then you can mash! Then you can monster mash!The monster mash! And do my graveyard smash! Then you can mash You'll catch on in a flash Then you can mash Then you can monster mash
Sunday, October 29, 2006
"Fans Speak Out"
Saturday, October 28, 2006
"YOUTUBE Pimp Tucker"
I would promise you that this would be a weekly feature. But of course that would be just a lie. Its okay to check her out, because according to her profile she is 18!
Yeah she looks down right silly at times but shes wearing short shorts and tight top. She is doing it so people that use "The Google" on the "Internets" can watch her shake her little butt and rip her to pieces or praise her little dance via the comments section.
So, without farther to do, here is some random girl none of us will ever meet who likely would classify myself and all my readers as "old dudes" dancing to "I'm a Hoe". Tell me what you think!
My god, its 10:11 on Saturday and I haven't had a beer yet.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
"Afterhours Tucker"

So, I came home and watched Sopranos DVD, followed up by Thank You for Smoking. I was quite enjoying Thank You for Smoking, but I started to get really sleepy. I kept fighting it, but was like ah, screw it. I can just pause it and comeback. So I did. This was at like 7:30.
I didn't wake up till, oh about 10:45 or so. I decided, what the heck, I didnt have too much left in the movie, might as well watch and go back to sleep. However, that was a mistake since I am pretty much wide awake now after being in my virtual coma. Wide awake.
So, yup its uh, 12:26 am. So I decided I was going to blog.
::::clears throat:::::
:::: looking around quiet dark room ::::
Yup I decided to blog.
mmm hmmm..
logging on to the OLD dashboard.
ready to share my thoughts and life with all my readers.
::::looking around room some more ::::
Man, I sure have a lot of jeans on my bedroom floor! I didn't even know I had that many! I think some are like 3 years old. I usually keep them untill the ass part wears out. I am going to go fold them and put them in a pile. Be right back.....
Alright I am back.
I am having hotdogs for dinner tomorrow night. God, I love hotdogs. When I die, I want to be burried in Jeans and everyone should eat hotdogs at my wake.
::::peering out window::::
Nope nothing much going on out there tonight. Yup quite the quiet night. Used to be a stray cat that would wonder around the parking lot around this time. Haven't seen him in awhile. Sure hope he found a good home.
I had to wipe my window off its all foggy!
I wonder if there is going to be frost on my car in the morning. Weatherman said it was going to be mighty cold for this time of year tonight.
:::peering out again:::
nah, nothing yet.
::whistling to myself:::
Sharkey's is open till 3am....
I think I could go up there if they had cool arcade games. I am in the mood for good old aracade game. Not a playstation game. But a good old fashion put your quarters in the machine and move the little stick around and smash up the buttons. If they had rampage at that bar, I would have already hit publish post and been out the door.
((( laughing ))))
::: picturing king kong smashing up big bulidings and eating humans ::::
So, much destruction! What a big ass ape! Like those helicopters are going to stop him!
I just went and unloaded the less thing to do tomorrow before the Flyers game.
So this must be what its like to have a small kid. Waking up randomly in the middle of the night. Getting sleep whenever you can.
Where is Drew lately? He never comments on this blog anymore. Well, if he doesn't in the next week or so, I am just going to start insulting his mother till he does.
I already took a nice warm bath...that didn't help. Nothing like a nice warm bath on a chilly night.
Man it sure is quiet tonight...
Am I the only one who thinks Rachel Ray is hot? Got, shes slammin sometimes. Maybe its cause she can cook. With those 30 minute meals. If she were here tonight I could think of something that would that would take up about 5 minutes of her time. AFTER she cooked me a meal!
Maybe 6 minutes I am wide awake.
::clearing throat::::
I am going to go check on my Scooby Chia pet.
Man its getting big!
You guys remember the featherless chicken?!!? Wierd, huh?
Well this concludes our broadcast day! If you read this whole post 37 Tucker's World Points to you. -
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
"Bad Joke Weds"!
Because they can hold up traffic.
How do you kill a circus?
Go for the juggler.
Why was the broom late?
Because he overswept.
Why didn't the leopard go on vacation?
It couldn't find the right spot.
Did you hear about the girl who skipped rope while she read?
She jumped to conclusions.
What did the potato ask the cow?
Give me some milk, and we can make mashed potatoes
How do you know when the moon is going broke?
When it's down to its last quarter.
What's the difference between a moose and an ant?
A moose has antlers, but an ant doesn't have mooselers.
How do you catch a tame rabbit?
The tame way -- unique up on him.
Stop, me Stop me now I have more!
Monday, October 23, 2006
"Farewell Good Neighbor"
Although most my neighbors usually don't talk to each other my father and him talked almost everyday. Maybe on the way to get the paper or to exchange ideas on how to get one more summer out of a lawnmower, or to exchange tools or help each other on projects.
Back in the day thanks mainly to the privacy that I got from my parents my house was the hang out. At least until we figured out something to do with the night. So many of my friends had some point met Mr. Flynn. Usually when I unwisely locked myself out of the house.
He did everything you could ask a neighbor to do when our family was away. Bring in the papers, the mail. Just generally look after things. He had lived there when my aunt and uncle owned the house (who obviously sold it to my parents) and ironically he and his wife shared the same name as my parents.
A Korean war vet, and generally a good guy, would be quick to tell me a joke or ask about what was going on with my life. Basically a standard in growing up. He would be there in his yard or shop just as gartuned as the trees in my front yard. He would ask me about school or about my work.
Sadly, I was told this afternoon when I was invited over for dinner by my parents that he went to the hospital last Thursday and was diagnosed with lung cancer which had spread to his kidney and liver. They had given him 2-3 months to live.
Oddly, enough before that he was seemingly fine still walking about to two miles a day, and walking across the street to socialize with my father.
When I got home for dinner tonight my parents told me he passed away this afternoon. Just like that he was gone. Granted he was in his mid-70's, but it still seemed out of the blue since he basically showed no symptoms till last week. Apparently there was no stopping the cancer.
It's funny when you are young and a kid you kind of think things will always stay the same. Even when you get older and move out at least I hope constants in my life will still be there. You will just get older. Sadly life doesn't work that way at all. It would be nice if your life was a syndicated sitcom so when you got home sick for the way things were or people that are no longer around.
I am sure my neighborhood will never be the same without him. He was more than to us he was a friend of the family. Given he was there so long. It might seem strange that I have written this since most of readers barely met the guy if at all. But I don't know it made me think about some day like it or not I will lose many others that are important to me. Maybe its losing two people I knew pretty well suddenly in the span of 6 months. Writing this its not so much extreme sadness. He lived a good life. Just a sense of loss. If you are still actually reading and don't understand what I mean, unfortunately one day you will.
"Sterling Alumni, Scott Miller"
I know quite a bit of my friends played football with him at one point. Scott was a big dude. So, at the very least I am sure most of the readers would know him by face. He was up at Sharkeys randomly over the course of the last year or so. I didn't really know him all that well personally, but again since most of my readers are from the area I figured I would post this. He was 27.
I really don't know any other details about this, but I would imagine it would be in the Courier Post.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
"The Ax Falls in Philadelphia"
Ken Hitchock has been fired and Bob Clarke has stepped down as GM for the Philadelphia Flyers.
The rumbling started after the blowout in Buffalo. It was strange though when the players were put on waivers it came from Ed Snider, and he promised more changed was on the way. Quite a bit was riding on the way the team reacted to being torn up in Buffalo. They went out and lost the next two games to Tampa and the Panthers. It was a total mess. Someone had to pay the price.
Bob Clarke said during the press conference that he had wanted to step down since for quite sometime. In fact he told the Comcast CEO that after the Flyers actually had their only win all year.
Clarke sat there with all the other important people and told the media he lost his edge sometime back around the draft. He felt he didn't make many good moves over the summer. Lets face it he made about 8 player moves, and only Calder, Sanderson and Robitalle are still with the team. Sanderson has been the only player of that trio actually doing anything. Calder has been terrible, and Randy Robitalle, is well Randy Robitalle. If Clarke "lost his edge" who was that that made bold move to sign group 2 free agent Ryan Kessler away from the Cancucks?
Ed Snider confirmed what we all already knew. That he would have never, ever fired Clarke. He said Clarke game to him and said he wanted out a few weeks ago. Snider loves Clarke like a son. A bond they formed when he was a player and brought two Stanley Cups to Philadelphia. Not to mention put a face on a young sport in the city. Snider lived his dream through Clarke. Clarke was put right into the GM position when he stopped playing hockey, and was fired by than acting boss (Ed's son) Jay Snider because he was too close to the players still. Many years later he came back.
Despite falling short so many times, and signing two slow d-men till 2046 in the new NHL. Snider still never could bring himself to let his Clarkie go. In fact he was painted a bit like a noble warrior today. He just loved his team so much that stepped down since he was hurting and not helping. Clarke basically begged for a cushy job with the OR-GAN-IZ-ATION. Which he will get in due time. But in the end a watery eyed Clarke said his piece and bowed out. All the while his father figure Snider speaking so proudly about him.
As for Hitch. Snider also confirmed the rumor that the players didn't listen to a damn word Hitch was saying. He had zero control over the team. Which doesn't really make sense to me since, I can't imagine even players just in it for the money want to be blown out 9-1. The players seemed liked they were just doing their own thing. Hitch changed lines everyshift, so half the time the players had no idea who was stepping over the boards with them let alone how to make chemistry together.
The powerplay has been awful for 5 years now, and new coach John Stevens will have to address that starting. Well 3 hours ago. Stevens brought the Phantoms the calder cup home and played for the team for many years. Many of the younger players like Carter and Richards played for Stevens to that might be a good thing. The best thing for this team would to pretend that they are 0-0 and the season is just starting.
Stevens was always being groomed to be the next coach, but no on would have thought it would have came this quick. But, it had to be done. I think he COULD turn things around, but the only way this team will win is if they score more. Their defense it just beyond help. The younger guys need to score. Thats the bottom line. A team like this needs to score 4 goals a night in order to win, because they suck in the net and on the blueline.
I am not sorry to see Hitch go, it was time to change things up. Many people thought he would reve up the team to a cup, and Clarke would bring back the Cup from his desk job. Now that will never happen.
The Flyers won't play again till Thursday. They have plenty of time to turn things around. But it starts now. Thoughts?
Thursday, October 19, 2006
"War is Ineviatble"
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
"Malkin in the Middle"
Malkin had his debt delayed after he ran into teamate John Leclair in the preason and missed sometime. This guy is getting lots of hype and many people think he will give Sidney Crosby (his teamate) and Alex Ovechkin a run for their money for king of the NHL in a few years.
At any rate, Pittsburgh is going to be a better team now. Maybe my playoff predicition was just a year too shy. Of course in typical NHL style, the game is not on national TV. Malkin is in the middle of a bunch of hype in the hockey world and all eyes will be on him not only for tomorrow but for a very long time. Here is a link to read.
"Nightmare on Broadstreet"
Earlier moody goalie Robert Esche took a shot at his coach, playful or Esche is really unhappy. I almost think tonight was a set up. Esche has mentally been a mess all pre-season and into this season. He was rude to reporters and clearly not mentionally up to meet the Sabres the team that destroyed the Flyers last spring. Hitch knew that.
I think Hitch figured, it was win a win situation for the team. If Esche played like he did that one playoff game. Hitch would look really smart and actually have a win. Or, likely Esche gets blown to bits, and loses his last ounce of confidence and Hitch destroys him for good. Well, Hitch never pulled Esche at all. 9 goals! He wasn't pulled. Never ever saw that before. Clearly this might be Esche's last game as a Flyer. Look for him to say something really negative or weird to break the camels back the next 48 hours. He is close to a total breakdown.
I really don't know where to start. The d-men might be the worst ever assembled on any Flyers team. Hatcher on the ice in the meadowlands from Saturday's night skating to the bench. I think Freddy Meyer might have down syndrome. Randy Jones seems to forget the simple rules of not giving the puck to players wear different color jerseys.
It wasn't until Carter scored the loan Flyers goal that I realized that he is indeed still a Philadelphia Flyer. I had not heard his name since last season. My fears off trading Michael Handzus to the Blackhawks for Kyle Caldar as a bad move might soon come true. You see I figured we already have fast guys that could score, so why give up a clutch player like Zues? I guess I was partly wrong on that. Since Caldar doesn't actually score. Oh, yeah and Zues is playing great on #1 line with the leagues leading scorer.
I don't know....what do they do fire Hitch? Nah, they just gave him two more years. I gave up the pipedream of Clarke being fired. He will never lose his job. Ever. Anyone other GM would have been fired 5 times with the mistakes he made. All the Clarke must go websites even stopped being funny about 2 years ago.
I really think the Flyers should do what have been rumored to be interested in. Sign Brian Leetch. I know he is old, but honestly the d-men are just awful. With Rico and Johnson gone there is nothing holding them together. Hatcher is awful, so how could he actually teach anyone anything? The other guys are too young and no one is helping them at all. It is totally anarchy on the blueline right now.
Hell, Sanderson and Kappy are playing on the point for the powerplay. We can't even find a D-men to help out. I bet Neved's model wife is glad she left him, and Forsberg wishes he had to have his other foot broken.
Through sickness and health. I am a fan. But this is really rough. They were painful to watch tonight. I might have to be drunk for each game by the All-Star break. It will likely be like

Never learning my lesson. Always thinking the light at the end of the tunnel is coming off the Stanley Cup in the sunlight.Instead its the 4:34 PATCO running me over any throwing my body into the gutter only to have my corpse chewed on by rats.
I can't even type anymore...the start of the season is supposed to be full of hope and fun to lead me up to have my spirits crushed in the spring. Instead it nothing but humiliation, darkness and despair. A really, really dark day. I am drinking alone again tonight.
In order to offset the darkness of this post he is a picture of a guy dressed as a chicken. LOL! Look its a guy in freaking chicken suit!
"Philly's Most Disgruntled"
Esche is totally miserable, and hates it here at this point. When asked about his start, he took a shot at coach Hitchock's intelligence. Clearly begging for a ticket out of here. The ship is sinking and Esche wants off.
Buffalo hasn't lost yet this season. Meanwhile the Flyers have been struggling big time only winning one game all year and dead last in the divison. Hitch is desperate and basically wrote all the names of fowards on sheets of paper and put them in a hockey helmet. He than shook the helmet up real good and picked 3 sheets papers per line.
Seriously, folks here is the link
Monday, October 16, 2006
"I Want to Party With YOU Cowboy!"

Found a pretty amusing story about Bill Murray one of my all-time favorite actors here. Anyway while we are on the subject of Bill Murray. I would really like him to play a different role in his next movie.
I mean I really respect and enjoyed the different direction he took his career in over last 7 years or so. He was great in Rushmore, and I loved that movie. He played the kind of middle-age I hate my life type of role. Only problem is he keeps playing it. Lost in Translation (although I think Groundhog Day is a better performance) was really good, but I hated Broken Flowers. I think I really hated it mainly because I had seen this same character done better. Along the way he was totally wasted in Royal.. and Lost City put me to sleep about 50 mins into the film.
Now I know he is too old do roles ( he also looks about 10-15 years older than he is) like Caddyshack or Stripes anymore. But, I want to see smart-ass sarcastic Bill again. It's time to stop playing the dying on the inside Bill Murray depress but still occasionally funny role. Again, I did like he had the balls to try different things, it actually kept his career alive, and he can do drama. I mean if he didn't he would be put on "I thought he was dead lists" like Chevy Chase.
I would love to see him play off the younger generation of comic actors out there like Ben Stiller or Vince Vaughn. Life Aquatic was a step in the right direction playing off Owen Wilson but even still he played a depressed guy. I do think however it was likely his funniest movie since Kingpin. Murray would make a list of about 25 actors who I would watch anything and everything they star in. In fact I still have a few friends who want to cut my brakes for making us go see Charlies Angels.
At any rate this article is basically about Bill Murray randomly showing up at a part with a bunch of college age kids. 20 Tucker's World Point to anyone who knows that Murray movie the title of this article references. Mr. Murray if you are reading this you are more than welcome to come over for scary movie night.
here is the story.
Saturday, October 14, 2006
"Scary Movie Night: Oct 21"
In addition to the movies, Rick should be bringing his pumpkin beer.
The Changeling
Director Peter Medak's haunted-house tale stands as one of the most chilling stories to make it to the big screen. When composer John Russell (George C. Scott) loses his wife and daughter in a car wreck, he seeks solace by renting a secluded estate outside Seattle. But the mansion is haunted by the presence of a child who died there more than 80 years ago. Now, Russell must find out who that child was, and why there seems to be a cover-up now.
2.Ghost Story
Four New England octogenarians -- the self-styled "Chowder Society" -- have harbored a terrible secret for half a century. But their Pandora's box of subterfuge is about to have the lid ripped off. Starring Fred Astaire, Melvyn Douglas, Douglas Fairbanks Jr. and John Houseman, this modern ghost story packs chills and indelible performances from a clutch of Hollywood valedictorians.
3. Dawn of the Dead
Picking up where Night of the Living Dead left off, this classic horror flick from director George Romero begins with zombies taking over every major city in the United States. Running for their lives, Peter (Ken Foree), Roger (Scott Reiniger), Stephen (David Emge) and Frances (Gaylen Ross) find refuge in a remote shopping mall, only to discover they must fight a motorcycle gang as well as the undead ghouls.
The last one is the original from the 70's, and yeah its sequel but I'm sure it doesn't matter much. It has zombies.
Anyway, thanks for everyone that came out last night to Sharkeys. Thanks big time to sara for all the shots. Happy Birthday by the way. Of course she doesn't read my blog, so...
ps... It's going to be spooooooooooooooooooooooky!
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
NYPD said there is no reason to think this would be an act of Terroism. Too early to tell for sure though i guess. Two have been confirmed dead.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
"Show Me the Sway"

So, after the huge crowd left the Eagles Stadium they were put into a huge panic because they said the whole building started to sway. Some fans thought it was an earthquake and began to panic and push and shove to fight for their lives.
Lincoln Financial has basically shrugged it off. Saying, nah don't worry about it. I am sure thousands of people thinking they were going to be burried to death in the rubble of our stadium after it started shaking didn't see nuttin.
If there is one thing I have learned that Governments and Companies never lie. So, I am sure there is nothing to this at all. Fans should just forget this non-sense and buy tickets to the next birds game as the stadium fills to near illegal (if not illegal) capacity.
Forget this non-sense about this building swaying! Check out the link to 6ABC (WPVI)
Monday, October 09, 2006
"Thanks One and All"
Oh yeah, anyway I think I am going to have people go up to Sharkey's Friday night. Also, continue the Keith is actually single for his birthday weekend bash by going to America's favorite playground Atlantic City on Saturday. I would like to go down early Saturday, but would meet up with people who want to go later some place. If I am not naked wearing a barrel at that point.
Oh yeah. Dr. Who fans Drew told me Dr. Who is on at 8pm on Friday now, so that makes it still early after the show to come on up. I don't expect to go there till 10pm anyway. Also, Sharkeys is a lot more fun in the cold weather months people actually go there. So, at this point I am leaning towards doing that for Friday night, unless someone could think of something better to do. But I think since its close to most people and cheap it will cater to most people. I won't mind going to the city, but I just don't see that happening.
"Oh, Puck Linda Cohn!"
She is basically begging the NHL to start the season 3 weeks later and making the season shorter. This would be to appear to the casual fans who usually don't bother to start watching hockey untill after the Super bowl.
I am a die hard fan and follow the wonderful world of hockey all year round. Including the off season free agents moves, and trades.
Yeah, I do agree with her that hockey is a "niche" sport, but behind the fact at work I struggle to find someone to talk hockey with, there is no drawbacks to it. I love my sport, I love everything about it. I don't care about some asshole in the bible belt that doesnt wants to watch college sports all, a bunch of schools he never went to mind you.
I am so sick of people in the NHL and that write about the NHL, saying they should kiss the ass of the casual fan or joe idoit who is watching NASCAR each weekend so they watch the sport and beef up ratings. I am so sick of people trying to change the game and screw the die hard fans to impress the popular kids who are all at the football and baseball parties.
Linda Cohen, you stupid bitch, its dumb ideas like you that resulted in the glowing puck. It the hardon for wanting to be a "big boy sport" that almost ruined the sport. So, what its a niche sport that means its fans are hard core. Attendence was up big time last season. So, team are making money. There isn't NFL money in the TV rights the game, and there never will be. There wont be ever. Get over it. Even if the season is just two weeks, and players get voted off each week.
If you want to stir this wonderful sport back into an iceberg like lock out, than go ahead and keep watering down the game with more commericals and pull more casual fans in. Yeah, go ahead and thumb your nose at all the fans that came back after lockout for a game the loved so much they couldn't stay mad at it.
For me the season starting when it does is just fine. Summer ended, my baseball team is eliminated it's perfect. But this dumbass thoery would have me wait almost another month and have less hockey to watch. All for what? In hopes that I could get a hockey buddy at the watercooler?
I don't hate the casual fan, in fact I welcome him a board when he joins the party half-way through the season or in many cases in the playoffs. I fill him on the story leading up to the greatest playoffs in sports.
Making less games would just give the owners a reason to jack up the prices and put the screws on the real fan base. A month shorter? That is what about 15 games? How about no games when Lost is on? Or if they play they just take an hour break so everyone can watch it?
Linda, maybe Forsberg can some over and cook dinner for a non-hockey watching family during that extra month he will have off? Or Sidney Crosby can show up a frat-houses and teach all the guys doing kegs stands what a blue line is.
Hockey fans become fans by being converted by other fans. Very few of them are just mindlessly flipping channels and say. Hey, the sport on ice I never watched. It was sure nice of them to stat the season later to cater to me. I think I am going to watch!
If all the sports fans the only watch the NFL package and don't know who the hell Alexander Ovechkin is were jumping off the Saddledome roof, would you Linda?
"The Big Chill"
People are saying PA will get a good deal of snow. I have seen us under the cold and dry, and cold and wet predicitons. On the other hand other people think El Nino will make it a mild winter. So, its really early to say right now, but I would say the majority predicitons I have seen tend to favor a really nasty winter this year. Even some going as far to say the worst in over 10 years for the Northeast, including the gardenstate.
Hard to imgaine, but soon it will be winter storm blogs on here.